This type of Biased Reporting makes me Moerig!

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Race Dog
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Cape
KTM 950 Adventure S
This is the article as Lean Angle published, concerning Hoofseuns heroic Calf Rescue, good on you Bud :thumleft:

This was my Response:
Why make this about a bike brand and not about the the riders compassion. BMW didn't make him into a super hero or riding god, it happens to be the measure of the man, "Hoofseun" as he is know to the Wilddogs Adv Riders Forum, is well known and liked in Adventure riding circles in South Africa. He is awesome for his selfless actions, as this was done during a Qualifying round (timed) of the Amegeza Challenge.
To insinuate that a KTM rider, as pointedly mentioned at the end of paragraph 2, or any other brand would not be bothered to help a creature in dire need is just cold hearted and wrong. Seems Brand bashing is alive and well at LA Magazine.

It seems that Lean angle is sponsored by BMW and has taken to pumping the brand at the expense of riders actions, for me it is wrong for a magazine to take cheap shots at other brands and peoples character. I used to read this magazine avidly and have been supporting them since Two Wheels first published a paper version, now I am just moerig at their lack of integrity and research. They didn't even bother to confirm the place that this happened, just ...........could even be in SA!
I like to think that the majority of the guy's on this Forum have compassion for their fellow man and creatures, as has been shown sooo many times in the past. This article was to boost BMW more than to highlight the fact that a great guy was concerned enough to rescue a helpless creature :mad:

OK rant off, will now simmer down  :dousing: to enjoy FRIDAY and maybe go for a lekker ride  :ricky:

LA Magazine used to be Two Wheels Magazine

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