Sunday. Alternative Route in the Mud

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
All safely home.
Adv Hunter took a dip in a puddle.
The route is in good shape.
4 x 4 Route up Goodverwagt mountain still rocks.

Riders that braved the weather.
2.KtmKev R800 BMW
3.Sack KLR650
4.Giraffe KTM990
5.Tour KTM950Se
6.Adventure Hunter GS800
That was a nice mixture of bikes.
Where were the Suzuki DR and Honda XR manne?
KTM Kev is getting old and tired....... :eek7:

SACK......good to see you BACK!

I could'nt go on Sunday, it rained.
Good to see Giraffe back on a bike. Would have loved to be part of that ride. Love the Alternative Route
Damn, too bad I missed this. Have been itching to do this ride since the last time
Andy660 said:
Green KLR to the right is non other than sack , nice to have you ride with us again

Thanks for letting me tag along again Andy. The Alternative Route (in the mud) is one of my favourite routes ever!

We should try it again soon.
