Solo Cederberg Overnight Trip - RR Completed

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Race Dog
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
KTM 990 Adventure
Solo it was.........  

I set off at 07h00 on Saturday morning & after filling up I headed out via my usual escape route, linking up Vissershok, Malanshoogte, Adderley & Occultdale roads.  Passing the Klipheuwel windpumps always feels like the gateway to me, probably 'cause it takes a few km's for me to settle down into a comfortable rhythm.

With Foo Fighters blasting through my earphones I could feel Cape Town disappearing in the dust behind me.  After linking a few more tar & dirt stretches I slipped through Nuwekloof Pass & carved up Michell's Pass, passed through Ceres & filled up my mega-tanks in Prince Alfred Hamlet.  I packed away my earphones & got psyched for the awesome ride that lay ahead.  It was my first full tank excursion since fitting the Safari tanks & I was keen to feel exactly how the bike would handle.  Climbing up Gydo Pass the bike handles very neutrally, with the only noticeable differences being the need for slightly earlier breaking & the smell of petrol from the vent holes near the top of the tanks.  The rest of the trip also proved that the bigger tanks only minimally influenced the bikes handling.  About 5km from the top of Gydo Pass I turned off to the right (S33 11.061 E19 19.865).  It was the first time I had traveled this stretch of road.  I wanted to link up with a track I had seen only on T4A, but not on any other map.  I nearly missed the turn-off (S33 11.665 E19 29.117) 'cause its only signposted from the opposite direction.


The road was an absolute treat.....  Easy going gravel with a few tighter sections that required a bit more concentration, but nothing too technical.  The road also had a couple of rocky stretches, including this one that moved!  

He retreated into his shell as I passed & wasn't too keen to show himself afterward.  If my web-sleuthing is up to scratch, it looks like a small angulate tortoise.  





The road wound down the Baviaanshoek valley passed a string of farms before breaking through to the wide open expanse of the Karoo.  I hooked up with the R355 (S33 09.863 E19 44.967) to Calvina & burnt a dust streak northwards.  


I turned off the R355 (S32 53.468 E19 46.178) again & headed back into the Koue Bokkeveld by ascending the Peerboomskloof Pass (another one for the Passes Index, LS), passed the old dilapidated stone houses & down the ever popular Katbakkies Pass.


Next move was another northwards turn (S32 56.136 E19 27.088), this time onto the road heading towards the Cederberg Oasis.  No bike trip into the back of the Cederberg is complete without a stop at the Cederberg Oasis.  



And no stop at the  Cederberg Oasis is complete without devouring a whopping T-bone steak.

After refueling (my range is now substantially shorter than my bikes range) I headed further north.  The day was getting hotter & hotter.  5 minutes out of the oasis & I was streaming sweat.  The airflow into my helmet felt like it was coming straight off my exhausts.  I have been wanting to ride the Eselbank section of road for some time now & finally here it was.......



Heading towards Wupperthal the road was in better shape than I had expected, being mostly hard packed gravel with short stretches of soft sand & loose marbles.

On approaching the Eselbank settlement (S32 20.996 E19 12.988) I encountered a Saturday afternoon car wash on the low level bridge.  The locals waved me through an alternate route that proved a little more technical than I had expected.  I managed to stay on the bike & dry, although a swim would have cooled me down.  Between Eselbank settlement & the Eselbank Pass I encountered a longer stretch of soft sand that further tested my nerve.  I was so relieved to get through that I forget to get a pic of the sand pit.  The run down the Eselbank Pass (... and another LS) into Wupperthal was a bumpy descent with a lot of engine breaking.


I passed a couple of donkeys on the embankment leading into town, giving credibility to the pass's name.

On the other side of the road was a small herd of horses.........  Clearly this was the right side of the track

At this point I was looking forward to an ice cold coke, but it seemed that Saturday afternoon is siesta time in Wupperthal.  Everything was locked up & I had to push-on to my overnight stop at Mertenhof Farm (S32 09.470 E19 11.309).  I dropped down into the Biedouw Valley & found the farm on the left at the crossroads.


