DEON 1190
Race Dog
I am sure many has read and seen photos / video of the USA TAIL OF THE DRAON . Well we have our own dragons tail . Being the MONATSA PASS ROAD , t is now completely paved , and only the Border post has to be completed on the LESOTHO side , the have a portable office now but in time to come it will be a nice sand stone building .
Was in Clarens this past weekend hoping to ride with some of the Stutututu guys , but some how the plans did not work , 2 gents on Vstrom did join for a bit , but maybe we were pushing a bit to much and I think they decided to give it a miss , we rode thru Golden gate park and then up to the Monantsa border , down the cement road into Lesotho . we did this road in July and there was still about 10 kilos of paving to be done , the paving has been completed and its a awesome road to ride , we completeded the ride and stopped for a cold drink at one of the local retailers , 200 ml can of coke was 12 rand .
my friend wanted to go to Afriski and honestly I was not keen as it was super hot 32 degrees , but once heading up the mountain my mind was changed and I was enjoying the ride , we had not done 5 kilos when my buddy was not in my rear view , stopped waited a minute and no show so turned back , he was stopped ! was riding with his visor open and a bee hit him in the eye , fortunately was not stung , but uncomfortable . MAYBE THIS WAS A WARNING !
We rode up to Oxbow , passing many trucks , ride was again amazing . love the mountain passes . Had a small lunch at Oxbow and then a quick blast up the Afriski for some photos . turned around and headed back , riding briskly but not overdoing things , fast were it was safe to do , slow were it was not .
Coming down the switchbacks on the MOTENG PASS , one sharp bend just before the waterfall I was braking to make the turn and the next moment I was lying next to my bike , 180 degree off camber switch back at a craze angle , Knocked my wind out , ego bruized big time I got up and my buddy helped me pick up the bike . Its so steep there that mounting the bike is not easy , had it in gear , got on and rolled down the hill and then started the bike . Was sore but rode it all the way back .
I am still sore today , nothing broken but pride ! Couple scratches on the crash bar and a left hand guard , worst is my brand new jacket was ripped , as well as the knee on my pant , but as the saying goes , safety kit is worn to work in that one case , mine did work . I only have a small graze on my knee. and a bruised bod that will heal in a couple days or week.
Maybe this small spill was a wake up call that we are vulnerable to the smallest patch of sand can catch one out .
My buddy did a walk back to see what made me crash and it was a patch of sand , down hill brakes on , lost the front . Problem is in Lesotho help is far away , next time we will hopefully take it way more easy .
Experience was still amazing and the Lesotho dragons tail is a awesome road to ride , better from Monantsa to Caledons poort as at this stage there is no tourist levy or road toll to pay !
Was in Clarens this past weekend hoping to ride with some of the Stutututu guys , but some how the plans did not work , 2 gents on Vstrom did join for a bit , but maybe we were pushing a bit to much and I think they decided to give it a miss , we rode thru Golden gate park and then up to the Monantsa border , down the cement road into Lesotho . we did this road in July and there was still about 10 kilos of paving to be done , the paving has been completed and its a awesome road to ride , we completeded the ride and stopped for a cold drink at one of the local retailers , 200 ml can of coke was 12 rand .
my friend wanted to go to Afriski and honestly I was not keen as it was super hot 32 degrees , but once heading up the mountain my mind was changed and I was enjoying the ride , we had not done 5 kilos when my buddy was not in my rear view , stopped waited a minute and no show so turned back , he was stopped ! was riding with his visor open and a bee hit him in the eye , fortunately was not stung , but uncomfortable . MAYBE THIS WAS A WARNING !
We rode up to Oxbow , passing many trucks , ride was again amazing . love the mountain passes . Had a small lunch at Oxbow and then a quick blast up the Afriski for some photos . turned around and headed back , riding briskly but not overdoing things , fast were it was safe to do , slow were it was not .
Coming down the switchbacks on the MOTENG PASS , one sharp bend just before the waterfall I was braking to make the turn and the next moment I was lying next to my bike , 180 degree off camber switch back at a craze angle , Knocked my wind out , ego bruized big time I got up and my buddy helped me pick up the bike . Its so steep there that mounting the bike is not easy , had it in gear , got on and rolled down the hill and then started the bike . Was sore but rode it all the way back .
I am still sore today , nothing broken but pride ! Couple scratches on the crash bar and a left hand guard , worst is my brand new jacket was ripped , as well as the knee on my pant , but as the saying goes , safety kit is worn to work in that one case , mine did work . I only have a small graze on my knee. and a bruised bod that will heal in a couple days or week.
Maybe this small spill was a wake up call that we are vulnerable to the smallest patch of sand can catch one out .
My buddy did a walk back to see what made me crash and it was a patch of sand , down hill brakes on , lost the front . Problem is in Lesotho help is far away , next time we will hopefully take it way more easy .
Experience was still amazing and the Lesotho dragons tail is a awesome road to ride , better from Monantsa to Caledons poort as at this stage there is no tourist levy or road toll to pay !