Urban worrier heads north

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Pack Dog
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
Husqvarna (all models)
With strict instructions to be back by 11:00, an early start was required


The idea was to work my way north to Rust de Winter, going past Roodeplaat on the way, and then coming back via Cullinan. Previous rides around Roodeplaat have been frustrating as most gravel roads are now gated, so I thought I will see where the railway track takes me. A shortcut through a sleepy Mamelodi, and here is the start of an excellent rocky track next to the railway line, and yes officer I do have a SARailway permit just forgot it at home ? promise to bring it next time :wink:


Excellent riding, but after a few km?s I came across this bridge :shock:


Hmm, plan B required so I turned around and saw a steep track heading up the side of the hill towards the railway track. Easy peasy ? pointed the beast and went storming up the hill, about halfway up bliksemed into a rock cunningly hidden in the grass and ended up on my arse at the bottom. In the spirit of good Wilddoggedness, before getting up I took out my camera to record the beast stuck about halfway up the hill. :oops: Note the bloody big rock at bottom right of picture ? after I hit it, it chased me part way down the hill.


After using my bike recovery skills as taught at Country Trax a few weeks back (now that I think about it, they also suggested you eyeball any steep climb before giving it horns :oops: :oops: ), I decided to abandon this crossing, and look for an easier route around. Not too long and I was back on track, and found a slightly better bridge crossing


Then it was onto some beautiful long gravel roads north towards Rust de Winter


Till I got to a locked gate. :x Turn around, try another track. And another locked gate. :evil: Finally I blundered onto a track belonging to Magalies Water, where I came across this thing in the middle of nowhere


It is supposed to be an algae-separator used to remove algae from an irrigation canal, but it was totally jammed with bits of copper cable insulation, artifacts of the chronic cable theft problems in the rural areas. The dude at the Magalies water treatment station gave me an ear-full about private property and all that, but I was polite and he did let me through on the other side, and I was on my way north again. Got onto the Rust de Winter tar road, but when I got to Rust de Winter I was told bikes are not allowed as they ?frighten the animals.? Did however get to see plenty kudu, baboons and monkey on this road


Then it was time to turn around, and I headed south on the Dronkwordspruit road ? tar road but beautiful scenery


Now I was on a mission to find a farm track somewhere north of Dronkwordspruit that I had ridden first about a year ago, and it was the nastiest sandiest bit of road I had ever been on. Time for a drinks break, and by this time totally lost. Which way to go - Cullinan, Rust de Winter, Dronkwordspruit?


A while later I came across these two gentlemen, we chewed some fat and they pointed me in the right direction


Result! :lol: :lol: :lol:


This track is so much fun, really deep deep sand, and some big moments but no unscheduled landings


Now it was time to head home along the beautiful Boekenhoutspruit valley road, a fast winding gravel road through some stunning scenery. Zebra and Eland added to the list


Then through Cullinan, and back down the railway line towards home. However a final opportunity to have some fun on the rocky climb so well known from the noob ride from hell


At the top, man and beast at peace with the world


Shiiite, 10:45 already! A race to Woolies to pick up some croissants for Ms HHHusky's favorite Eggs Benedict, but slim pickings so scones and tea it will be


Candyfloss adventure riding, but there are worse ways to spend a Sunday morning!
Fact of the matter is you were out there way early in the morning and that's all that counts, nice husky :wink: :D
Mmmm... Scones from Woolies... yumm! Nice way to go shopping dude! :thumbleft: