TE630 hydraulic clutch failure

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Grey Hound
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
AJS (all models)
So, yesterday coming form work my clutch lever went gradually limp leaving me stranded half way. I got the bike back home and tried to bleed the clutch fluid and replace it with new one, but when I press the clutch lever at the handlebars, it is limp - even though I topped up fluid in the top reservoir. Based on procedures I've seen on youtube I expected the fluid to be sucked into the hose (and then let out at the slave cylinder nipple that I have loosened).

Do you thing that the master clutch cylinder has failed (or maybe even slave cylinder, but the fact that fluid is not sucked in at the top indicated to my mind the master cylinder) - is there any way to diagnose that? And if it failed, can I just buy new one and where?

Another question - probably related to this - I'm basicaly unable to engage Neutral when stopped with running engine. I have to always get i there while still moving, otherwise I have to wait for green light with clutch lever in. Do you thing it may be related to the clutch problem (this was problem for quite a while)? Are you able to get to neutral easily on your 610s (I'm assuming there is noone around with 630)?

Thanks a mil.

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