Pack Dog
Here's hoping someone can point me in the right direction 
I'm struggling with my clutch master and slave on my 990 adventure. I just received my oberon slave today - but I was hoping to replace the master too since that seal is also wearing... but not at the price KTM are asking... :xxbah:
currently the fluid in the reservoir looks more like black paint... I don't want that working its way into the new slave...
was hoping to find someone local to do something similar to this... if its stripped down getting machined - it would be nice to improve as much as possible in 1 shot...
I'm fine with changing piston size if need be - but would be happier if whoever gets the machining done could source the rebuild kit or seals - I've not had great luck with wrong parts from KTM - so just makes more sense than playing broken telephone. I believe (and stand to be corrected) that stock is 10.5mm piston - but due to wall thickness etc - people suggest using the 9.5mm piston. I am happy with whichever option...
Super keen to get it done ASAP since its my commuter - and definitely want the master sorted before replacing the slave... Would be awesome if it was someplace up in Gauteng - but if not, I am more than happy to strip the clutch master and send it wherever...
Any pointers to anyone that can help would be massively appreciated!
I'm struggling with my clutch master and slave on my 990 adventure. I just received my oberon slave today - but I was hoping to replace the master too since that seal is also wearing... but not at the price KTM are asking... :xxbah:
currently the fluid in the reservoir looks more like black paint... I don't want that working its way into the new slave...
was hoping to find someone local to do something similar to this... if its stripped down getting machined - it would be nice to improve as much as possible in 1 shot...
I'm fine with changing piston size if need be - but would be happier if whoever gets the machining done could source the rebuild kit or seals - I've not had great luck with wrong parts from KTM - so just makes more sense than playing broken telephone. I believe (and stand to be corrected) that stock is 10.5mm piston - but due to wall thickness etc - people suggest using the 9.5mm piston. I am happy with whichever option...
Super keen to get it done ASAP since its my commuter - and definitely want the master sorted before replacing the slave... Would be awesome if it was someplace up in Gauteng - but if not, I am more than happy to strip the clutch master and send it wherever...
Any pointers to anyone that can help would be massively appreciated!