Nice report TankGirl.
OliveOil said:Ok, so it's been requested to post a phodie of Leon (the really tall man, or man with the really tall stick ...), our best man and Knopkops' very concerned care taker while he was waiting on us to arrive at Shoestrings.
What a schweet dude! (sorry about the bad quality of the pic - serious case of the shakes and lack of focus)
Wooly Bugger said:net jammer dat Knoppies innie pic's is.................LOL :biggrin: ;D :imaposer: :deal: eepwall: ot: :ricky: :laughing4:
Marnus said:Flippen cool RR! Ek is soooooo spyt ek kon nie saamgaan nie, maar lyk my ek sou julle net teruggehou het in any case! :biggrin: Next time, next time!
KnopKop said:So I decided to drive around Vic Falls a bit, on my drive, just outside of town I came across the Vic Falls Boys Club……….