What SW is out there for Apple MacBook to stack satellite images from Landsat 8?

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Grey Hound
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
AJS (all models)
I have managed to download satellite images from the Landsat 8 satellite from USGS site. But they are in the primary colors/plases (or whatever it is called) and need to be stacked on top of each other (there is whole lot of images of the same area in different colors - light phases) to get proper Satellite image of the area as in Googlemaps.

I've been browsing whole night and found couple of SW for that like ArcGIS and ENVI, but they all seem to work only on Windows. I'm not keen to waste disk space to emulate Windows on my Mac, so I would like to know: is there a GIS SW that can stack the images with GIS info and works on Apple?

Thanks a mil.