The Land of the Silver Mist

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Pack Dog
Nov 11, 2009
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The planets lined up for me again, SWAMBO was visiting the kids in the Cape, and I managed to swindle my boss out of a Friday’s leave.

Inspired by Masai’s excellent report in May, I decided to visit Magoebaskloof and surrounding area. As I don’t have Masai’s gift for words, I will try to compensate with photos.

After dropping my wife off at Lanseria, I fought my way back home again through the morning traffic, quickly loaded my luggage, and then started the battle again through the traffic, direction north-east. I had a quick pap-en-wors brekkie in Dronkwordspruit, thereafter hitting the road north towards Groblersdal.

Shortly before Groblersdal I got pulled over for doing 110km/h in an 80 zone. The damage, R750, ….. eish. I did my best to demonstrate my disappointment, and told the cop that this will absolutely ruin my weekend. It soon became clear that he was prepared to settle out of court, and this gave me some confidence. To cut a long story short, after a long chat about bikes, a demonstration of the virtues of my Garmin Montana, and a practical demonstration of Electronic Suspension Adjustment, the once aggressive traffic officer was a converted biker and eager to buy his first BMW. By now he did not have the heart to fine a fellow biker, and he sent me off with a seriaas final warning. I shook his hand and took off. Just less than a kilometre was another cop in his car under a tree, obviously the "stoppergroep".

Old houses hold some kind of mystery to me, as I always imagine the excitement when the foundations were measured out, the satisfaction when the roof was finished and eventually the lives that were lived in them, until finally they just return to rubble.

North of Groblersdal is the Flag Boshelo dam. Locals were fishing all around the dam, seemingly with considerable success.

Colleague Anton collects aloes, and he shared some of his knowledge about these wonderful plants. The area north of Groblersdal can almost be called an aloe-forest, and I spotted this awesome specimen.

In the distance, the Strydpoort mountain range. I see some maps also refer to the Wolkberge, maybe someone can help me out.

Chuniespoort cuts through the Strydpoort mountain where the road carries on north towards Piets’burg, but with a turnoff to the right towards Magoebaskloof and then on to Tzaneen.

In Haenertsburg I took a quick ride through town, where I spotted this cute little church. The town reminds one of Clarens, and I will definitely return for a longer visit to explore the place a bit more.

The plan was to have an early dinner in Haenertsburg, and then head out to my campsite at Magoebaskloof Getaway, some 16km’s out of town into the kloof. I ordered pork neck with chips and salad, and received a pork chop with chips and salad. I was however ravenous by now, and tucked into the food which turned out not bad at all. Thereafter it was off to the local grocer for a packet of biscuits for later that evening, and also a nice bottle of Spier Chardonnay from the liquor store next door. My biggest fear is always to be trapped in a place without appropriate rations.

I was the only person in the campsite, which meant I could just relax and listen to the evening forest sounds. It’s at times like this that one realises what a beautiful country we have, and how blessed we are. Being alone also meant that I could drink my wine straight from the bottle like a Bergie, as I did not pack a mug. I had a peaceful night which was only disturbed once when an unknown nocturnal creature raided the dustbin for my biscuit wrapping and empty wine bottle. 

    Vaalseun,as jy nie omgee nie,ek ry saam.Hier by ons in die Wes-kaap,het ons tans heerlike weer in die week,maar kom naweek,waai die wind ons weg en die koue fronte gee ons n dwarsklap.
I stay50 km from Haenertsburg.... Did a wedding at that little church.  Pretty little place. 
Ek ry ook saam  :thumleft:
At 5 am the next morning it was already obvious that the Land of the Silver Mist was not going to disappoint. Although I learnt later that this was a light rain instead of mist. As I discovered later in the day, a whole day of light rain has more or less the same effect as a cloudburst.

The camping ground is in a valley off the Magoebaskloof main road, and one has to take a steep winding dirt road to reach the campsite (and vice versa, but now on a slippery road).

It was just after 6am, and the Magoebaskloof dam was still asleep in the morning fog.

Near Politsi is this magnificent train bridge.

I could not resist riding a short distance into this plantation for the sake of a photo.

It was still before 8am, and too early for a visit to the big Boabab tree, so I took a ride through Modjadji town(ship). It was a real sorry sight, definitely not a place befitting a Rain Queen. On the other side of the township is a forest road back to Duiwelskloof.

Duiwelskloof, as seen from the top of the mountain. I could not help notice that the name has been changed to Modjadjiskloof.

