Tightening the bond, with adventure

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
KTM 690 Adventure
As is the norm, with the onset of teenage-dom comes more rebelliousness, more self awareness, less interaction with the household, and then hormones and all that. So before it got a proper hold of our youngest, and having a long weekend on us, I thought it would be a good time to break away for a night. Just the two us... the one that has a lot of growing up still to do, and off course my son, 13 year old Christo. To strengthen our bond, and just have a good father-son break.

The plan was to do as much dirt as possible, him on his XR125 and me on the LC GSA.

So after packing a few things in the boxes we said goodbye to mom, at least she had her mom over to keep her company. Off course my MIL visiting had nothing to do with the timing of this trip ::)

First piece of dirt was just past Zwartkops raceway and Erasmia, when we got to Skurweberg. There's this beautiful temple along the way, so we stopped there quickly to admire the architecture and snap a photo. Entered the grounds briefly, and had a chat with what appeared to be the groundskeeper. Friendly chap.

At the (largest) Hennops crossing the low-water bridge is in such a bad state that the road is closed off on either side. Luckily bikes get through easily and we could just ride over and continue. Cose to Hennops 4X4 trail we were back onto tar, and shot left to ride up next to Necsa towards Broederstroom. Off course the hunger started setting in properly by this time, so we stopped at the Wimpy for a lekker filling breakfast, and set off again towards the cradle of human kind but sticking to dirt roads.

At one point we were wondering how the road we were one could even be on my GPS, it was so unused it had almost grown to a little single track. At the point we were to join the bigger dirt road, however, our road ended abruptly with a fence crossing over it. Ahh, so that's why it seems disused now. So we back tracked and took what seems like a road leading back to the main dirt, and in the process it appears we crossed over some private land. The (presumed) land owner wsn't to fussed though, waiving at us from a distance. What a friendly chap. Anyway,  we managed to reach Scheerpoort (or is that Skeerpoort?) and after a water break continued again towards... Breedtsnek!


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But before we got there, we reached another closed off road, this time by means of a gate. Opened the gate, rode in, and 100m further another gate with huge signs warning of the perils of crossing onto private land. Oh well, not one to promote trespassing we backtracked yet again, and managed to find a route through Askari game lodge. At least we got to view nice antelope, warthogs, and the odd gnu.

The last time we rode Breedtsnek together, Christo was a pillion on my bike. It was not a very lekker trip for him that time, so he was looking forward to doing Breedtsnek on his own bike. The sign, “Road in bad condition, use at own risk” does not inspire much confidence either. Approaching from the southern side, we stopped at the top and enjoyed our favourite drink… milkshakes! Duly packing away the empty bottles for later disposal we started on the descent. It was made a bit more rough by a bakkie, stationary in the good riding line, and we ended up roughing it over the rockiest portions to get past.

Wow, what a ride. Christo handled it like a pro, him and the XR jumping up and down and hopping around like on a jumping castle. Thorough fun! But at the bottom the fun stopped, with a long beach-sand stretch to make it to Mountain Sanctuary Park, our stop for the night. A few time we both almost lost it, but in the end we got through with no incidents.


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Got the key to our cabin, unpacked and strolled over to the pool to enjoy a well deserved cold drink, and enjoy the exceptionally nice warm weather we had for a change. It was not warm enough to convince us to swim though, and by the looks of it nobody was going to attempt the pool’s cold water.

Back at the cabin we started the fire, and enjoyed the sunset in the bushveld the way it should be enjoyed… with something meaty on the grid and something cold in the hand. Just relaxed, played some cards, chatted, ate and had a generally great time enjoying each other’s company.

After dark we wandered outside to marvel at the millions of stars you see when not in the city. What a beautiful sight. We fell asleep much earlier than planned, but after a thoroughly enjoyable day.


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So early this morning we tackled the route back, opting to go over Breedtsnek again but from the northern side this time. Wow, Christo really rode up there with his little 125 like it was on rails. Mighty proud of him! At the top we wanted to enjoy the 2 cooldrinks we had kept, and knew they would be a bit fizzy after the ride. So we opened them slowly, only to have them instantly freeze upon opening. Ag damn, and I was so looking forward to it. Oh well, onwards then to the Black Horse Brewery for a breakfast fit for a king, and afterwards tackled pretty much the same route heading home.

Arrived home with enough sunlight to still unpack, wash the bikes, and have a nice chinwag about the trip.

What a trip, what a nice outing with my youngest. Some great quality time, and getting him to face challenges and overcome obstacles while enjoying the ride too. Can’t wait for the next one!


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So maak mens.. 8)
    Lekker man.Jou seun sal daai trip nog lank onthou. :thumleft:
Doen dit so gereeld as wat jy kan. Jou kind is groot en uit die huis voor jy jou oe uitvee.
Ek het te veel van my kinders se grootword gemis omdat ek te besig was, hoewel ek dink dat ons meer as die normale gesin saam gedoen het. Sou graag meer wou doen.
Gelukkig is ek in die bevoorregde posisie om nog elke dag hulle om my te he, al is hulle 25 en 27 jaar oud.
Ai dis lekker,  Dis tyd dat my pensionvretertjie sy lisensie kry volgende jaar dan breek ons meer kere weg vir so 'n bonding session. :thumleft:
Great stuff  :thumleft:
Nice RR

I wonder how many people realize what their kids will remember of them when they are gone, this will stick with him  :thumleft:
Fudge said:
Parenting, you are doing it right!  :thumleft:
Good one and a nice RR
It is fantastic to do something like that with one of your kids!
Me and jnr did the kzn bash and then sani this last weekend and it was priceless!
What you did means a lot!
Waiting for your next trip!
I am hoping to do a Moz trip!
Ai man dis mos nou die lewe! :thumleft: