The Boks and the Berg

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Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
Honda XL650V Transalp
Two weeks ago, one of my brothers in law in 'Maritzburg called to say that he had seats for the Boks vs Aus match on Saturday and would we like to come up for it. My wife's from 'Maritzburg and it would be a great opportunity for her to visit her brother and 4 other sisters ( one of which was about to arrive in Durban from the States on the same weekend!) We had excess Voyager miles for the flights, so it wouldn't cost us anything. I've always wanted to ride Sani and even more so since thay are starting to tar it, but it's a loooong way to ride a 400 for a weekend! So I started making enquiries about hiring a bike in Durban, but didn't fancy riding it back to Maritzburg after an evening of drinking after the match! Spoke to another brother in law whose sons have enduro/MC bikes and whose brother had 2 more bikes available - sorted!

We flew up to Durban on Saturady morning and Colin picked me up at the airport while my wife hired a car and waited for her sister to arrive from JHB and then they would drive to PMB. So at about 12:30 it's off to the ABSA stadium where Colin has parking right outside the stadium on local club (forgotten the name) field. The cars were pouring in and almost everyone was setting their braais and consuming a few alchoholic beverages! A bunch of guys from Pietersburg that know one of my bil's joined us and soon 6 packs of wors were sizzling on the Cadac - these were hastily consumed but without the rolls as Jono had not yet arrived :p

At about 2:45, we started to join the queue to enter the stadium  - we had 3 pairs of tickets, but they were all in different areas - Terry and myself had seats VERY high up  :eek: - beteween the half-way line and the 22. What a sight greeted us! I haven't been to an international rugby match in over 25 years - man, what a vibe - I got goosies!

Well, the less said about the match the better! :-\ SO it was back to our "spot" for the real braai and drinking! I have never seen amuch meat before besides the Pick 'n Pay meat counter! Any way, to cut a loooong story short, we had a fantastic time!


The manne from Pitersburg

Later, even Butch dropped by for a steak ;)

The next morning Jono loaded the KLX and RM onto the trailer and we met up with his brother with another RM and "my" bike, his daughter's CRF 250! It took us about 1 1/2 hrs to get to Himeville where we offloaded the bikes and kitted up. Being MX/Enduro bikes they are obviously not licensed, so we rode as slowly and quietly (if that's possible with comp. exhausts!) to the Sani turnoff. Jono's 2 sons ride MX/Enduro and once we hit the dirt, they were off on 1 wheel while we "old farts" cruised along. Man, that CRF is a great little bike - pulls like the proverbial (but I guess it would with a 52 sprocket) - light, nimble, turns easily - great stuff! A number of hours later though, my arms, arse and eyes were buggered! The suspension is obviously set up for landing huge jumps, doing whoopses at silly speeds etc - man, I felt EVERY rock that I rode over up and down Sani  :p ! At the end of the day, it felt like my eyeballs were bouncing in their sockets - I could hardly focus on the road anymore! Oh, and standing doesn't make much difference either - it only relieves the butt ache a bit!

What follows are some pics of the trip - Sani is AWESOME - for me it has a REALLY special feel about it - like Baviaans and 1 or 2 other places I have ridden. How they can even think of tarring it is beyond me.They say it's to make it easier to get to Mothlokong (sp?) - but the roads beyond Sani Top are almost as bad, so what are they going to do - tar the whole of Lesotho????
The pics are not my best as the bike has no sidestand, so you take the pic where you stop the bike - usually I get off and walk around a bit to get a good shot. Also, there's no mirror to hang your helmet on when you stop :D









more to follow...

This RR must be making history, not one bike seen in any of the photographs.  :mwink:  Or am I still seeing red when reminded about the rugby fiasco.
Watty, by now i"m sure you realise that I really enjoy landscape photography ;D
To take a pic with a bike in it merely for the sake of  having a bike in the pic, doesn't "do it" for me - especially since none of the people on the ride were WildDogs. I like to record the landscapes I ride through - for me this is the essence of why I ride a DS bike. Hope you understand.
Oh, there are 1 or 2 of pics with bikes in coming up ;)
letsgofishing said:
Watty, by now i"m sure you realise that I really enjoy landscape photography ;D
To take a pic with a bike in it merely for the sake of  having a bike in the pic, doesn't "do it" for me - especially since none of the people on the ride were WildDogs. I like to record the landscapes I ride through - for me this is the essence of why I ride a DS bike. Hope you understand.
Oh, there are 1 or 2 of pics with bikes in coming up ;)

:thumleft:  No problem, was merely making an observation.  I am in full agreement on enjoying the environment and scenery.  For instance looking at the photo below of the Baviaanskloof mountains, I want to escape the office politics and sh$t right now and head that way ...

Keep it coming please.  Really nice to see the "Roof of Africa" from within the confines of my working environment  :mwink:


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Sani is one of the worst = best roads I have ever ridden! It really is a challenge (for me anyway) and I was pretty knackered by the end of the day - considering we only rode about 80 kays! I forgot to mention at the beginning that Jonos son's in-laws joined in the ride as well. He's also a "greybeard"  who used to ride enduro's in his young days, but has recently bought a 990 Adventure. He rode the whole way with his wife as pillion with no problems! At one stage I rode alongside him and was looking at how his suspension just soaked up the bumps! Man, I would have like to swop bikes for a bit!
It was a beautiful day - realy warm in Himeville, but comfortably cooler at the top - perfect riding weather. The last remains of some snow could be seen on one or two od the shaded corners.

Nearing the top of the pass.


We then rode a bit further until we came to this little river we we stopped to have our lunch.

Matts, Wiliam's wife, Phillip and William enjoying the break.

This local dog was really keen to join in.

The SA border post close at 4:00 on a Sunday and we still had to stop for a drink at the pub, so we only rode 25 mins further into Lesotho (these MX bikes don't have odo's) ;) What an incredibly harsh environment to live in! It's very dry at the moment and reminds me in places of the Karroo.



The 2 "laaitjies" screamed off somewhere by themselves and we ost them for a while, but eventually everyone got back safely to the pub. Here's the view down from the deck.

We were up against the clock, so after a quick drink, we left the pub at 3:15 and headed down to the SA border post. The officials on both sides were friendly and courteous even when they asked for the registration numbers of our bikes and we said err... aah...umm...well you see they're competition bikes and they err... aah...umm...don't have licence plates!



We made our way back down to Himeville, loaded up the bikes and drove back to PMB, arriving at about 6:45
What a day.....Sani is a ride that I would  to do again, but next time, I would love to camp in Lesotho and do some more exploring! Thank you Phillip for letting me ride the CRF!
Glad you enjoyed your stay in our neck of the woods.

Nice report.
Enjoyed your report, fantastic pictures  :thumleft: