TWAT - intro course a real Jol - Jan 16th

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Mr. Python

Race Dog
Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Langeberg Ridge N.suburbs Western Cape
Yamaha XT 660 Z
Well Falcon and I finally got to do an off road riding course. And wow what a Jol it was.
The course was given by TWAT (Two Wheel Africa Tours) and was presented by PeterO who was ably assisted by Jeanne, Sandi and Colin.
The course was held at the Bilton Winery.

Some of the better looking delegates making friends with Sam the dog. Cat, the girl in the yellow did the course on a little Honda 125 road bike (on the right of the pic behind the tree) she didn’t shy away from any of the exercises despite going down a lot.

We kicked off at 09h00 and finished at 16h20. The venue was stunning and the weather was perfect.

Peter started off with a bit of theory on how to secure a bike to a trailer.

The trailer looked like a customized venter of something like that.

Then there was more theory like important bike features and handy mods. Proper riding positions, with a demo of 2 techniques for verticalizing a horizontal bike and so on....

Then it was off to the field for the practical stuff. Started with tyre pressure checks and an overview of exercises for the morning.


There were mostly balance, throttle and clutch control, exercises with low speed manoeuvring.
Sorry didn’t snap any action pics.
Then it was off to lunch the long way round through the vineyards with some steep rough farm track to try out the new skills on. Coming down was way trickier than I thought it would be.


After lunch it was back to the field for some sliding and braking exercises. Rear wheel and front wheel slides were interesting. Controlled stops and the like.
Front wheel slides was a bit difficult to get past because it was like a replay of my off in the traffic. The 1st one I did was like the feeling you get when the traffic cop runs out from behind the bush with his hand in the air. well when they still had the guts to do that..

Then it was back into the vineyards for a longer ride and some even trickier terrain ending off back at the winery, it was great to finish off with a bit of wine tasting. Beer was available too but, alas we had to get back to the kids.
On the whole it was a very enjoyable day.

Hey maybe some of the other delegates also got some pics and can add them here...
I had one of the best days of my life!!!!
Thanks to Peter and Jeanne, Sandi and Collin and the rest of the group.
Some exercises were a bit scarey to start with  :eek: but once done felt victorious.
I know my bike sooooo much better and can hardly wait for the next ride  :biggrin:

We had a great time too!  Here are some photos and I'll email more over.

Look forward to seeing you again. 

<img src="" alt="Collage of Intro to Off-road 16 Jan" title="Collage of Intro to Off-road 16 Jan" width="800" height="566" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-461" />
The other special mention i should have put in the report is for Maarten.
He's the dude in all the right kit on the yellow honda. Sandi's pics
Despite appearences it was actually his very 1st time on a bike and he handled it well.  :thumleft:
His wife rides DL650 and decided it was time for him to learn.
nice one!
I see Sam was lending a hand (paw) too :)
bonova said:
nice one!
I see Sam was lending a hand (paw) too :)

Sam was also doing training.  Bike recognition course for her and she was pretty good at it when she wasn't running, jumping, diving in the dam or kipping in the shade :D
Nice one ya all,  these courses are always a whole lot of fun and you learn something
new everytime... :thumleft:
What a brilliant day with a really cool group of people. falcon, thanks for letting me try your totally excellent bike!! had loads of fun and learned a lot. hopefully see you guys out on a gravel road somewhere soon...
Brilliant day.  I learned a huge amount and met some amazing people.  I arrived late (I had a private lesson on how to tow start my bike on the way in but that is another story)  so I missed part of the lectures (still don't know how to tie my bike onto a trailer).  After Saturday I am even more convinced that I have got the right bike (all it needs is a better battery and/or a kick start)   My hero for the day was Cat on her little 125 Honda. She did every thing we did and some.  I think a may of the macho types could learn a lot from that pair.  
Griffin said:
Brilliant day.  I learned a huge amount and met some amazing people.  I arrived late (I had a private lesson on how to tow start my bike on the way in but that is another story)  so I missed part of the lectures (still don't know how to tie my bike onto a trailer).  After Saturday I am even more convinced that I have got the right bike (all it needs is a better battery and/or a kick start)   My hero for the day was Cat on her little 125 Honda. She did very thing we did and some.  I think a may of the macho types could learn a lot from that pair. 
I'm also convinced I have the right bike  :biggrin:
I agree Cat was amazing!!

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