Solo by the Rail Line

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Bachelor Dog
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Gauteng - Centurion
Suzuki DR650
As many of you know I don't do Solo rides, because I've just fallen off so often that I'm  always worried that something will go seriously wrong. But I've always known I'd have to learn to ride solo, or be stuck on tar whenever I'm alone. Ok, so today was solo day, and I chose a railway service road as my first ride.

Once I'd gone a couple of kilo's into the road I couldn't believe the spectacular beaty of the bushveld barely 10 Kilometers out of Pretoria, and right next to a tar road I've ridden many times. On the tar I keep my eyes on the road and you can't stop because the drop - off from the tar is about 15 centimeters high. But here I could stop my bike in the middle of the road, take a photo and have a drink. This is actually in Blazes' back yard, I think he's been keeping this little road a secret from us, might have to speak to him about it?

The route. I started out next to the railway line just east of AdventureMX's place and headed north until I hit the N4 and could go no further, then took a tweespoor east and joined a dirt road until it got to the tar road that leads to Cullinen. I went South instead and back to the rail line road, meeting 3 other riders on the road. They invited me to join them, but I had my own agenda. Maybe next time guys! From there I followed the rail line road until the weather turned bad, and by that time I was ten kilos east of Bapsfontein and it was time to head home. But I want to go back, to see where that rail line goes to.
Oh and buy the way, I don't have a GPS, so this was a bit of "Let's see where this road goes"!

First pic is my bike being happy as a bunny to be let off the road again.

Second pic I had just stopped because I wanted to. Not knowing what the next bend in the road would bring.

Third pic is a heart - attack moment. I've only done a small water crossing once before - and I had not planned on doing any today. Not too bad, I checked everything that I'd learned about crossing water on the forum, got off the bike and checked the depth etc, and it was a doddle.

Next pic is just scenery, some nice rock formations.

On the other side, way down below, was a river. The scenery was once again fantastic.

Looking back on the road I had come, there was a thunderous yet far off noise. Was this the sound of plastics? Can you spot the two dust devils?

The group had about 6 riders, and I can swear that the one on his back wheel looked like Runner. Was that you?

Last two pics are more of the scenery.


A great days ride. Thank you for reading!

Solo is cool sometimes - brings about a sense of responsibility and decent riding - Nobody to race, please, look after - works well to clear the mind.  Just pick the right route.....
Great ride Uncle, seems your "dirt nose" lead you very well !!!
Took me a long time  before I started doing solo. Very satisfying experience to ride solo.

Well done and hope there is many more! :cool:
Solo ;) Nice one Uncle. Solo is good for the soul. plenty of time to think and no one to worry about except yourself. ::)On the other hand, the downside :(

Two of went us went out with plastic bikes on Saturday and ( not going to mention names) at a small river crossing i saw that the water was fairly deep-gassed it and ramped over. The rider with me decided to ride through-Result hit a big rock he did not see under the water,-bike fell on him and pegged him down. Fortunately i was able to assist and get him up. Could have gone badly wrong if he was alone.
blazes said:
Solo ;) Nice one Uncle. Solo is good for the soul. plenty of time to think and no one to worry about except yourself. ::)On the other hand, the downside :(

Two of went us went out with plastic bikes on Saturday and ( not going to mention names) at a small river crossing i saw that the water was fairly deep-gassed it and ramped over. The rider with me decided to ride through-Result hit a big rock he did not see under the water,-bike fell on him and pegged him down. Fortunately i was able to assist and get him up. Could have gone badly wrong if he was alone.

Yes, good point. I noticed guickly that there is a lot more responsibility, not like when we're in a group and good old GundaGunda is watching my back. (It's always mine, poor fella!)
Baie nice Uncle.

Daai was nie Runner nie.

Hy was die naweek by die EC bash.

Flip daai bike van hom is nice.
Uncle said:
Thanks Cappy, ek het gewonner. Maar ek sien julle ouens daar onder het n lekker tyd gehad!

Ja maar dit was net ongelooflik koud. As ek met 'n bike daar was het ek heel aand lank by die vuur gaan sit. Dit was te koud om te slaap.
Solo, I like it, I mostly ride alone, but on gravel I go slower and try to stay on roads that I know, punctures usually worry me but otherwise I go with my GPS.
blazes said:
On the other hand, the downside :(

Two of went us went out with plastic bikes on Saturday and ( not going to mention names) at a small river crossing i saw that the water was fairly deep-gassed it and ramped over. The rider with me decided to ride through-Result hit a big rock he did not see under the water,-bike fell on him and pegged him down. Fortunately i was able to assist and get him up. Could have gone badly wrong if he was alone.

Going solo on a plastic bike is a bit irresponsible, I would say.  :wink: How do one go easy on a plastic bike?  :mrgreen:

Adjusting speed downwards on solo's has been the biggest stumbling block to overcome initially when I went solo. No time to test new boundaries on a solo.
ja,,,,,,i agree,,,going solo is lekker but ...

i did a solo and fell over with the bike on my leg,,,couldnt get it out,,,nobody around

i had to dig my leg out otherwise i'd still be there,,,

but then again it gives you something to talk about????

hey,,,,remember the west canal ride on sunday,,,remember that railway line we crossed (twice),,,why dont you ride it all the way to beestekraal stasie and we can incorporate into the canal rides???? here's a challenge for you
Very nice Uncle.
Next time we see each other again you must show me where this is. Sounds like you ended up in my back yard.

I tend to do this "Soul-o" ride from time to time as well. On the way the way home from work I pull off the R21 and use the dirt tracks next to the highway. A great way to unwind after a kak day at work!!!
Uncle said:
Yes, good point. I noticed guickly that there is a lot more responsibility, not like when we're in a group and good old GundaGunda is watching my back. (It's always mine, poor fella!)
Some seriously important oke said:-
"In this life some are called to lead, and some are called to follow"
I'm in the second group. The first group go too blerry fast ! 