Soul Journey

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Race Dog
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
KTM 640 Adventure
This trip, albeit not one of the almighty trips that some have been on, was a mere one where the soul was found and many questions asked and answered.

I had this idea in my head for a time while contemplating life’s little intricacies about doing a semi decent trip & one that would last longer than a day’s ride and fit into the available time I could get off which was only 10 days or so.
I had many questions about where I was going in life, but few irt to where I was going on the bike and so ensued planning of a trip albeit all in the last week, as I’m not very good doing the way ahead of time planning and execution thing.

J-dog was to join after he heard I was going alone and the weekend before we were to leave, he unfortunately had to pull out.

So where did this leave me…?
To ask questions on my own… and a wife, who although supportive of me, worried about some of the isolated places I was going.

I planned 10 days of separate routes to go from this destination to that, from here to there covering this distance and that and reworked and relooked the routes to make sure fuel stops were in range of a thirsty 990.
I packed a little like a mule taking my 2 man tent (I need my space), mattress, sleeping bag, stove, coffee, rain jacket, 2 pairs socks, 2 shirts, 1 pair shorts, 2 x shirts, 3 x rods and some toothpaste, medical kit (seeing I was going to be on my own in some desolate places). I was ready emotionless, but ready.

3 days before I left I got a call from Tybo (now joined the WD forum), that he has decided to try out adventure biking and decided to buy a new S10 and wanted to join me on the ride for the 1st 2 days. Well I was happy to have Tybo, but was a little concerned he wasn’t to used to adv riding, as anyone who knows Tybo knows he just loves anything over 300km/h on tar, lots of tar and to top it all, he insisted we go through Baviaans, which is ok if you been riding a while and not much to brag about anymore, but nonetheless considerably more technical than riding the N2.
Day 1:
Tybo arrived at the house on a brand new S10 with about 20km on the clock and a new set of Fox boots which of course were hurting him, this all at about 10:40am and I wanted to be gone by 07:30 and so we were off on our first day to Angie’s G-spot via Baviaans which was essentially a blur.

Packed like a mule & ready to go

Wife smiling, but not happy with me going for so long on my own

Tybo & the S10 both impressed me with their prowess with Tybo being able to plant it into corners and accelerate through there with meaning, thanks to his fearless riding and the great traction control on the S10. I decided to rather play the better part of valour and take it all easy as I still had 9 ½ days to go.

Here is Tybo going through his first water crossing just before Smiths Kraal. Have a look at the teeth emitting from the side of the helmet at the end! More proud mate I couldn’t have been! Pity I didn’t get the smiths Kraal one was a lot more entertaining with legs above the head etc….


Angies G-Spot was a rip with us meeting some fellow riders and their spouses and Angie and Harold entertaining (well actually only Tybo) until the sun rose.
Angie’s for those not in the know is a rustic place run by just a rustic kewl couple Angie and Harold

Harold the owner always cool and always there with a beer

Tybo’s boots drying around the fire seeing he walked his through the water crossings in the Baviaans

Tybo now looking like a real adv rider dirty smelly and cold

Tybo & Angie

Fellow riders and their wives


One Wilddog you all know or should… Paulsky

Drinks were aplenty and the bar bill heavy, but the evening a great one.

Went to bed exhausted and having had too many hooks and only managed to ask a question.

Day 2:
Next morning was cold as can be seen by the ice on my bag.

Steeds waiting soundly…

Tybo also said he will not be making the next leg of the trip so we departed just before the N2 turnoff to Plett. I headed up on the dirt to Knysna where I then hit the 7 passes (sorry no photos) and then off to Oudtshoorn and then Die Hel.
Swartberg was a nice ride as always and where one turns left into Die Hel I saw a gaggle of what looked like about 12 or so BM riders heading South and promptly waved at pretty much all of them and didn’t even get a nod. Well I guess they were too involved in riding up the pass as I could swear I saw fear in their eyes.
Prince Alberts Pass

Driving into Die Hel brought back fond memories in Dec 2009 with Jughead and myself riding into Die Hel and me breaking down and the 2 of us being stuck in 40deg plus heat right next to the 1st water crossing and it is here I stopped for a nostalgic moment to reflect and ask a few questions.

