Pack Dog
Planning a gentle cruise around the Inanda Dam this saturday morning. This will be mostly tar and slow and steady. A perfect ride for any newbies who want to join and any experienced riders who dont mind a slow sight seeing tour.
Myself and Gunda Gunda will be starting from Fairway Motors in Durban around our usual time (7am) and we will end before lunch at the Pot & Kettle Botha's hill for a bite to eat and something cold to drink before heading off home.
Any and all are welcome
Final start times etc. are still to be finalised and a track will be uploaded once the route is finalised
Myself and Gunda Gunda will be starting from Fairway Motors in Durban around our usual time (7am) and we will end before lunch at the Pot & Kettle Botha's hill for a bite to eat and something cold to drink before heading off home.
Any and all are welcome
Final start times etc. are still to be finalised and a track will be uploaded once the route is finalised