From around R70.00 for 500g, depending on origin.
Anti-Murder Juice
Roasting, grinding and brewing a fresh coffee for your Significant Other will absolutely buy you credits in the ‘Please Don’t Kill Me’ game of life.
It takes very little skill to do coffee from scratch, but it looks very skilful and arty to do it and this is what gets the credits..
Choose from Guatamalan, Kenyan, Costa Rican, Columbian or Brazillian (these are places our coffee comes from, not necessarily where your Significant Other should come from)
Roasting coffee is easy in a popcorn air popper (buy a new one so your coffee doesn’t taste like butter)
Just ask and we’ll tell you how we do it. Can’t do it here or the ad would be too long.
To order online, and product specs, follow the link below:
Price includes Vat.
Full costs displayed BEFORE you have to pay.
Online Credit Card and EFT Payment options available. we are still very much ONLINE, continue to deliver Nation-Wide and Internationally, Door2Door OR you can pop in and Click’nCollect
Please contact us at [email protected] if you need assistance or have a query.

Anti-Murder Juice
Roasting, grinding and brewing a fresh coffee for your Significant Other will absolutely buy you credits in the ‘Please Don’t Kill Me’ game of life.
It takes very little skill to do coffee from scratch, but it looks very skilful and arty to do it and this is what gets the credits..
Choose from Guatamalan, Kenyan, Costa Rican, Columbian or Brazillian (these are places our coffee comes from, not necessarily where your Significant Other should come from)
Roasting coffee is easy in a popcorn air popper (buy a new one so your coffee doesn’t taste like butter)
Just ask and we’ll tell you how we do it. Can’t do it here or the ad would be too long.
To order online, and product specs, follow the link below:
Price includes Vat.
Full costs displayed BEFORE you have to pay.
Online Credit Card and EFT Payment options available. we are still very much ONLINE, continue to deliver Nation-Wide and Internationally, Door2Door OR you can pop in and Click’nCollect
Please contact us at [email protected] if you need assistance or have a query.