The crossing was dry, but I knew well the secret location where the water burbled out the ground and filled my hydration pack from the hidden stream. It was a bit of a task as the undergrowth had grown thick, but with the water coming to life from out the ground, it was as sweet as I remember.

Moving on to the pinnacle where I had a view of the kloof running down below I was once again struck by the sheer beauty of this land we sometimes take for granted and humbled in spirit.

Having not planned any accommodation I winged it and found this new campsite offloaded and setup camp.

Made a cup of coffee with my new gas stove (works like a charm)

I was told I would be the only one but later on another 3 bakkies arrived with all nice and quiet campers.
Asked a few questions and was asleep by 18:30.

Day 3:
Next morning a cup of coffee and a shower and I was packed and ready to head on to Sutherland.

Out of Die hell one is tempted to hammer it over these, but my heavy load and thoughts of flying luggage or broken sub-frame kept the wild side at bay

Final pic of Die Hel a true gem..

Stopped over for a bite to eat in Prince Albert then drove onto Merweville. Roads were nice here with plenty of soul quenching nothingness.



On toward Sutherland

Arriving in Sutherland the Sat afternoon I saw there was a proper boere festival on the go with plenty of farmers and lots of people. I thought I would find accommodation and needless to say being Easter pretty much all was booked, so I made a u-turn and went to the festival and approached the first bunch of guys gathered around a fire braaing. I was greeted in a proper Suiderlander accent with all the braying etc “ouens hiegr kom Neil Aaamstrgong” being in my twat outfit with my space helmet on. Asked them if they knew of a place to stay and was humbled at how these people bent over backward making calls running around to find me a place. Thanks to lady named Barbara, who threw her son out of his room and promptly gave me the remote to get in and out the house and said she would see me back at the festival… Man I tell you I was knocked for a 6 at the trust and hospitality of these people what great people and friends I have made.
Back at the festival I was bombarded with questions of where amd I going and why I am alone and am I “fokken majl” driving into the Tankwa on my own as quote “ daagr vat ‘n man dgrie spaagr wile saam en daagr is fokkol”
Went to bed that night with lots of questions..

Day 4:
So discretion being the better part of valour I decided to plan a new route via Oubergpas to Middlepos and then Nieuwoudsville to Lamberts Bay yeah a roundabout way I know but I needed the helmet time.
Sunday morning said my goodbyes after a cup of coffee with Barbara and headed to filling station and was told “Moegnie wagrrie. Loop net so skygns oogrkan en vrga vie George vir petgrol".
08:30 I walked across the road to George’s place and was helped with fuel. Something the night before said take extra fuel and I took 2 extra 2 ltr bottles strapped to the back with a cargo net. Set gps for Oubergpas with my newly planned destination to Middlepos and then Nieuwoudsville and possibly stay over. Going out of Sutherland I stopped 2 guys (sorry guys forgot your names) who were looking for fuel and directed them to the fuel stop. Said my goodbyes and pushed on.

Turnoff to Ouberg

Some lovely roads via Driefontein


Oubergpas proved to be scenic with a beautiful panoramic view of everything below stretching for miles and miles.


I ate an energy bar, sucked on some water. Then the same 2 guyz from previously arrived and we chatted about where we were going etc and I decided to join them part of the route. I left leading down the Ouberg and at the bottom about 650m before the scheduled turn I stopped to tape down the aerotrim which had come loose. Told the other 2 to go ahead I would catch up. Repaired the aerotrim tossed in the remaining 4ltrs extra fuel and moved on.

Turning at the 650m mark I saw the landmark and knew I was on the right track behind the other 2.

Driving toward Tankwa I was confronted with 3-way split and driving up each I could not see the tracks of the others, so took the chance and followed my gps not really knowing where I was going and not caring too much either, other than fuel.
Here the road got ugly at times having 200m sections of sand horrible washouts where I hit one at about 110 thinking I destroyed the front rim and almost hitting the deck, thanking myself for fitting the new excel rim.

One of the smaller washouts others were 1/2 a meter deep in places.

Here things were very desolate with no cars and nothing behind in front or to the sides of me. Lonely, but great for the soul.


