Ou Ryperd
Race Dog
Eventually the time arrived for our annual trip to the Northern Cape. The past two years we opted to stay at a guest farm (www.nelspoortjie.co.za) near Copperton, but this year we decided to incorporate more of the Northern Cape. Last week was the perfect time to get away from work with both the Monday and the Friday being a public holiday.
Due to circumstances our riding buddies pulled out, leaving only Marina & me, which would turn out perfect - but more on that later. The great wide web was consulted, Google misused and so the info was gathered for our trip. We would leave Pretoria Friday afternoon, 24 Apr 09, and ride till Potch where we would stay over at my niece's B&B. Saturday we will haul ass on tar to Prieska to visit with the lovely folks at Nelspoortjie till Monday morning, when we will ride via dirt to Kakamas, etc.
The Monday evening before our planned departure, Wilhette from Nelspoortjie called - change of plans, they will not be there that weekend, but we can still stay there on a self catering basis. Oeps... not part of the plan (being married to an auditor, one tend to stick to the plan
). Lucky for us we have good friends living in Prieska, and a quick call to KG & Jenny confirmed our stay with them for two nights. :thumleft:
Great, so now we wait.... A hectic few days before departure at work ensures that both Marina & I are gatvol, not even lus to start packing. So when Friday arrived we had plenty to do, including 1/2 day at work, before we could leave. With a rush we packed everything, paid the maid and gardener, said cheers to the dogs and waved Gauteng goodbye for a few days.
The tar road to Potch via Tarlton and Carletonville is nothing but boring! Once at Liria's B&B we settled in for a lekker kuier, catching up on the family and having our 1st braai for the trip. Saturday morning we awake with clouds in the sky, wind and the looming possibility of rain. After a proper boere breakfast, we loaded the bikes and got ready to leave. As I left the stoep to get onto the bike the rain came down.
Back indoors, and on with the rain suits. We left in the rain, rode in it for about 30km and then it cleared up, or so we thought. In Bothaville the heavens opened up, and rain combined with a strong wind greeted us.
This lasted another 30 - 40km, but the cold air and strong wind ensured that we stayed wide awake. In Hertzogville we detoured via a good stretch of dirt and cut 50km off the tar road to Kimberley for a good Spur burger before we departed to Prieska via Douglas. In Prieska we settled for two nights.
Sunday morning all of us rode out to Copperton, about 50km from Prieska, to visit the Herberg. The Herberg is situated next to the Alkantpan shooting range, and is used by all kinds of interesting people.
The bustling landscape of Copperton
Marina & Jenny
The inside of the pub
A photo of the picture of the biggest culling ever at the shooting range - 7000 Springbok and 400 Oryx!!
Monday morning we said goodbye to KG & Jenny after they escorted us out of town (maybe to ensure that we are leaving :mwink
We rode towards Niekerkshoop on tar so that we can hook up with the dirt road winding through the mountains towards Marydale. Our plan for today was to ride dirt all the way to Kakamas, stopping over in places such as Putsonderwater and other.
The mighty Orange river. After all the recent rains the river was spectacular.
We arrive on the dirt!! :thumleft:
Unknown little dorpie (or maybe just an unknown little...)
The road and scenery is breathtaking!
Putsonderwater - well, they short more than just water there.
In Kenhardt we stopped at Oma Miemie's, a great place to stop for something to eat and drink. The other patrons seemed a bit bewildered by us bikers. :biggrin:
From Kenhardt we rode one of the best pieces of dirt road ever. Nice and clean, with some sandy patches still left over in the drifts from recent rains. Dust was no problem either.
We arrived at Ebeneaser B&B about 8km outside of Kakamas late afternoon. A great day of riding!
Now, Marina's only "MUST DO" on this trip was that we must sleep on a wine farm. Thanks to Google we found Ebeneaser guest house, a gem!
Our place of stay for two nights.
Our view from the stoep.
Tuesday we rode to the Augrabies Falls. Again, after the good rains they region had this year, the falls were spectacular.
A quiver tree (plus BMW).
I wonder what made the owner choose this name? A liquor store in Augrabies, the town.
A working waterwheel in Kakamas
For lunch we stopped at the "Pienk Padstal". Jip, you guessed it, everything is pink. Even the ground! :
The local bikers came to show off their prime bikes.
Sunset after a perfect day. Little did we know that this sunset would also be the "sunset" of our holiday.
Tuesday evening my sister called me to inform me that my dad had a stroke. We do not need to come, as there is nothing we could do. They will keep us posted. Easier said than done.
Wednesday morning we left Ebeneaser on our planned route along the south bank of the Orange. The idea was to travel this road till Upington, and then make a decision there re my dad and if we are going back home. The road started off bad, became worse and then a nightmare, with spots of brilliance scattered throughout.
Marina only flagged me down three times to ride her bike through the worst sections, for the rest she soldiered on! I AM SOOOOOO PROUD!
It took us about two hours to complete the 40km between Kakamas and Keimoes. Once back on tar, we stopped for a well deserved cold drink and discussed our options.
Both of us knew what we had to do, so we changed our route, and rode tar all the way to Kathu. Thursday morning we left for Pretoria. An abrupt end to our holiday, but we will be back.
Big truck at kathu
A great trip with a fantastic partner. The good thing about only the two of us being on the trip made it easier to change plans, to arrange sleeping place, etc.
Plus, Dad is better, and improving every day. :thumleft:
Due to circumstances our riding buddies pulled out, leaving only Marina & me, which would turn out perfect - but more on that later. The great wide web was consulted, Google misused and so the info was gathered for our trip. We would leave Pretoria Friday afternoon, 24 Apr 09, and ride till Potch where we would stay over at my niece's B&B. Saturday we will haul ass on tar to Prieska to visit with the lovely folks at Nelspoortjie till Monday morning, when we will ride via dirt to Kakamas, etc.
The Monday evening before our planned departure, Wilhette from Nelspoortjie called - change of plans, they will not be there that weekend, but we can still stay there on a self catering basis. Oeps... not part of the plan (being married to an auditor, one tend to stick to the plan
Great, so now we wait.... A hectic few days before departure at work ensures that both Marina & I are gatvol, not even lus to start packing. So when Friday arrived we had plenty to do, including 1/2 day at work, before we could leave. With a rush we packed everything, paid the maid and gardener, said cheers to the dogs and waved Gauteng goodbye for a few days.