Entrance to the Boabab tree is R20, although I would have paid R200 for this. The tree is 6,000 years old, and it is a humbling experience to stand next to it. I asked the sweet lady who took my R20 who planted the tree, and she said it was the boss. The doorway to the inside is quite narrow, and one has to turn sideways to get in (which in itself was also a challenge for my physique). Notice the lumps and wrinkled old skin, almost like an old person with bunions and all sorts of ailments.

Baie mooi fotos! Was self begin okt daar.4 uitstaande plekke was vir my,forest route met die  hoogste aangeplante boom,sungarden nursery se palm woud,die kremetart,en die mogjadji broodboomwoud.
Vaalseun ek ken daai wêreld glad nie en ek ry lekker saam.
Nogal vreemd dat jy jou bagasie in die lengte pak en nie dwarsoor soos almal maar doen.
Voel die fiets beter so gepak?
Chris, my bagasie was maar lig. Dit was letterlik 2 T-shirts, 2 onnies en 'n tanneborsel, slaapsak en tent. Die gedoente bo-op is 'n lekker dik opblaasmatras wat omtrent niks weeg nie. Dit was bloot makliker om dit lengte-gewys vas te maak. Die enigste nadeel was dat ek nie ver genoeg kon agtertoe leun wanneer ek sand getref het nie, maar gelukkig was die sand maar min met al die reen saam.

Ek pos later vanaand nog 'n paar kiekies.
Na die kremetartboom is dit tyd vir ontbyt, rigting terug na Magoebaskloof. Dit is absoluut verstommend om te sien hoe vrugbaar hierdie wereld is, met uitgestrekte plantasies vol sitrus, tee, avokados, mangos, papaja, denne en nog vele meer. Dit is ook duidelik dat die boere redelik wel-af is. 

By die Wheelbarrow ‘n reusagtige ontbyt verorber, en toe gou ‘n draai geloop deur die palmtuin. Intussen het die reen behoorlik begin uitsak.

Na ontbyt vat my voorafbeplande roete my deur verskeie plase. Dit voel asof ek letterlik op privaat grond rondry, nogtans word die pad op die GPS aangedui as ‘n openbare pad. Ek druk maar deur, en besluit om maar mooi te praat indien die boere my sou voorkeer met ‘n haelgeweer.

Kyk of jy die seekoei kan raaksien!

Nee, ek het nie, ek belowe

Die pad neem my al verder van die grootpad af weg, en die avokadoboorde maak plek vir plantasies. Die paadjie word ook al kleiner, maar die GPS hou vol dat dit ‘n openbare pad is.

Die tee-plantasies is ‘n vreemde gesig vir ‘n Vrystater

By Magoebaskloof dam draai die grondpad af wat vir ongeveer 70km deur die woud vleg om weer later by Haenertsburg uit te kom. Kort na die afdraai is hierdie plantasie met Indiese Mahonie.

Die Debengeni waterval is nogal ‘n gesig, en oral is waarskuwings om versigtig te wees. In die parkeerterrein is drie gedenkstene van mense wat hier omgekom het, een van hulle ‘n sestienjarige seun.

Na Debengeni vat die pad mens dieper die woud in, en dit raak natuurlik net mooier om elke draai. Daar is geen ander voertuie op die pad nie, en dit voel of mens in ‘n ander wereld is met skril bosgeluide soos sonbesies.

Dit reen steeds saggies, en behalwe date ek heeltemal deurdrenk is van water, het die pad nou ook snotglad begin raak. ‘n Paar keer gly die agterwiel weg, maar dit bly ongelooflik lekker.

Wie sal nie graag hier wil vakansie hou nie? Dit is die Dap Naude dam as ek reg onthou.

Terug in Haenertsburg, nat, koud en lus vir koffie.

Dit is aand en dit is more en dit is die volgende dag. Die plan is om via Sabie  en die Long Tom pas terug te ry huis toe, ongeveer 630km. Naby Ohrigstad sien ek darem ‘n bietjie wild.

Die waterval net na die JG Strydom tonnel. Wonder hoe lank gaan dit nog vat voordat dit die J Malema tonnel word.

Ek ry nooit by die Maria Shires valle verby sonder om in te draai nie. Die foto-geleentheid is onverbeterlik, soos gewoonlik.

Die bokant van die Long Tom pas.

Terwyl ek ‘n welverdiende koppie koffie geniet in Dullstroom begin die reen uitsak. Die volgende 250km is dit skouers intrek en voortsnel in gietende reen en ysige koue. By die huis neem dit ten minste 15 minute in ‘n warm bad water voordat die lewe begin terugkeer na my ledemate.

‘n Uiters bevrediginde trip. Ek gaan weer!
Thanks for sharing - looks like a super route to ride - be much obliged if you could post the .gdb or .gpx for us so we can follow your tyre tracks.