I was greeted at the door by the entire Lubbe family & immediately offered an ice cold cool-drink.  After being shown my room (I know, I wussed out & opted for a bed inside the house) I decided to head back out into the heat (mad dogs, Englishmen & Adv riders it appears) & headed off down the Biedouw Valley road to check out the Doring River crossing.  The Biedouw River was almost completely dry, but the Doring River was quite a bit fuller.  








Andy660, is that the road you were talking about..... the one running up the side of the hill?
I was too hot & tired to go looking for the access point.......
As for attempting a river crossing, I figured it was probably not the best thing to do solo.
The local neighbourhood watch seem well prepared......

The ride back up to the farm reminded me of one of the reasons why I enjoy having a pillion......

I also came across this old Chevy Fleetside wreck.....  I have a soft spot for old Chevy's


By the time I got back to the farm I was ready to collapse.  I stripped of my riding kit, put on a pair of board shorts & went for a swim in the concrete dam.  It was heaven......  The water was chilled & came up to my top lip.  After about half an hour of cooling off I headed back to the house & lay around on the grass in the fading afternoon sun.


After a hearty dinner my tiredness got the better of me & I slipped of to bed for a long, deep sleep........

Day 2 to follow..........
Thanks for the lekker report.  Wow, that was a big day!  All strength to you.  Looking forward to Day 2.

I met you at KTM Cape Town last Thursday. Thanks for the great report.

I am deffinately going to do that one. It looks like a great weekend away.
Nice Report, C!!

Pity I missed this ride with you!

By the way - PnP sell Gillette razors  :biggrin:
I rode the klawer - Ceres yesterday and have to say I will ride wuppertal road every weekend on the big bikes it is just fast enough to keep one cool and tech enough to keep it relatively safe.

We timed the wupper to oasis yesterday at around 35 min with no stops and going slowly throu Eselbank.

(Note; how many okes overshoot the corner with the little house in front of you  like 5km before Matjies rivier coming from wupper?)
Thanks for sharing!!

Love the writing and the way you use the links and the co-ordinates. I just love reading a report like this. It is so informative and helps a great deal in planning for future rides. I copy and paste every co ordinate into Mapsource and then view the lot in Google Earth, that way I can more or less track your route and enjoy the ride!!

Thanks for all the effort!!

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Well done Tuareg on planning and executing such a full and detailed trip, on such short notice , and then for writing such an elegant ride report , I enjoyed reading it  :thumleft:
Technical hitch.........
Between last night & today my memory stick has become corrupted
Battling to get the pics across onto my computer
Will keep trying, but Day 2 might not be as colourful  :-\
ok, dumb question.. what tyres you got on there (front / back)..


oh, and a free util called Recuva (from will revitalise your memory stick..
mr.stripes said:
ok, dumb question.. what tyres you got on there (front / back)..

Conti TKC 80 front
Dunlop D908RR rear

mr.stripes said:
oh, and a free util called Recuva (from will revitalise your memory stick..

I've tried a few things
My stumbling blocks include the fact that currently the only device that has a MemoryStickDuo card slot is my old Sony Ericsson phone, which now no longer recognises the card & that I'm trying to fix it via my MacBook, which doesn't like anything Sony Ericsson in general............  I even took it to a few camera shops at Canal Walk to try transfer the images onto a disc using PC software, but alas no joy......  I'll finished the ride report with the few photo's I managed to transfer before things went pair shaped & try again to recover the pics when my wife returns from visiting her mate in Oz with the camera - who knows, I might just get lucky
Martin-DR650 said:
Caveman Nice report :D,wish I could join, . . . Lucky bastard! :thumleft:

I'll caveman you........      :lamer:
Cool ride C.... :thumleft:

and  I wouldnt recognise u if u used a razor as DBL007 suggests.... >:D

Its always lekka doing a solo.... :mwink:
Day 2 started fairly early.........

By 07h00 I was on my bike and heading back towards Wupperthal.  Some early morning cloud draped itself over the top of the Cederberg Range & provided a welcome chill.  Once again I passed through Wupperthal without seeing any of the villagers.  The climb back up Eselbank Pass was a lot more interactive than the previous day's descent.  Picking a route up through the rocky furrows made for a good introduction to the day.  I was intrigued / amazed to encounter an old Fiat 147 bakkie clambering up the hillside.  By the time I crested the pass the cloud cover was rapidly disappearing & I had built up quite a sweat (again).  I settled down for a leisurely ride back over the plateau, passed Eselbank village (S32 20.996 E19 12.988) & back down into the valley.  It was just before 08h00 so I opted to make a detour back down to the Cederberg Oasis for breakfast. 

After breakfast I headed northwards again & took the Algeria turnoff (S32 29.989 E19 20.316).  The road passes the Cederberg Wine Farm at Dwarsrivier (S32 30.235 E19 15.480) so I popped in to pick up a few bottles of their finest.  The road up & through the Uitkyk Pass (S32 24.271 E19 06.087) was heavily corrugated & made for a bone rattling ride, but the view from the top was spectacular.  I dropped down past the Algeria campsite (S32 22.469 E19 03.677) & turned right towards Clanwilliam at the intersection (S32 22.400 E19 03.385), opting for a slightly longer & more scenic route.  The road surface was less rutted & the ride down to the dam was spirited, with my Dunlop D908RR doing a great job of getting the power down onto the dirt.  I turned left at the crossing (S32 13.810 E18 55.919) with the gravel road running parallel to the Clanwilliam Dam & Olifants River.  I passed quite a few bakkies with speed boats heading in the opposite direction which slowed my progress significantly. 

Where the dam narrows into the Olifants River I found myself thinking "I've always wanted to make a diversion onto the beach alongside the river........... & now I've got time to spare".  I found a track recently used by a quad & wound my way down to where the grass gives way to river sand.  EPIC FAIL!  Within the first 10 metres of sand my rear wheel was buried up to the chain.  What followed was what felt like an hour of digging, wrestling & pushing the beast around in the sand.  After deflating the tyres to 50kPa front & 100kPa back I eventually managed to extricate myself.........  Another activity to add to my not-on-a-solo-ride list.  After a rest & re-inflating my tyres with a CO2 bomb, I trundled into Citrusdal, far too tired to try break any speed records along the recently scraped road.  I topped up my tyres, refueled the bike & rode up the Piekenierskloof Pass for the obligatory stop at the Kardoesie Restaurant & Farm Stall (S32 37.798 E18 56.857) & ordered a double thick vanilla milkshake..........  I still needed cooling down after my earlier antics!

Having recovered a little, I descended the Piekenierskloof Pass down the old road leading off the Paleisheuwel gravel road (S32 37.571 E18 56.927).  I always enjoy this short stretch of gravel 'cause the views across the Swartland farm lands are phenomenal.

I rejoined the N7 southwards for about 10km, before heading inland again (S32 43.869 E18 54.507) on the Porterville road.  After a further 6km I headed back onto dirt (S32 46.603 E18 55.465) towards the Groot Winterhoek Mountains

At the foot of the mountains a turning to the right (S32 45.087 E19 00.071) leads you all along the range towards Porterville.

About 10km before Porterville, the Dasklip Pass (S32 54.194 E19 01.372) heads up into the mountains, a worthwhile detour if you have a bit of time to spare.  The road is a slightly lumpy tar strip that was fun to ride both up & down.  The view from the top was, once again, spectacular........




After rejoining the tar (S32 58.511 E18 59.584) at Porterville, I pushed through & just after Gouda rejoined the R44 towards Wellington.  The wind in the Voelvlei Dam area is always a dog!  I took the Zonkwasdrift turning (S33 20.767 E19 01.312) & followed the gravel road that leads to Riebeek-Kasteel.  The low level bridge over the Berg River was dry.  I stopped in Riebeek-Kasteel for a late afternoon burger that nicely filled a hole in my stomach that had been growing steadily.

By this time my Wunderlust was waning & I decided to head home via Malmesbury, following the bumpy old road instead of opting far the deathly boring N7.  Coming round the bend just past the cheese factory, the cloud covered mountain rounded of an amazing trip & welcomed me back to civilisation. 

.gpx route files to follow, by email if anyone wants it