The tar road to Potch via Tarlton and Carletonville is nothing but boring! Once at Liria's B&B we settled in for a lekker kuier, catching up on the family and having our 1st braai for the trip. Saturday morning we awake with clouds in the sky, wind and the looming possibility of rain. After a proper boere breakfast, we loaded the bikes and got ready to leave. As I left the stoep to get onto the bike the rain came down.
This lasted another 30 - 40km, but the cold air and strong wind ensured that we stayed wide awake. In Hertzogville we detoured via a good stretch of dirt and cut 50km off the tar road to Kimberley for a good Spur burger before we departed to Prieska via Douglas. In Prieska we settled for two nights.

Sunday morning all of us rode out to Copperton, about 50km from Prieska, to visit the Herberg. The Herberg is situated next to the Alkantpan shooting range, and is used by all kinds of interesting people.
The bustling landscape of Copperton

Marina & Jenny


The inside of the pub

A photo of the picture of the biggest culling ever at the shooting range - 7000 Springbok and 400 Oryx!!


Monday morning we said goodbye to KG & Jenny after they escorted us out of town (maybe to ensure that we are leaving :mwink
The mighty Orange river. After all the recent rains the river was spectacular.

We arrive on the dirt!! :thumleft:

Unknown little dorpie (or maybe just an unknown little...)

The road and scenery is breathtaking!

Putsonderwater - well, they short more than just water there.

In Kenhardt we stopped at Oma Miemie's, a great place to stop for something to eat and drink. The other patrons seemed a bit bewildered by us bikers. :biggrin:

From Kenhardt we rode one of the best pieces of dirt road ever. Nice and clean, with some sandy patches still left over in the drifts from recent rains. Dust was no problem either.

We arrived at Ebeneaser B&B about 8km outside of Kakamas late afternoon. A great day of riding!
Now, Marina's only "MUST DO" on this trip was that we must sleep on a wine farm. Thanks to Google we found Ebeneaser guest house, a gem!
Our place of stay for two nights.

Our view from the stoep.

Tuesday we rode to the Augrabies Falls. Again, after the good rains they region had this year, the falls were spectacular.

A quiver tree (plus BMW).

I wonder what made the owner choose this name? A liquor store in Augrabies, the town.

A working waterwheel in Kakamas

For lunch we stopped at the "Pienk Padstal". Jip, you guessed it, everything is pink. Even the ground! :

The local bikers came to show off their prime bikes.

Sunset after a perfect day. Little did we know that this sunset would also be the "sunset" of our holiday.

Tuesday evening my sister called me to inform me that my dad had a stroke. We do not need to come, as there is nothing we could do. They will keep us posted. Easier said than done.
Wednesday morning we left Ebeneaser on our planned route along the south bank of the Orange. The idea was to travel this road till Upington, and then make a decision there re my dad and if we are going back home. The road started off bad, became worse and then a nightmare, with spots of brilliance scattered throughout.

Marina only flagged me down three times to ride her bike through the worst sections, for the rest she soldiered on! I AM SOOOOOO PROUD!

It took us about two hours to complete the 40km between Kakamas and Keimoes. Once back on tar, we stopped for a well deserved cold drink and discussed our options.

Both of us knew what we had to do, so we changed our route, and rode tar all the way to Kathu. Thursday morning we left for Pretoria. An abrupt end to our holiday, but we will be back.
Big truck at kathu

A great trip with a fantastic partner. The good thing about only the two of us being on the trip made it easier to change plans, to arrange sleeping place, etc.
Plus, Dad is better, and improving every day. :thumleft: