West Coast with the Old Boy

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Was looking forward to today, over the border at Senderlingsdrif, then hugging the orange river back into SA at Vioolsdrif. I had heard conflicting stories about bikes getting through, but majority of the opinions before and druing the trip were that all would be fine, so was a little apprehensive abiout it.

We got up nice and early, had a quick breakfast, then we were on our way. It was a dark and gloomy morning, quite chilly, but I knew it would get warm once the mist/fog had burnt through. Harsh but beautiful landscapes at the same time.



We were at Senderlingsdrif before we knew it, topped up with fuel, did the necessary border crossing routines on both sides and then headed on, via Pont.



Not sure if the life jacket would keep me above water with heavy boots on, but anyway, rules are rules.




The Namibia Customs staff were very friendly and full of questions to which we entertained them. Great to feel welcome, often different when coming back into SA - enough of my opinion.

The next 100 Km's was brilliant, would highly recommend this road to anyone wanting to touch Namibia for a short period of time. We stopped half way through and had a good laugh once again, I was leading and came around a corner to find a young lady quickly pulling up her brooks and running (boskuk or wee, who knows), but she almost more over whilst trying to opearte her pants and running simultaneously. The my old man, she was back in full swuat mode when he came past - she must have thought when i cam flying by, shew that was a close one and then continued her relief duties, only to find my Dad following close behind me. haha, brilliant. She got a thumbs up when I passed here by.










Once off the gravel, the next stretch was quite boring to Vioolsdrif, crossed the border back into SA, and then onward to Springbok. It was a tar road from Vioolsdrif to Springbok, and I found myself getting border along the way, so I started checking T4A on my GPS for something a little less "tarry".


About halfway between the 2 I found a gravel road (although it did say Sand/Twee spoor), without telling my Old man about that part he decided that we take that route, otherwsie we would get to springbok and have nothing to do. Lekker. Well it started out as gravel for about a kilometer, then quickly turned into nice jeep track (this is the riding I really love, slow going, a few rocks here are there, and the fact you know not many people would be taking this route). A couple of fences to open and close and we where making good headway, then it all changed, twee spoor / sand / twee spoor/ sand / sand / sand/ twee spoor. THis time when my old man fell, I have to take a curteous pic.



I dont need to mention that he once again asked me nicely to not put him on these roads, huh, what can't hear you with my ear plugs in, but I got it (I am a slow learner). I forgot to mention the fact that my Dad was clearly not used to the panniers, 2 days earlier he clipped the side of my bike whilst passing me, once on the left and once on the right (the right hand side he managed to crack my Akropovic end cap), but its all good, revved him a bit about it though. During this sandy part whilst I held the gate open, the left pannier narrowly missed me by a ballhair travelling around 40kms an hour. That would have been eina. Not sure if that was going to be pay back for the sandy routes or simply him not being aware of the 2.5m width of that bike. :)

Then we saw some beautiful flowery hills just before Caldonia. To be honest I think the timing was slightly off, or too much rain. But we saw plenty of flower covered hills that held a general colour scheme, was pretty nonetheless.




Anyway, we made it to Springbok in one piece, managed to only find Nandos open, grabbed a quick lunch, then went to find accomodation. Nothing special, let my Old Man have a lie down to recoup himself, we freshened up and went to a famous Pub/Grill for a few beers and some great food - I cannot recall the name. But the beers were cold, the food was perfect, the place was busy, and we chatted plenty into the late evening. Slept like a log (regardless of "snore a lot" sharing the room). It was VERY cold and windy once again.
Thanks for sharing.
Awesome ride
Also thanks for all the info on accommodation etc. really helpful stuff.
May be heading that way again in December
You are blessed to be able to do a trip like that with your dad. Would not have minded myself
About 380kms for the Day, not too long.

We were hoping to see quite a bit of flowers, after yesterdays run in with some decent hill covered coloured schemes.

