Short solo ride P.E

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woke up late from a night-before and just had the need to ride.  tar, dirt, it didn't matter.

took a ride out to the swartkops and sundays rivers and back to p.e again to check out the beach-front.

i thought this weekend was supposed to be ruined by another cold front ??? but it hasn't  ;D

just a few pics of why it is good to be by the indian ocean and all, and all, and all.

amsterdamhoek - swartkops river - high tide - perfect summers day in winter

on the way back to p.e.  -  looking down on the sundays river and colchester

on the concrete slipway for boats and vehicles at hobie beach, wind had started picking up quite a bit

tide quite high, lots of debris from earlier bad weather evident, i used to launch my boat here often

shark rock pier at hobie beach.  very recently fitted an aerotrim whatsisname to the screen.  it works as well as they say it does.
am going to drill to the screen soon, that double sided stuff does not inspire confidence.

up the road from sir roys b&b in humewood, nice high spot to see the harbour.

although p.e. is an old age home, not a city but a town, it has it's good points and is close to some awesome riding territory.
you vaalies mustn't come here in december!  it's normally blown out, gale force winds, veld fires and such.  get down here march - may, settled weather, not too hot etc ... ...   

does it annoy any of the dawgs out there that this is not a real ride report in the true sense?  sometimes, it is nice to see what other peoples backyard looks like.  would be nice to see more pics of towns and cities around this country.


Shot Mamba, it just looked so nice and peacefull out and makes me kinda wish that I rode too. Silly twit that I am, I did chores at the folks.
GreenMambaBirthDate said:
you vaalies mustn't come here in december!  it's normally blown out, gale force winds, veld fires and such.  get down here march - may, settled weather, not too hot etc ... ...   

Hey GM!  Don't give PE's secrets away!  ;)
PE only seems like a old age home because of the places you hang out.  :deal:
Where I go all the people are younger than me :ricky: :ricky:
Except most the okes I ride with :ricky: :ricky:
i'm omnipresent, you can't hide from the snake!
some more pics from today.

went to hobie beach to watch a mate of mine compete in a winter swim, part of the ocean series racing something or the other.  am thinking of getting back into my swimming again so went to check it out.





the water was 17 degrees, actually pretty warm.  another amazing winters day, better than yesterday.

saw a bike or two



from hobie beach took a ride out past the willows to seaview, beachview, maitlands river mouth and sardinia bay.
the road going to the lower car park is completely closed.  our wonderful municipality is not interested in maintaining the road to keep it clear of dune sand.  the lifesavers building is in disrepair, and i think refusing to operate because the road is closed etc... ... a pity, because sardinia bay is one of the best beaches around. 


Sard's brings back good and bad memories. Lost a friend there, Charls Deacon drownd there in the ninties in knee deep water  :-[ . Vrou and I used to snorkel in that protected little bay for hours on end  ;). Cant believe that the road is sand locked and nobody does anything  :xxbah:
Lekker Mamba, we live in the best part of the country me thinks, something of everything here.