Simons Town - Ou Kaapse Weg

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Spy said:
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- Simons Town as veiwed from an old Radar Station ontop of Dido Valley.
Pic7 - False Bay from the WW1 Radar Station rooftop.
Pic8 - TTR with Radar Station at the back.
Pic9 - The Radar Station!
Pic10 - The two bikes, after topbox left to fix that shelf  :D

If you interested in joining us the next time, just PM me or topbox, and we'll let you know. It's relitively easy but you could drop your bike if you loose momentum or stall on two sections. (me talking from experience, hit neutral!)
Also, for those who like a mini exploration, bring your torches with and we can explore the WW1 ammo barraks at the same time. This trip would take the whole morning till about 2pm.
Just a little correction or two: The concrete structure is most likely an artillery observers emplacement and predates the introduction of radar. These emplacements were shelters for triangulation scopes to measure the distance to the target to be used for the large 12" turrets near the Red Hill road. You can find a similar structure above the Lion Battery.
The structures build for the centimetric coastal radar in the early 1940's are much smaller. One well preserved example is easily accessible at Cape Point just below the old lighthouse. It is only a small octagonal structure, not a proper building. Camp Cobra was a further radar site. I have heard rumors about a third one on Kabonkelberg but have not seen it myself.
Being "Top Secret" the radar stations were build in remote areas and far from existing coastal batteries to avoid their detection.
The installations and coastal batteries are a very interesting chapter in the Cape's military past. Unfortunately the sites are falling into decay and there seems to be little to no interest to do anything about it.
Heh Lecap, where where you when we were looking for info? Makes sence now that you told the right story. Can't even get the right info from the Navy at the best of times!
Thanks for that. Hope you'll join us the next time out, we need someone with some info, helps understand the scene.
You right about there being no interest, hence the incorrect info! Pitty. There is also little info on the web. I think I must go visit the Naval Museum again or the Archives.
Spy !
Do u know about the hole ~The one off the red hill road,past some settlement in the foot hills? They say u can through a rock in and u cant hear it hit the bottom.we must go explore.andy
Spy, I am not surprised the navy will not give you any information... any talk of "Spys" and the radar is up, if you know what I mean! ;)

Just want to find out what meating poin you'd all prefer. eg Cpt or Tokia etc?

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