This is how to spend your day off !!!

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Bring It On said:
BTW Hando,.. glad to see you didn't need to post any photos of a "Damaged Thumb",... after the photo of your nice clean chain ::) :pot: :pot: ;D

Sorry Buddy, couldn't resist that one. :imaposer: :imaposer:

Ja jaaaa. I have learnt a thing or two since then.
Ek dink ek moet jou minder af gee  :patch:  :patch:  :imaposer:  :imaposer: nice rr  :thumleft:
Lekker een.
Mooi fotos .
lekker om sulke roetes op ons drumpel te he.
vandag is my af dag en ek het beplan om ook so n roete te doen en dan te kyk hoe ry my seun die Epic en maak vandag se skof klaar op Grabouw. Maar toe besluit die verkoue dis tyd om my te vat, En toe doen hy dit mening. Nou toer ek maar op die Forum
Thanks. Baie mooi kiekies. Maak my heel jaloers met my mik-en-druk.
i hope you scraped your pegs on the coastal road... used to do it every time with the dakar  ;D

very nice RR
Thanks Jupiter

Ongelukkig was al daai kiekies ook met n mik en druk geneem. So 'n klein Canon jobbie wat in my baadjiesak pas.
Hi Alex

Scraped my Left boot's toe , but not the right - strangely.
Hando said:
Hi Alex

Scraped my Left boot's toe , but not the right - strangely.

thats common, has to do with your throttle hand... i can get really low in left turns, but going right you have to force the bike down!

oh, and that Angel ST.... very nice...
Hey ! Hando. I was just wondering whats happened to you. Have'nt heard / seen much from you in a while, but then again I have also been so busy, nt getting around to verything either.

Mooi so, buddy. ENjoy.
Seems like you are still working for/with , that dwis, down there  :pot: :pot:. Se vir hom, ek watch hom.  :thumleft: :biggrin: :thumleft:  Groete aan almal. ;D ;D ;D