The New Chick, The Bikes & The Ultimate Sh1t

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Race Dog
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Pretoria East - Home of Jameson
KTM 1090 Adventure R
This is a quickie

After deciding to spend the weekend at home with the kids, I got roped into a quickie breakfast run to Cullinan. Sorry Shark  :-[

The New Chick


This is Mel, a mutual friend of all ours - Never been on a bike before and as excited as they come. Could not stop talking about it the night before and up this morning at 05:00 even though we left at 08:30

We took a route out past the old Bapsfontein enduro circuit and a back way around to Bronkhorstspruit and Cullinan


The Bikes


From the Left: Albert, Leon & Ronel, Plathond & Mel, Plothond & PlotWyfie, Adventure MX & Mrs AMX

Plathond & Mel (He wheel-ied up there)


...... and Now

..... check this out

...... Wait for it ......


Remember that bike at Pro-Action, the one that costs the bond of a small house, the one that LITO so "Lovingly" had his grubby paws on (and everyone else for that matter)

Well here it is:



Turns out the owner is Robert Streak....
..and he is entering the Dakar this year (well actually next year but you know what I mean)
He's had it a week and it's still governed at 115km / hour until it's run in
He rides up to 3 times per week practicing and will spend the next few months out this way on weekends.
He mentioned that it would be lekker to have a few riding partners on weekends to keep him company  ;)

Man that bike sounds good. He just tipped that happy button and she purrs like a V8 on steriods

Once it's run in properly, he said he will switch across to a KTM 300 or similar to get his riding time in - with LOTS of practice

It may be old news, but here some of his Dakar facts
As a privateer - he will team up with Ralley-Raid in the UK. Costs about 250k for the entry fee, back-up with R-R etc... Then about another 100 big ones for all the odds and getting there bike there, his plane ticket etc..

...ohh and by the way... the cost of the bike 285 biggies is not only bike - there is a serious "motorplan" and quite a few sets of tyres that go with it.

..and look nicely - it's the only here at the moment

... ohh and by the way (2) ... Mel I hope that sore knee gets better soon.
You see... Plathond was SO inspired by Roberts bike, that he thought HE was Robert and took part in his own mini Dakar back to P-Town and down this railway line a puddle caused it all to end - he and his pillion went down to earth. Luckily his new helmet was OK

Till we ride again  ;D ;D ;D
You will pass the 950 to Chick and get yourself one of these 690"s? It's not the bike that was at the show?
Apparently it was

That's why he only got it this week. First on the floor at Pro-Action - then on to the show and now it's new owner

(I've subequently learnt that there are another 2 around, but this was the one at the show - but I stand corrected)
Yes, a puddle sometimes has an annoying habit of bringing a ride to an abrupt halt  :eek:

Glad Mal and the helmet is OK, though.

Mmmm, they do have some strong acid there in Austria. Just look at that machine  :love4:
OK, a week later and Mel came to visit

.... and show her battle scars from the fall with Plathond


And she say she will ride with him again - now that's faith
Dude!!!  :eek: You get a nice lady to pull her pants off on your couch and you can only show us a knee?  :(

That must have hurt like hell though.  :eek: Thats a tender place to get a bruise like that.  :eek: Eina!
