Where has your bike taken you today?

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Went for a ride with monkey, dwerg and the guy's this morning but I ended up more on the floor than on the bike . Awsome mud and water . I eventually left the pack and headed for the tar as I was tired of falling and scared of drowning the BMW.  Newbie rides aaassss . The guys were very helpful with picking up the 1200 GSA each time . Thanks guys .
Sorry no pics but just got back from a nice little two day midweek trip.

We - ten of us - went to check out the disused railway bridge over the Bloukraans river gorge at Martindale near Bathurst. In 1911 a train went off the bridge into the gorge below, and one of the fatalities was an ancestor of one of our riding party. Some wreckage is still visible in the riverbed to this day, but the steel bridge and line is so rusty none of us cared to venture out over the gorge to have a good look.

Our ride took us via the R400 dirt road through Riebeek East, where a local gentleman flagged us down and invited us to his coffee shop, tucked away in a back street where no one would know of it's existence. There surely must be an easier way to solicit business!

Then, on to that place where Grahamstown used to be, and some more dirt roads to the bridge in question, and from there to the famous Pig and Whistle in Bathurst for a late lunch. Here we had to choose from a rather limited menu, and wait for a while, due to no staff being at work. They were protesting about whatever, but at least the full gamut of beer varieties were available, with no undue delay. Now I'm normally very good and restrict myself to no more than a single light beer when riding, but it was more economic to buy quarts, and we did have a bit of a wait, and  so I - most of us in fact - arrived in a slightly relieved frame of mind somewhat later at our accommodation in Port Alfred. Then we went out shopping for more booze and braai goodies for the evening.

This morning the peeing rain discouraged us from our proposed route via Cannon Rocks and Woody Cape, instead we settled for a wet, direct ride home.

But it was fun, nonetheless.  :thumleft:
Two 500’s boardering Limpopo, Mpumalaga and Gauteng yesterday.  Had an absoloute blast after Friday nights good rains,
By the time we were done we had clocked up 360km for a quick morning ride O0


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Catchy said:
Two 500’s boardering Limpopo, Mpumalaga and Gauteng yesterday.  Had an absoloute blast after Friday nights good rains,
By the time we were done we had clocked up 360km for a quick morning ride O0

That looks awesome! Do you have the route by any chance? :)
Minxy said:
Catchy said:
Two 500’s boardering Limpopo, Mpumalaga and Gauteng yesterday.  Had an absoloute blast after Friday nights good rains,
By the time we were done we had clocked up 360km for a quick morning ride O0

That looks awesome! Do you have the route by any chance? :)

THink thats the route we normally do via loodswai around rhenosterkop and back
Tankwa Karoo


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Minxy said:
Catchy said:
Two 500’s boardering Limpopo, Mpumalaga and Gauteng yesterday.  Had an absoloute blast after Friday nights good rains,
By the time we were done we had clocked up 360km for a quick morning ride O0

That looks awesome! Do you have the route by any chance? :)

Sorry Minxy, I never had my GPS fitted, but HSK is pretty much spot on.  :deal:
Willowmoe District


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Hey daai fotos het jy al gister vir my gestuur, ry jy stadig of wat?!! :peepwall: ;) :lol8:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
Hey daai fotos het jy al gister vir my gestuur, ry jy stadig of wat?!! :peepwall: ;) :lol8:
Dit het my 24 uur geneem om hulle te resize. :laughing4: :eek:
Offshore said:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
Hey daai fotos het jy al gister vir my gestuur, ry jy stadig of wat?!! :peepwall: ;) :lol8:
Dit het my 24 uur geneem om hulle te resize. :laughing4: :eek:
:laughing4: :lol8: :lol8: :spitcoffee:
Looks more like where has your Merc taken you today!! ;) ;) ;)
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
On their way to new owners....

Kom daai treiler leeg terug? ;)

Jip, hy gaan leeg terug Laeveld toe......
Kan net nie vatplek kry aan die 690 nie. Sal maar wag vir ń 701
Yesterday we did a loop via Pta, Cullinan, Loodswaai Pad, Renosterkop Dam, Nylstroom.
We ran out of time due to getting lost (found awesome routes) and the 690 kept breaking down so we had to return on tar.

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