Trip Advice: Cape Town and towards the east

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Aug 23, 2017
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It has been a long dream of mine to go ride in South Africa, and I've decided to do it, if it makes sense.
The plan is to fly to Cape Town (from Finland) and go east until Durban, and then turn north. I have 2,5 weeks.

First of all, I'm planning to do this next week :) . So the schedule is quite tight but hopefully manageable.

Second, how worried should I be for my safety? I will be riding solo with a rented bike (800GS or 1200), probably venturing off the main highway occasionally. Any areas to definitely avoid?

How about gas/accommodation? I normally don't do reservations ahead, and like to seek shelter at around 5/6pm latest. I won't be bringing camping equipment with me, so I'm looking to use the local providers. Are the possibilities scarce? Or every town has some?
Gas I tend to fill up when I see a station and I'm under half full or around there.

Anything I should definitely go and see? :)

Anything I should prepare for? Local laws etc. Any good resources to read up on is greatly appreciated.

Best regards

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