The Blind Date in Lesotho

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Beste wense vir jou Altus, Lesotho is 'n magic plek  ;) jy sal sien... :)
Good luck, hou vir jou duim vas :thumleft:

Het my vrou ook ontmoet op 'n blind date.. many moons ago
Lovely story DD , written from the heart and touchingly honest.

Great profile of the action heroine, I can totally see why you wanted to see her in the flesh . :mwink:

You are setting the stage for suspence beautifully. Even though I know the ending, it is still gripping reading , and that is a sure sign of a master story teller .  :thumleft:  :thumleft:

Keep it coming .  :happy1:  :happy1:
Nou begin ek verstaan hoekom ons vir maande nie van die man gehoor het nie  :biggrin: Ai ! Die liefde is tog so mooi.
Hi Altus , I hope this works out ''elke pot het 'n deksel nodig'' My wife and I have been together for over 10 years now and she still takes my breath away , and even now in the tuffest of times she is my pillar of strength ! My wish to all my single friends is that you all find someone like this in your lives , someone to laugh with and to cry with , but most of all just to be with and to love  :thumleft:
Fokkit , nou pik ek sommer 'n traan ! Anyway good luck tjom !
In my initial contact I try not to be to flattering. Keep in mind that I have send many messages to many different people. One never know who will respond and who will simply ignore you.

Here is the first message I send her and please don't flog me for the cliche  ::)

You wrote:

Hello Awert

Jy't 'n baie interesante profile en dit is duidelik dat jy presies weet wat jy voor soek. Ek sal baie graag meer van jou wil leer ken.
Ek hoop ek hoor gou van jou.

She responded positively but the dialogue only really started to take of when I told her I was doing a bike trip up the west coast to the Richtersveld.
This being the trip with Powerflow Justin to the "Hell Road". You can read the RR here; -

After communicating back and forth for more than a week we were sure the feeling was mutual so far. I came up with the idea of doing a short ride into Lesotho, I suggested we meet in Clocolan which is almost exactly halfway and we could stay with family of mine.
She will have to bring her bike down on the back of her bakkie and I was simply going to ride up with my bike.

Most that know me on this forum would not even consider the silly idea of following me into Lesotho ::)
If you wonder why you can read this RR, -

But fortunately common sense prevailed and I started planning a few route options based on lodged accommodation and showing her some of the more rural parts up in the mountains....but I still needed to make things adventurous enough so that I can see how she handles the stress. :pot:

My planning started with Peka Bridge as the entry point and moving down southward to the area around Roma, Ramabanta, Semonkong and Malealea and perhaps finishing at Morija.
Most of these roads I have traveled in the past and I have a good idea of distance and condition, two things that are easily miscalculated in Lesotho.
From season to season roads can appear and disappear almost overnight and to travel 130km can easily be a full days affair....and this on the good roads.

Awert scooting along on her little TW200  ;)

So......soon it was time for us to get together for our initial meeting in Clocolan.....
Altus, life is also Galande Strasse = it is bound to take you on different routes. Approach it as you would any other adventure, prepared yet without unreasonable expectations...the surprises will happen by themselves. Good luck.  :thumleft:
Originally I had the idea that we both drive straight to the farm and meet there. This way timing is not important......but she felt uncomfortable arriving at strangers door so I suggest we met at the Shell garage at the entrance to the town......a garage.....Shell.....petrol fumes, cars and noise ???, this can't do for a first meeting with my blind date ::)
I had to come up with a new plan.
I called Coetzee Zietsman to find out about the road side stalls and he assured me The Cabin on the road to Ladybrand is very nice and cosy.
I printed some Google maps and e-mailed them to her. We both agreed to get going around 8am Monday morning. The distance to travel was around 460km for each of us.

Monday morning found my bike with frost on the seat and although I decided to use the BMW Tourance winter suit I was frozen for the best part of the morning. Once one gets cold it takes a while to thaw out even long after the day started warming up. I realized we were going to have a chilly time in Lesotho.
My Brother in law......ex brother in law.....decided to join me on his old BMW R80G/S, as he was on his way up to Joburg and wanted to avoid the N1.
About 150km before my destination I realized we were slightly behind schedule as Awert only had 70km to travel.
She was going slowly on a potholed road and the Cabin was a few K's on my side of town giving me a slight advantage but I decided to push a little past Ladybrand. Besides I don't want to keep the girl waiting on the first date. ::)
When I got into sight of The Cabin I pulled over to see Leon off and I quickly send a last message to let her know I am almost there as I was sure she must have been waiting for me for the last 15 minutes. The reply came that she was passing the silo's just outside of town, great I can be there ahead of her.
I waved Leon goodbye and started to cover the last kilometer before The Cabin. As I approached the entrance to my left another car coming from the front also indicated it wants to turn into the Cabin. It is my right of way so I started to turn but realize the TW on the back of the bakkie. Over 400km and we manged to arrive at exactly the same moment.....if this was a sign of what is about materialize in the next few days it can only be magic  8)

Nice one Altus. You definitely know how to build up a good story.
:coffee2:  :happy1: :coffee2: :happy1:
Just like Coetzee suggested the Cabin turned out to be the ideal place for a first meeting. It was around 2:30pm when we arrived and there was a typical quiet winters afternoon laid back atmosphere surrounding The Cabin. Being midweek The Cabin was almost empty.....



A warm welcome  :D

You will find The Cabin next to the road between Ladybrand and Ficksburg. Just 'n short distance outside of Clocolan it nestles in a beautiful eastern Free State setting amongst poplar trees and soft rolling hills with sand stone koppies in the distance.

The interior is filled with all sorts of novelties and handmade crafts. A warm atmosphere have been created with a farm style homeliness.





"Eish" DD dit lyk na 'n doodskoot?
The Cabin is a popular biker stop over;
Hoofstuk v hoofstuk ontvou die sprokiesverhaal.

kan nie wag vd res nie  :thumleft:
Ek wil sien hoe die girl lyk man! :peepwall: :happy1:
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