It was a bitterly cold morning, and windy again. We had a quick breakfast and were on our way. The night before we noticed a potential fuel issue for me, so my Dad headed to Mica to get a siphon pipe and I headed to a Cell shop to find some more chargers (to replace the ones we left in Citrusdal). We met up a few minutes later outside the Mica, new charger and siphon pipe richer. My Dad bumped into Wouter once again (the T4A guy). Then we were off, it was quite quick before we were on some quality gravel roads once again.

One or 2 small river crossings and gates, at the first stop I turned to get a shot of my Dad coming through a little muddy patch. He got a little too aggressive with his Boney and end up on his side.



Then the roads changed a bit, slow going, into and out of river beds and many many stream crossings. Excellent riding, took us about an hour to do 50kms. We didn't take many pictures as we were loving the riding at that point. Once again many opening and closing of gates. Went through Klein Nooiriver Pass.


We siphoned 3 litres from the Fuel Mule and put it into my bike (whilst the mule was still pretty full). We went through Liliesfontein towards Louriesfontein for Lunch and some fuel, I recall not being able to make it here without those 3 litres. The last 100 Kms was pretty fast flat going.








We had a great Burger in Louriesfontein at the Pub and Grill House, and met up with some other travellers and discussed our routes and good flower sightings. Louriesfontein itself has some decent flower growth.



We came out in Calvinia, found our accommodation (managed to get a separate room for myself). My Dad had lost some bolts along the way and found an engineering shop to replace them all, he also bought some "Kroeg", first time I had seen 660ml beer bottles of Castle Lite, and he bought a bottle of white wine for himself. We ate at the Blou Naartjie Restuarant, was quality chow, and spoke kuk the entire evening. We stayed at Katryns Guesthouse, was pretty good and the hospitality was commendable. The charger I bought in Springbok, was well, lets just say horse-shit. I think it fed power from the phone back into the grid. After charging my phone for 8 hours, it had gained about 10% battery. Left it there. Was chilly again.

Hel dit is diksand daai.  :eek7:
Jou  pa is nog n yster om daai roete met so n swaar bike te doen :ricky:
It was a long day ahead so we got a early start, heading back to Beaufort West. Karen had breakfast ready at 7am, so we ate quickly and were gone by 7.30am.

I dislike the last day of every ride I have been on. Not that I dislike the riding itself, don't get me wrong, I could spend the rest of my life on a bike, but I dislike it because I know the trip will come to an end. This trip was special to me, had spent some great times with my Dad - doing what we love and getting to enjoy it together. This makes me quite happy that I am soon to have a little male rascal, hopefully I can spend time with him as we grow older in the same way - looking forward to the new adventure in my wife's, daughter's and my life. Going to be crazy, but I suppose life can be boring if not but a little hectic from time to time.

It was very cold this morning,the Temperature was hovering between 1 and 3 decrees C. Any temperature over 5 is fine, just below that and the hands and wrists start to ache (even with heated grips, thank heavens for those at least). We hopped onto the Gravel soon after leaving Calvinia, heading toward Middelpos. We got onto another great route, slowish going through a few mountains, quite a few open/close gates again, and many water crossings (streams, etc. nothing hectic, but make the riding pretty good).





Go to Middelpos, where we filled up and headed on our way, very soon after we went down Gammaga Pass, pretty awesome and simple. Then we went down the pass and through the Tankwa Karro National Park.







Just after the National Park, we Turned off to the left toward Sutherland. We pulled over and did a 3 Liter fuel swop to ensure I would make it to Beaufort West.

On the way from the refuel toward Ouberg pass, I had a near miss with on oncoming car. It was my fault, came around a blind left hand corner, and wasn't concentrating. The road surface was perfect for some high speeds, with a little layer of loose pebble on the top, suddenly this turned against me. From not concentrating I slipped into the loose middle-mannetjie as going around the corner. It was weird because I heard myself say "Crap, Hope there is no car around this corner", then "F$@k, F$@k, F$@k, F$@k, F$@k". The driver swerved off the road to the right, and we just missed each other. I stopped in the attempt to apologise, but he was gone. I caught his eyes during the process, absolute panic. I am sure I had the same expression. Concentrate Chris!!!. The bloke must have thought I was a total wanker. Apologies.

