Two days of riding packed into one….

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Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
KTM 890 Adventure R Rally
The weather has not been kind to my riding of late and when I woke up at sparrow’s fart on Saturday morning to the sound of rain on our roof, my heart sank.

I had not done an offroad ride on my new 990 R and I was adamant that it had to happen on Saturday as I would not be able to ride on Sunday and next weekend I have a trip planned on a different bike.

I got up, careful not to wake my wife. I ran the short distance to the man cave as to not get too wet and made sure the 990 was ready to go if or when the weather cleared.

It almost seemed as if I had willed the weather gods into submission and as the sun rose it turned into a beautiful morning.

I rode the 990 R out of the estate with heavenly growl of the carbon Leo Vince pipe most certainly waking every house I passed to get out of the estate.

Within 10 minutes I was on dirt. I opened the throttle and the shot “feelgood” administered took instant effect and I was in my happy place.

I was heading into the mountains in the distance and it looked like I may get wet after all.

The Road biased Pirelli had the R’s rear snaking on the hardpack .

As I gained altitude heading towards Kaapsehoop, it got cooler and wetter

None of the beautiful views  one can usually enjoy when riding up here. Tried to sit it out for a bit. Eventually asked my wife to see what the clouds were up to from our house. Her reply was that the mountain was under thick cloud cover which didn’t look like it was going to clear anytime soon.

Got going again and made my way to Kaapsehoop. I could already smell the Illy coffee and was very upset to find every establishment in the sleepy little town still closed. If anyone was still sleeping when I left, the probably got a rude awakening as the 990 accelerated down the mountain towards Nelspruit

I arrived back in town after a very nice 3.5 hour ride. I stopped at a coffee shop and enjoyed the coffee I was longing for all morning.

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As I sat there enjoying my coffee, Just Blip It! phoned.

"Do you feel like riding?" It was a stupid question and I told him so.

I asked what type of ride he was planning. "Bring your Bosbike" was the reply....

I made my way home to fetch the 990S and met up with Mark and Louis in White River 45 minutes later.

We start off with some riding in the Numbi area. Tracks are overgrown and rutted due to heavy rains

That 990 is one very beautiful specimen.......

But beware, with a heading like "Two days riding packed into one", you could be accused of pieleswaai. :peepwall: :pot:
No Numbi ride is complete without slaptjips and a loaf of bread

After our healthy lunch we head towards the forestry areas between Hazyview and Sabie

2StrokeDan said:
That 990 is one very beautiful specimen.......

But beware, with a heading like "Two days riding packed into one", you could be accused of pieleswaai. :peepwall: :pot:

Eerder dit as piele vleg ....... :pot:
A late afternoon coffee at the Woodsman, probably one of the most famous biker’s stops in the country

Louis and I said our goodbyes to Mark as he head to White River. We made our way to Nelspruit ons some fast forestry tracks


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