Nice surprise when I stopped at Nieuwoudsville and went to a service station (closed of course Monday public holiday), and the owner came out and assisted me and I saw these through the shop window. Asked if I could have a look and was told 5 minutes, but after 15 minutes and the owner spoiling me with some the history of his collection. Pity there isn’t an official museum as not many know about this and he doesn’t advertise.

Here only a couple of the pics I took far too many were taken to post.



Some more beauties under wraps

Here the owner poses for a photo really nice guy taking the time to speak with me and show me his pride and joy.



Blouberg Pass a tar pass, but pretty veiws nonetheless

Time on my side I hightailed it out of Nieuwoudsville thinking I had done a lot of dirt and it was over for the day, only to be klapped by another 56km sandy road to Lamberts Bay. Only way I knew how I hit the sand at 140 with the concentration of a hawk not to stuff up and survived.

Lamberts Bay turned out to be a disappointment as I had these visions of it still being a quaint fishing village from when I was there in the 90’s and how things have changed. Riding along the beachfront once again having booked no accommodation as I didn’t want to be held to time, I stopped underneath double-story accommodation with a few guys hanging out and asked if they know of a place to overnight. Once again people surprised me with their willingness to help with the one guy on the phone for over 20 mins calling around trying to find me a place, but all was booked. He and his wife then offered me the couch. WOW once again I was humbled by the kindness of people. I did not want to impose and managed to find a campsite opposite Muisbosskerm 5km south outside Lamberts Bay.
Met some really nice farmers from the EC with their girlfriends at Muisbosskerm when paying for the site (bloody expensive R225 for a camp site!), who once again invited me for drinks and some company.
I needed to clean up so drove to the campsite made camp had a shower and washed some stinky clothes.

While busy in the tent I was invited by these really nice Western Cape grape farmers Riaan and his friends to join them for supper and drinks.

It was also about this time another Riaan and Marianne arrived on a trek from JHB and pitched up next to me in the tiniest tent I have ever seen. They were on a journey having just got engaged 2 days prior and the little Dakar packed like a taxi to a ZCC rally.

Walked over to Riaan the farmer and had a few rums.
In bed by 08:30 contemplated the day and asked questions.
Day 5-7:
Tuesday morning hit the shower made some coffee and helped Riaan impress his new fiancé with some hot java in the tooltube lids.

Packed my kit took the wet washing and wove it into the cargo net to air dry (what a site to some people having to see my socks, rods and shirts flapping around at 150…. but I didn't care)

Decided to can the trip to Hondeklip Bay as it was another 600km off in the opposite direction and thought to head off to CT and spend some quality time with 2 good mates.
Previous night Riaan the farmer had told me how they bought crayfish at R20 a pop at Elands Bay and I thought I would drive the 20 or so km and maybe buy a few crayfish, to braai on the grid I haven’t used and carted over ½ the country.

Elands Bay turned out to be pretty much nothing not even crayfish so pushed on toward CT.

Most exciting thing at Elands Bay

Stopped at Dwarskersbos and immediately thought I would like to spend some time in this strange town where all the streets seem to end on the beach. Just outside Dwarskersbos I was quite chuffed to find Sovery Lapa or something like that, where I had a great calamari strips and chips.


I must be getting old everyone including woman and children all had t-shirts and shorts and I was freezing so back on with the trusted KTM jacket which served me impeccably well kept me warm, cool and dry when needed.

Arrived in CT spent 2 days with a mate of mine Karl and then spent a great evening shooting the breeze with Superfoxi who was a great host and offered to upgrade my front fork springs to progressive springs. Now if there is anyone who doubts the value of this upgrade all I can say is MAKE IT THE FIRST upgrade you do to your KTM! Best money ever spent on my bike.
I liken it, prior to the upgrade, as to driving a 1980 Hilux on a corrugated road, to now driving a 2011 Range Range Rover Vogue.

Superfoxi for those who haven’t set eyes on the man.

