Sunday Ride from Durbs to Inanda Valley 09 Jan

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Pack Dog
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
Met with Ugie and CustomRV at the BP at 11:00. As per my planning, I realise that we have the best Valley to ride, and without a GPS, I am happy to just ride, but Both Ugie and CRV had GPS's, and I was in their hands. Rode down into the valley on the tar. I haven't been down this road for about 18 years.
The locals were friendly, if indifferent, but we enjoyed the scenery and the thrill of riding.


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Not much in the way of Photos, but a great ride and really good to meet like minded people. We got the the end of a run and only had two options. Go up and over the rocks, or go back.  We walked the rocks, and realised that it would be the most "adventurous", but probably also the most expensive ( as in repairs), so headed back and found another easy riding route. We survived to enjoy a beer together, and really look forward the the next time.


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(As I have read elsewhere), this really looks easier than it is. There was about a 1 meter vertical rock around the corner that would have needed a bit of navigation, and then manouvering between two rocks about 200mm close on a steep uphill.
Lekka one guys - anyone got the lat/lon of that waterfall?  - I have never seen it.

I took a lovely, good for the soul ride, up to Mtunzini. I got there before 08:00 after a few scenic detours through the forests.

Is that F800 Ugies new ride ? Looks the bizniz !  ;D
Looks like a lekker ride Phil. Sorry I could not make it.Thanks for the RR.

If it is the same granite rock next to the river, I came over it from Nagel side heading towards Inanda. I then came down on the right of those two rocks on the path. I had a bit of help up from some rope and locals. PHEW :thumleft:

The valley will always be one of the greatest riding areas.  Recognize some of those places.  :thumleft:
Thanks Philgil and Customrv for a lekker ride, was nice meeting you guys.

I'm a bit lazy with taking snaps and we all took pics at the same stops. The route was basically the service road that runs along the water pipeline and we rode it just up until downstream to where the Umgeni and Dusi rivers converge.
After a long cold one, we took a track along the river that The Badger once showed me that comes out on the tar road that runs down from Botha's Hill into the Valley.

Gunda, I'll give you the long/lat for the waterfall tomorrow, but I'm sure you've passed it before.

Where we got stuck and Customrv obliged to wet his feet, but it was still a No Go




Beer and Peanuts
Ugie said:

Position for waterfall:

S29 39.569 E30 42.779

Thanks - added to waterfall library  ;D

Hey - I went past it on 27 Aug 2006 @ 09:06 and saw nothing  ???

Must have been dry in the winter