Vendors, potential vendors and rules

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We need a strong man ... strong like Stalin..
Global Moderator
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Guys, hope you all have a great 2022 and that we can start riding, camping and having drinks again....

I changed the vendor model so that now we run from 1 Feb until 31 Jan each year - everyone.  So all vendor fees are due on 31 January each year and if you join in the middle of the year I will work out a pro rata fee.  I did NOT ask for vendor fees during the covid times.  I just couldnt get it over my heart to add an additional financial burden on an industry and great vendor friends who were already suffering.  I hold out as much as I could, but just dont have the finances to run the forum on my own anymore.  So all vendors will receive their invoice in the next few days.  Please keep supporting the forum and settle your vendor fees before 31 January 2022.  Late settlement of vendor fees cause a huge admin overhead on me - plse try to be prompt.

Prices remain the same:

Basic advertising is R1000 per year.  You'll get to post in the general vendors’ section, and advertise your brand on your profile.  You'll be a paid-up member, having the right to sell products and services on the Wilddog forum, but will not have a rotating banner and dedicated thread to market and promote your brand and products and can't advertise on our facebook page.

For R3000 pa - you become a full vendor.  Your logo/rotating banner gets displayed at the top and you can advertise on our Facebook page - 'Wild Dog Adventure Riding'. Ads here are limited to max one ad per day. In addition you'll get allocated to a vendor-group section, where you can create your own thread in order to advertise your products, provide contact details, advertise specials and interact with your clients.  Only paid-up vendors can create threads in this section.  You'll be able to moderate your thread yourself.

Please provide KiLRoy (Hein)  [email protected] or via PM with the following in order to create an invoice:

1. Business name
2. Forum name of person who will manage your vendor account
3. email address of contact person
4. indicate R3k or R1k vendorship
5. Indicate if you are taking the Full R3k pa Vendorship - in which case you must send me your logo as a GIF in size 114x47 pixels and the url to your website if you have one.

We'll invoice you, after which you can pay into the following account:

Tyme Bank
name: Wilddog Adventure Riding
Bank code: 678910
Acc No: 53000003482
cheque account
NB: Use your invoice number and forum name as reference - else I can't allocate the money to your account

Existing vendors:

I will send invoices out to the list I had in March 2020.  If you had paid in the last year  - plse let me know.  Very few invoices went out, but there may be one or two in March 2021.  If you are a vendor and cant pay the January yearly fees - plse let me know.  Please indicate immediately if you dont want to renew the vendorship.  We really hope you dont. Also - shout if you did not get an email invoice (check your spam folder) by coming Friday 14 Jan.  If that is the case I dont have you on my database - please send me an email or PM.  I will keep an updated list of paid up vendors here on this thread for marketing and transparency purposes.

New vendors:

Please contact me via PM or on [email protected] to become a vendor.  We appreciate your support and know that you will get value from the exposure here to nearly 26k members.


A few okes have indicated that they would love donating to the forum.  I have never took donations in the past.  These oke either want to help keeping the forum going or want to say thanks for benefits they received from the forum.  Some okes made friends, others bought stuff, other got good advice, some sold stuff and some just like it here.  Its time I drop my pride so herewith - if you want to donate, use the bank account below,  If you want to do it anonymously, dont put any reference in the payment.  I will research a way for okes to be recognised (in their profiles or on a board) for their donations if they choose this route.  Just add your forum name as reference to be recognized.

Tyme Bank
name: Wilddog Adventure Riding
Bank code: 678910
Acc No: 53000003482
cheque account[/i]

Big thanks for all the support.  Let us support the vendors who support this forum too.

Oop ketel vir 2022...



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