The master at work in his kitted garage

But Superfoxi doesn’t enjoy one hanging around while he works

Superfoxi’s new housemate and great company Pretzl

Had a great evening braaing and shooting the breeze. Went to bed with no questions.
Superfoxi thanks mate for the good company and hospitality you a good mate.
Day 8:
Did a little business in CT and then popped in for a cuppa java with Stoetie to say hi and chew the fat and also because I had no clue where my journey was taking me and destinations didn’t really matter much anymore.
Stoetie suggested Seweweekspoort and I headed on via Bainskloof and after turning off Bainskloof about 8km outside Ceres I had an immense feeling of fatigue and could barely keep my eyes open and pulled into roadside place and sat chatting to the owner and admiring the beautiful views over extra strong coffee.

Pushed through to Laignsburg via some road my gps mysteriously took me on and which turned out to be an awesome gravel highway

At the t-junction I noted this road as it was just really nice easy riding (well maybe all due to the spring upgrade by Superfoxi…)

At Laignsburg I found a nice guesthouse as I was tired of sleeping on the hard ground and met a lovely couple Mark and his wife (sorry forgot her name) who invited me for some OB’s and to talk some snot. Really kewl people you guyz are!
I slept well and asked no questions.

Day 9:
Next morning before I left took a pic of Mark van der Sandt and his wife

Headed on another mystery road and came across this with an inscription on the stone which I have now adopted in my signature as it spoke to me at the time and answered some of the questions I had been asking.



Road toward Seweweekspoort was typical lovely inland Karoo type of road

Arriving at the Seweweekspoort Pass

Reminded me a lot of the west entrance to the Baviaans with the kloofs


Enjoyed this old ruin and admired the old clay bricks.



Arrived at Calitzdorp and decided I have to buy my wife some nice port so went to the Boplaas estate and bought the wife 3 bottles and yes where am I to put them. Hang on I can convert the “tooltubes” to “port tubes” and needless to say I lost one of the inserts which fell out a torn bag…. Arrrg most expensive port I’ve ever bought!

Tooltubes now…..

Port tubes later…

From here I pushed on through the Groenefontein Gamkaberg Nature Reserve enroute Rooiberg

This was not the nicest track and I’m almost certain where I lost my tools, but hey it was a good ride via the Rooiberg exiting on the south side just before Mossel Bay where I hit rain and hightailed it to George. Slept well and once again and no questions were asked.

Day 10 Final Day:
No great passes or great shakes planned for this my final day, but I left George via the old Montague pass onto the R62 where I met Chinaconnexion on his brand new S10 just after Joubertina and from there we met Jughead and Dorothee at Walskipper for lunch.


What I realized was of the 10 days routes I planned, was that I only managed to keep to 3 of them and all the riding I did was where and wind blew and not realizing that my gps had accidently been set to all avoidances enabled, I ended up on the roads less travelled and then realized this trip was never about the destination for me, but all about the journey.
In this time (8 days) I travelled 2856km approximately 600km of which were tar and not a single spill or the KTM missing a single beat & finally at home I had the answers and found my soul.
Told you 7 weeks is a nice road! :thumleft:
Fellow riders at Angie's G Spot V-Storm (Andrie) and wife Wild Thing (Zettie) in matching blue (hahaha) and Rassie (Maruis) en Oubok (Anneke). It seems like you can go know where without finding fellow Wilddogs! We had a lovely evening with you  guys at Angie's and looking forward to seening you again. Thanks for a nice ride report :ricky:
Nice RR and photos. Nice meeting you at Angies.
What is the story with the (pienk onderbroek)  :biggrin:
RASSIE 800GS said:
Nice RR and photos. Nice meeting you at Angies.
What is the story with the (pienk onderbroek)  :biggrin:
Colourblind it's red show you at Angie's next time!  :mwink:
Awesome report, well done on doing the solo trip.
Hey Warren,nice ride report - glad you made it back without mishap. Am planning ride through Tankwa and Biedouw valley at end of month - pity you're too far. Mark
mountainbiker said:
Hey Warren,nice ride report - glad you made it back without mishap. Am planning ride through Tankwa and Biedouw valley at end of month - pity you're too far. Mark
Hey Mark how you doing mate? Glad you guys too are home safe and it is a real pity I'm too far, would love to ride Tankwa again this time doing another route. Yes glad I made it back without mishap, but to be hoinest must have had an angel on my shoulder. Discovered when I got home I had sheared off the locking nut holding down the front sprocket, potemtially could have been very nasty as was dong 160km/h at times. Thought makes me shiver...