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Pack Dog
Aug 6, 2007
Reaction score
Gordons Bay, South Africa
BMW R1200GS Adventure
The GS bike range has only one Hella socket wired into the can-bus circuitry and limited to a low current draw.
It can also only take one device at a time.
ed; “Because 75% of GS’s never see gravel”

This may not be enough for you if you use your bike for adventure riding.
After buying your bike it is likely you will soon acquire some electrical devices.

Ed; if you are one of the 25% that do love adventure riding

• GPS unit
• 2-way radio
• Optima™  or BENTON™  battery conditioner quick-connector plug
• Heated jacket supply cable
Hella plug connections to charge blue tooth and mobile phone devices etc.
Connecting new devices direct onto the battery on fused circuits is the most common way of adapting your bike to adventure riding.
However, multiple connections to the battery soon congests the very limited space creating a safety risk and reducing access to the battery.
You really want to avoid fiddling with battery connections  each time you add a device.
You can take a single supply line from the battery through to the empty plastic pan which is under your tool box tray below your seat.
Bolt the –ve earth terminal to bulkhead so it is fixed and insulate the +ve live terminal in a removable plastic cover (35mm film canister) which can be slipped over .
Thereby creating safe slave terminals, away from the battery to supply power to all device circuits you may add to your bike.
Please ensure the +ve terminal of the device feed has an inline fuse of the correct current limit to keep the circuit safe.
You can add or remove these power supply lines without interrupting battery connections.
Safely, quickly.
With the tool box tray replaced, the terminals are safely out the way.
How do you do this?
- Buy a length of 25A rated  multi-strand twin flex.
- Cut it to ±150mm long, then separate the ends back  30mm and bare the last 7mm of each of the four ends.
- Now  slip  ±18mm of electrical shrink film over each end       - red for the +ve and black for the –ve wires.
- Then crimp on and solder 6mm eye terminals onto each of the 4 wire ends. Slip the shrink film up & heat-shrink
- Thread the twinflex under the suspension frame, out the way – one end at the battery
The other end at the empty pan.
- Use a soldering iron to melt a 6mm hole in the pan bulkhead and bolt the –ve earth eye to the bulkhead.
- Melt a 6mm hole into the bottom end of  an empty 35mm film canister and push the +ve eye through from the bottom into the canister.
- - Push the canister back & bolt a 6mm bolt through the eye.
- Now you have two terminals in the pan - a fixed –ve earth and a protected +ve live terminal
- The other ends are now safe to be fastened to the battery terminals. Feeding live current to the external terminal's in the pan.
- To these slave terminals you can now attach the supply leads for all your auxiliary devices as and when you acquire them.
- Just remove the tool tray, make the connections and replace the tray.
- I now have two Hella plug sockets to power my charger units, my tyre pump and any other device.
- I also have my GPS unit and heated jacket lead permanently connected with inline fuses to the power terminals.



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