Then onto Ouberg Pass, was so surprising as I was not really expecting any passes today, and we were already spoilt with 2. Ouberg Pass is a pretty nice one, highly recommend, nothing technical, and the climb is pretty impressive. It was still cold, and we were running behind time (to ensure we could get our vehicles back from the locked up parking in Beaufort West), so we didn't hand around for very long. Impressive views.




Then it was fast gravel for the next 120kms toward Merweville. I had my first "drop" of the trip. I opened the next gate and while pushing my bike through the gate, the side stand somehow got hooked up in my boots and I went over the high side, the slowest oopsie ever. I got up, I heard my Dad coming. Haha, I thought bugger that, he is not going to catch me on this one (after all the crap I gave him about his spills). But I couldn't lift it up because I was trying to rush. The bugger caught me, we had a good laugh and I had to pose for the Pic. Got me, hahahaha.


Down Rammelkop pass before the town of Merweville, where my fuel was getting low, so didn't think much of it as fuel was close in the upcoming town. Unfortunately Merweville has a siesta during midday, between 12-2.30 (Fuel station closed as well). Oh well, no worries, we will see how long the bike runs before getting to Beaufort West.




We worked out my Dad's bike, due to its weight and lack of pannier aero dynamics, is a bit more thirsty than my bike. So with me draining 3 liters earlier, we were on about the same fuel level. For some reason, that changed nothing in terms of us becoming "economical", in fact on the road from Merweville to Beaufort, we smoked it (it was fantastic gravel). We killed the last 120kms at an average of 140km/h. But the fuel was just enough, after my light came on, I had done 69kms (at an aggressive consumption level).

We stopped at a quick Lunch place for some food, before we sorted the cars and loading up of the bikes. Whilst we were sitting outside having chow, some dickhead with a window cleaning kit, started to clean my windshield. My Dad got upset and told the clown to F-Off. He must have thought, F-You whiteys and he somehow took my neckbrace, without us seeing. WTF will the prick do with a neckbrace, probably sell it for R100 or something silly. Wanker cost me 3k (not bothering even claiming from insurance, as time was tight and I didn't feel like going to a Police Station and opening a case. We did bump into the local Constable, and explained the situation, the locals named the prick, and the Constale said that if he located the fuckwit and the brace, he would drop it off at our place for the night. Nothing came of it.

We organised the cars, trailered up, freshened up and had a few beers and then a few glasses of wine with dinner. It was a long day and I was tired, so retired early for the 950kms drive at 4am tomorrow morning.


Thanks Dad, for sharing my "pre-next kid" trip. Was a great experience to venture through the West Coast and most importantly together. Was a trip to remember.

Was good to be home, however whilst writing this, it has recalled the great time we had. Excited daughter to see Daddy. Felt very Welcome.

Thanks for the RR.  You are indeed very blessed to have had your dad with you on a trip like this  :thumleft:
Good one Chris , the old Dog had a blast !!!!! :laughing4:
  :thumleft:  :thumleft: Great RR and pics!  :thumleft:  :thumleft:
Gigi said:
Good one Chris , the old Dog had a blast !!!!! :laughing4:

Thanks G, enjoy the Eco with him. Tell him to leave the panniers at home, else you might find you loose some plastics (or a limb or two).  :ricky:
De Chew said:
Thanks for sharing.
Awesome ride
Also thanks for all the info on accommodation etc. really helpful stuff.
May be heading that way again in December

Sterke.  Dis 'n blerrie mooi wereld daai maar in Desember gaan jy kak van die warmte. Ek was heel toevallig verlede jaar November deur Baken en Ruining (45) in die koelte teen die rivier....  :eek7: