Wanted: GPS Workshop in Cape Town or surrounds

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Race Dog
Apr 17, 2011
Reaction score
Cape Town
Singer (all models)
How's about we arrange a GPS Workshop in the Western Cape, is there someone who can teach the following skills to a relative novice? Anyone else interested?

(Stolen with pride from GundaGunda's post: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=89918.0) Apparently, Peter - GundaGunda - is happy to share his training materials.

Objective is to demonstrate and master at least the following skills:-

Skill 1. A ride "planning thread" says that the meeting point for a ride is at :-
S29 49.206 E30 51.941 or S29 49 12.3 E30 51 56.5, or S29.82009 E30.86568

- can you load the coordinate into your GPS and ride to the meeting point?

Skill 2. You are out on a ride and find a magnificent view site, and you want to mark the point and publish the coordinates in a Ride Report. Can you do that?

Skill 3.
Do you understand, and can you explain to a fellow rider, what the following words mean in the GPS context?
- Waypoint ; Route; Route points or Via Points; Track & Track points.

Skill 4. You go exploring with your bike and GPS and find a really nice tweespoor between Stinkwatergat and Poepolsvlei that is on no map known to man.

Six months later a buddy needs to get between the two points. Can you get the track off your PC, clean it up, filter it and email so that she can ride the track you did six months earlier?

Skill 5.
A buddy emails you a track of the Daggarokerspas, which appears on no map. You happen to be going to that area and you decide to ride a section of the track. The published file is in .GPX format and the pass track has 2000 track points. Can you clean and load the track into your GPS and then ride the pass on your bike?

Additional Skill 1.

You see a track in Google Earth that looks good. Can you create a rideable track from it and load it into your GPS and then go ride it ?

Additional Skill 2.

You get a Garmin GDB file mailed of a suggested route to a venue. The file contains Routes (as distinct from tracks)
Can you convert the routes to tracks, filter them so that they can be loaded onto any GPS?

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