Grey Hound is it true what they say...that the side walls are super rigid and one can do as you have done without stuffing up the tyre and possibly your rim etc etc?riding 30km to get home on a completely flat MotoZ is it true what they say...that the side walls are super rigid and one can do as you have done without stuffing up the tyre and possibly your rim etc etc?riding 30km to get home on a completely flat MotoZ
Yes it’s is it true what they say...that the side walls are super rigid and one can do as you have done without stuffing up the tyre and possibly your rim etc etc?
I know that feeling of riding with a flat for that distance, just to make civilisation. Not lekker.
Wie se Kove kruip daar weg? Ek sien hy het getiep ookIewers naby Groot Marico.
Ek sien nou. Skaduwee op die een handguard van die luggage.@Grunder, ek is impress, jy kyk fyn. Nee, daai Kove het nie getiep nie, net baie vuil. Ons het vir Skinny-hulle raak gebraai en gekuier en sy het met die Kove gespeel.
Took some time out to visit my Oldman in Canada the past 3 weeks, 2 weeks road trip with my wife and daughter before heading out on an epic 2 day ride with my Oldman on 2 wheels this past weekeend.1540kms over two days was epic and the scenery just awesome. I rode (pretty much ran in) his Scrambler 1200 whilst he opted to use his old Faithfull 2005 Dyna with 83k odd km for the journey.
Summer just starting in Canada we saw loads of wildlife which was awesome, especially Bears on 3 different occasions.
Hi CO@Noneking . You seem to be riding the 990 R quite a bit more thank the 890??