The prince, the ostrich and the electrics - 26/27 Dec NW Limpopo

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Pack Dog
Nov 25, 2008
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I tried really hard to fit planning a route into all the Christmas activities, but could barely even finish my packing and already started receiving missed calls from Chuck 'Go Go!' Norris because I was late on the morning of Boxing Day!  But off we went, dakardrix and Chuck on 2 x 800GS, Pieter on my Dakar (busy buying it from me) and a rare but welcome appearance by Stoney on his KLR.  The new shape.  If it wasn't for Stoney, the trip would have looked very different.  We wouldn't have known about Prince Torki or set our feet in Botswana without passports.   :eek:


More tomorrow, but here is the track for day 1 so long.


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Well, I survived Christmas and here I was early-ish on Boxing Day - my goal was to try and not use the panniers as I don't travel light, and I managed with the top box and roll bag.  A personal achievement... yes, I'll get there one day... the intention at this stage was to be away for 2 nights.   I was also very chuffed with the new hand guards as I dropped the bike for the first time a week ago and the 1200GS hand guard just shattered as it hit the ground - very disappointing!  But the new ones have strong aluminium support and makes the bike look more off-road


I met up with Stoney on the KLR and we raced off to pick up Chuck and Pieter (Zeal) on the other side of town.  A quick java and away we were, searching first for the elusive channel roads of Harties/Brits - for some reason I have not found them yet (not searching very hard) or been on them with anyone that are familiar with them.


This time round we found them no problem and after a scenic ride there with perfect weather, slightly overcast, we discovered the bumps, heehaa!   I did not know what level of rider Zeal is, but he showed up his superior riding skills very quickly and made my Dakar fly!  Maybe something to do with his Metro Police training...  ;)


I was starting to get very impressed - again - with the 800 as I totally forgot that I had luggage and as my familiarity with the bike grows I just realise what an awesome machine it is - balanced, forgiving, powerful and FUN!

Julle mense het te veel tyd hierdie tyd van die jaar, kom jong, laat ons sien wat aangaan :)
After a while I lost the plot with the canal roads, but was quite happy with what we did - will have to come back and explore some more.  Such punishment!   :D

From Brits we hunted down the first geocache, Thaba Voortrekkers (GC4812), also Zeal's first cache find ever.  A quick and easy roadside find.


At this stage we were ready for brunch and made our way to the famous Beestekraal station.  Unfortunately it was closed, but we logged the Consternation at the Station cache (GC1CEA6)


Down the road we went a gallopping, looking for food, and then we stumbled upon this little gem - the 'Gaan Bos' shop cum pub.  Owned by a new age farmer with a retro art side to him.  And he owned a Dakar!  Gave us good service and the food went down well.  Stoney is in the hospitality business and he was queried to death about the quality of the food, him trying to be all polite!  It was now also getting hot, so we dented his fridge as well.  The place has only been open for two weeks.



We were now on our way to the last cache for the day, leeuloop (GC165C0), one that has been eluding me for a year, because the ants built around it!

Chuck and Stoney searching high and very low...


It was a great piece of gravel to get to the Leeuwfontein Holiday town - but the heat was now searing and and we seriously needed constant drink stops.   I'm not the drink and ride type, but was close to grabbing a Spin or something.  But like responsible bikers we stuck to Coke and water, leaving the risks to the gravel and speed  (goody goody)   :3some:


Chuck and Zeal looking happy...​


Me also happy, the route is great so far!  I couldn't have planned it better.  If only I actually planned it...​


We continued on our unchartered route.  I just tried to keep the mountains close by and to the right of us and so we skirted the Marakele National Park.  We also passed the spot where we crossed this route last time, past Chuck's biggest fan.
(  Different story.

I like these GS spots where the tar and gravel swop...​


It got so hot at one stage we were all huddled in this one lonely spot of shade...​


From there to the overnight spot it was the usual sand, gravel, mountains and general beauty of the bushveld...​



looks cool, sounds cool...missing a KTM!  :ricky:

Ons sal maar so trip moet doen as ek terug is met die Katoom in JHB. Miskien jou om Lesotho trippie!
We grabbed a quick Kentucky in Ellisras, and then we traped off to Fahad, bordering Botswana.  Only now we realised it was not just another camping site - Stoney had something special in store!  Fahad Private Game Reserve is owned by one of the princes of Saudi - His Royal Highness Prince Dr. Torki bin Mohamed bin Saud al-Kabir, or just Prince Torki.  This is one of the pics hanging on the wall of his main lodge...  He seems to enjoy bush time...


15 000 hectares of bushveld, over 20 species of antelope, more than 400 listed bird species, hippo, the Nile crocodile, cheetah, leopard and brown hyena.  Not to mention the tortoise, toktokkies and ostrich.  An ostrich can reach 80kmph easily with an 800 behind it.  For at least 1 km.

We arrived when the sun was casting long shadows and enjoyed the colours and long road to where we were going to camp.  Stopping, taking pics, spinning... may we never grow up!





We were welcomed with the usual warm faceclothes on a tray.  No smile though when I thanked her for something to wash the bike with.  So we just pitched our tents (Stoney pulling into one of the 5-star rooms, at least we could use his 5-star bathroom) and then spent another boring evening in the bush...  life doesn't get better than this.    8)


After some light showers overnight, Chuck got all raucous from about 5am.  Stoney obtained some permission for us to to do a bit of riding in the reserve.  They don't allow anyone to ride around with their own vehicles and I think they thought we would only do a short distance.  We left before 7 and was only back after 1pm...

Some early stops...



About two years ago one of Prince Torki's daughters said she wanted a tree house.  One phone call later and with their next visit there was a 5-star tree lodge for a princess.  When I come and visit again, THIS is where I want to stay - electricity, yet remote from anything.  You are in radio contact with the lodge management, and when you want to do your game drive or boat ride, you just radio them and they come a galloping to your service.  Apparantly.


You are right on the Limpopo, with Botswana on the other side of the river.  


We wanted to come back later and find a spot to get the bikes into the current dry river bed, but ran out of time.  We did find it important enough though to quickly dash across the river without passports and make phone calls, take pics, water the vegetation... why...?    ???   Zeal promptly pulled a muscle in the process, just to make a foreign statement...



From there we did a fantastic ride, seeing lots of game, very big birds of prey (apart from the ostrich.  Faster in black.)  Just awesome, following the border and later turning inside.   There are a couple of lodges, available to the public when the prince and his entourage aren't there.  We stopped at the one that is for his exclusive use - looks like a little mini resort!  Four boats, Unimog, Land Cruisers, swimming pools, various dining areas, and so on.  

As one lives when you are a prince, of course...   'I have a farm in Africa...'




Then we visited some of the other lodges and found ourselves on the koppie while we were still looking for it, passing a dancing snake - I was just told I passed it, never saw it, otherwise I would have tested Percy's crash bars.  Stoney also promptly showed us the clever KLR flickers - you can just pop them right back in after a sidestand incident...   ;)


We were on the 4x4 trail now, and the other side of the koppie was quite slippery going down.  After some debate on whether the engine must be on or off  - '...but Jan Staal says...!' - we all made it down without another incident.  As usual, the photos do no justice as to how steep it was.


Some other stuff seen along the way...​





Lastly, just before the KLR's electrics packed up, we passed a dam and I had to play a bit...





So then, to spare some embarrassment and not dwell on the subject, time was spent exploring the Kawa's electrics, burning up a few fuses in the process.  Long story short, KLR was pulled in (got to practice my towing) and is still there.  Stoney is investigating 800GS options at the moment...   :mwink:


It was now in the afternoon, and after having had so much fun in such a short time, I decided to join Chuck and Zeal in going straight home - too late to explore more North and then still find a place to sleep - another beautiful ride through Vaalwater even if along the tar.


Thank you gentlemen, it was an honour.


ps.  Two days later, Zeal started up the Dakar and the electrics suddenly created smoke and flames.  He managed to put out the fire, starting with the dogs bowl, but a very dead Dakar is now standing at a very holiday-closed Bavarian.    :'(    It's a sad day when only the 800's can survive a trip!
cool report  :thumleft:
ps love the panoramic pics
Very good
Most enjoyable read

- How do you centre the pics and and also group a few ?
Is this done before you upload to the hosting site ?
It makes for a pleasant and refreshing change
Great report!

Also met the guy with his Dakar at Gaan Bos (en route to Thabazimbi). Nice chap, he mounts his fishing tackle on the back of the bike and tours up and down the coast catching 'em big ones  :thumleft: .... easy to get around, pack light and combine passions. Cool.
Plothond said:
Very good
Most enjoyable read

- How do you centre the pics and and also group a few ?
Is this done before you upload to the hosting site ?
It makes for a pleasant and refreshing change

Hi Plottie

Quite easy, not done with the host site - you can either click on the 'centre' icon (the 10th one next to 'Add BBC tags') which will give you a center and /center (with square brackets around both)  or just type it like that.  Then you put your IMG in between.  If you want more than one in a row, just let the next IMG be right next to the previous /img (or add a space or two)  If the next IMG is on the next line, which normally means you pressed enter, the pic will be on a next line also.

Hope that makes sense..
Eendstop said:
If there are prizes for ride reports, this deserves 1st. Well done!! Looks a great ride also :thumleft:

Hi Eendstop - dankie man, it's so nice when such a short simple trip just ends up being super!  Tx for the vote of confidence, but there are so many great RR's on this site, I'm happy to stand in the queue..    ::)
Update on the electrics of the KLR and the Dakar (that caught fire back home) - fortunately not much damage on the Dakar body or panels, but so far R20k-odd on the electrics, waiting to see if BMW will fix under warranty.

Stoney went through the wiring on the Sunday (he was still there with the family who joined on the Saturday) and the bike started up fine.  But because he couldn't find the origin of the fault he had no trust in riding it home, so went back a week later to trailer it home.  And so far so good.  So it cost him only a few fuses...

Malibu said:
Fantastic RR - love you pics too!  :thumleft:

Tx M!

But the question is, do you love the hand guards, or should I take off the stickers...?  ::)