Statistics - How many close calls can one survive?

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Race Dog
Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Being a number cruncher, and surviving about 1 VERY close call a month (my November one being this morning-I had one early October already), not including the daily near misses, I have started to wonder what the ratio of close calls to incidents might be?

Dawgs that commute on bikes might have some valuable input here.

So, to satisfy my curiosity, a very quick question. Your answer may be an estimation, this is not a scientific enquiry...

First, the definition of a close call:  A close call is when you get of the bike, your hands shaking with post-andrenalin shakes, and the knowledge in your mind that you have just eluded the Grim Reaper once more-

A near miss: Cars changing lanes, going over red robots, etc. But you were aware and did not have to panic stop.

(unscientific I know :biggrin:)
So here's your questions.

How many Km do you commute daily?
How long have you been commuting?
How often do you have a near miss?
How many close calls do you have a month?
Which Province do you grace with your presence?
How many accidents have you had?

If I get enough answers I'll do a graph etc.

Thanks for your time.

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