Thump & Paul's PE to KZN Wilddog Bash trip Day 1 to Day 9 (complete at last)

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Riaan on the other Dakar with me stopping. He dropped the bike twice on that corner.  :biggrin:



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Check these guys.
Up Sani in 1985 on a  Katana 1100SXZ and an old BMW 600 boxer street bike.,14841.0.html
Thump said:
Check these guys.
Up Sani in 1985 on a  Katana 1100SXZ and an old BMW 600 boxer street bike.,14841.0.html

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BMWPE said:
Thump said:
Check these guys.
Up Sani in 1985 on a  Katana 1100SXZ and an old BMW 600 boxer street bike.,14841.0.html

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I'll try the quote of His post on
It works, enjoy
Old Baldy said:
If anyone's interested, I found some old pics that I'd scanned from 1985, when I took the bike on a trip through Southern Africa, Lesotho (the mountain Kingdom entirely surrounded by South Africa), Swaziland, Transkei, Ciskei and of course, South Africa with a friend and his gf who was visiting from Germany (they were on their old BMW 600 boxer street bike).

We rode approx 2500 km across multi countries over some of the worst, most slippery, muddy and rock strewn roads and the only get-off I had was a fall in a friend's driveway right at the end of the trip!

(I hope I got some of the places in the pics right...the memory is a little foggy after all these years!)

Somewhere on the way to the notorious "Sani" Pass, climbing to one of the highest points in Southern Africa in the Kingdom of Lesotho (about 10000 ft)


The infamous Sani Pass. Only Offroad vehicles allowed, but we persuaded the Lesotho border guards that our bikes were dual-purpose bikes (katana 1100 and BMW R600). The quart of cheap Scotch may have helped. Smile


Last bit of the Sani Pass, above the clouds.


Highest point in Southern Africa, in Lesotho. About 10000ft. (Notice I removed the fairing at this point, because it was getting banged up badly from the rocks. Found someone with a 4x4 that promised to take it to their house for me to pick up a few days later - and they did!


Crossing Lesotho via the mountain trails. Notice the plastic bags on my gloves. It was FREEZING in the wet at that altitude, and we got stuck in a major lightning storm while riding on top of what is termed the "Roof of Africa"- not a good idea! We left the bikes up there, and hiked down the mountain a bit and found some tribesmen farmers that let us stay in their hut for a few hours in exchange for some smokes.


That night, we inadvertently got involved in a military coup, and had to hide in a motel room with drunken soldiers commandeering the motel and bar, with VERY itchy trigger fingers on their AK47 and R4 and R1 military rifles. A liitle scary, but a bottle of cheap port helped us pass the time until they left the next day. Smile

Some valley shot...can't recall where...might have been in Swaziland


Some nice twisties in Transkei, I think it was. The road was a little dirty with loose stuff, but still fun. (and don;t worry about me on the "wrong" side of the road - we ride on the proper, left side Wink )


Finally, a pic of my buddy Thomas-the-German and his gf, at our impromptu campsite on the beach somewhere in the Ciskei. Not only did we have a troop of moneys wake us up stealing our food, but the little buggers were quite aggressive, and as they can bite and get brave in a group, we kept a close eye on them. The cops came the next morning and shooed us out of our "gratis"campsite. Seemed that everywhere we pitched the tents on the side of the road, we had the cops come around and get us to move asap. What's the world coming to?

Great ride report , I enjoyed meeting you guys at Silverstreams , Frans and I did alot of the route you did the same weekend , I have just not got around to doing a ride report .

Will definately be joining the bash next year.

By the way at least you guys managed catch fish no matter what the size. All frans and I caught were a couple of reasonable size hangovers over the 5 days.
Brilliant RR. I am envious! Born in PMB and family from East Griqualand, lived in Matat and Cedarville...beautiful as ever!
.Thump° said:
BMWPE said:
Thump said:
Check these guys.
Up Sani in 1985 on a  Katana 1100SXZ and an old BMW 600 boxer street bike.,14841.0.html

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Please login below or register an account with The Forums - Your Kawasaki KLR650 Forum for Tech and Community !.
I'll try the quote of His post on
It works, enjoy
Old Baldy said:
If anyone's interested, I found some old pics that I'd scanned from 1985, when I took the bike on a trip through Southern Africa, Lesotho (the mountain Kingdom entirely surrounded by South Africa), Swaziland, Transkei, Ciskei and of course, South Africa with a friend and his gf who was visiting from Germany (they were on their old BMW 600 boxer street bike).

We rode approx 2500 km across multi countries over some of the worst, most slippery, muddy and rock strewn roads and the only get-off I had was a fall in a friend's driveway right at the end of the trip!

(I hope I got some of the places in the pics right...the memory is a little foggy after all these years!)

Somewhere on the way to the notorious "Sani" Pass, climbing to one of the highest points in Southern Africa in the Kingdom of Lesotho (about 10000 ft)


The infamous Sani Pass. Only Offroad vehicles allowed, but we persuaded the Lesotho border guards that our bikes were dual-purpose bikes (katana 1100 and BMW R600). The quart of cheap Scotch may have helped. Smile


Last bit of the Sani Pass, above the clouds.


Highest point in Southern Africa, in Lesotho. About 10000ft. (Notice I removed the fairing at this point, because it was getting banged up badly from the rocks. Found someone with a 4x4 that promised to take it to their house for me to pick up a few days later - and they did!


Crossing Lesotho via the mountain trails. Notice the plastic bags on my gloves. It was FREEZING in the wet at that altitude, and we got stuck in a major lightning storm while riding on top of what is termed the "Roof of Africa"- not a good idea! We left the bikes up there, and hiked down the mountain a bit and found some tribesmen farmers that let us stay in their hut for a few hours in exchange for some smokes.


That night, we inadvertently got involved in a military coup, and had to hide in a motel room with drunken soldiers commandeering the motel and bar, with VERY itchy trigger fingers on their AK47 and R4 and R1 military rifles. A liitle scary, but a bottle of cheap port helped us pass the time until they left the next day. Smile

Some valley shot...can't recall where...might have been in Swaziland


Some nice twisties in Transkei, I think it was. The road was a little dirty with loose stuff, but still fun. (and don;t worry about me on the "wrong" side of the road - we ride on the proper, left side Wink )


Finally, a pic of my buddy Thomas-the-German and his gf, at our impromptu campsite on the beach somewhere in the Ciskei. Not only did we have a troop of moneys wake us up stealing our food, but the little buggers were quite aggressive, and as they can bite and get brave in a group, we kept a close eye on them. The cops came the next morning and shooed us out of our "gratis"campsite. Seemed that everywhere we pitched the tents on the side of the road, we had the cops come around and get us to move asap. What's the world coming to?


haha...that's me. I'm the idiot with the Kat SXZ. Man, that was about 25 years ago. I forgot I even posted those pics over on

Anyway, the OP's RR was great. Love the idea of taking the rod like that and getting some fishing in. :)

