Wildside's ride to Bash 'n Back

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Pack Dog
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
Honda XR650R
Wildside's ride to Bash 'n Back ~ 2013

Late Thursday morning found us battling our way through the gusting wind from Howick, KZN, on the R617 in the  Underberg direction. We had made arrangements with Dave ( Mr.G) to meet us at Tsitsa Falls, 20 km before Maclear, for a night of camping. We crossed over to Cedarville on the New Amalfi gravel road only to encounter even more hectic winds. With head, shoulder and bikes  bracing uncomfortably into the wind we finally arrived at Matatiel for a much needed rest, neck stretch, shoulder roll and fuel.

Setting off once again we were continuously bullied by the wind the rest of the way to Mount Fletcher where I was able to refuel with LRP. Despite the windy distraction one can’t help but notice the beautiful scenery of unusual rock formations, tidy thatch huts scattered around,  peach trees starting to bloom,  empty roads and the ever present Lesotho mountains looming up in the distance to the right. Slowly the holiday feeling starts to creep in.

Turning left at the first Tsitsa falls turnoff took us along a 7 km gravel road to an old original farmstead, catering for campers and backpackers, with a stunning view overlooking the Tsitsa River and a valley below. This establishment is completely off the grid and owned by a friendly young couple who made us feel very welcome. The attraction here is the falls with others of its kind in the area where adrenalin junkies come and get there thrills by kayaking over some of the falls.

Early that evening we received a phone call from Dave to say he was only in Matatiel and  was reluctant to do the last 100kms in the dark.. Just as well…..as the weather turned even fowler with a wind that helped us change our mind about camping and sent us scuttling into the little rondavel for warmth and shelter.

We were treated to a welcoming sunrise and no wind on Friday morning.

The pet lynx

Heading off to the kitchen for their breakfast.

We made an early start to view the falls which is only about 1 km away. It’s such a lovely tranquil setting with a picnic spot on the upper banks. Despite the shortage of rain there was still some water flowing over. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to take a walk to the bottom so only enjoyed the views from above.

By 8.00 am we set off for Maclear to have breakfast and wait for Dave who was riding a Honda XR 600.

A lovely display of cranes.


By now the roads had dried up and travelling was pleasant. At Ugie we turned left towards Mthatha  to experience the beautiful pass above the Langeni forest. Although a road we knew well this was a first on the bikes and we had been looking forward to it.  We first stopped at the view point to enjoy the sights below.

Kingsley and Dave….being typical males, couldn’t resist the urge to open up and enjoy the twisty turnys the pass offered. On reaching the R61 we turned right and headed for Ngcobo…on the other side of All Saints Nek pass, which was disappointing as there were road works and plenty of vehicles moving slowly up and down a very boring stretch of road.

Refuelling at Ngcobo.

3 km out of the busy town we turned left on the R408 towards Dutywa. This was a long stretch of road through vast open plains with very little vegetation around to break the winds that had once again started to build up and push us around. At Dutywa we had to ride south on the N2 for about 36 km. Now this was a stressful exercise as suddenly we had huge trucks, taxis and speeding vehicles to contend with and were relieved to turn left at Butterworth and head for the northern bank of the Kei Mouth. At Centani  we turned right at the fuel station and were once again riding on gravel and started to relax again. However, this was short lived as the wind pushed and pulled us once again all the way to the ferry, which we were surprised to find operating in the high wind.

Arriving at the ferry.

It was now mid afternoon and we were very close to um Thombe Kei River Lodge and the 8km stretch of driveway that was haunting  me all the way down…. but it was too late to turn back!!!  I was silently hoping that perhaps some road maintenance had taken place in the interim and that the driveway would be a cruise. This was not to be….somehow I managed to get myself and the bike down the narrow windy drive and over the loose rocky downhill sections without any mishaps.
With tense neck and shoulders and clutching fists I rode onto a beautiful lawned camping area with plenty of shady trees alongside the Kei River. Before I was even off my bike I was trying to convince Kingsley that my only way out of this place was by helicopter or ferry !!

We found a lovely spot next to the river and promptly pitched our tents and went in search of something cold and strong to drink in order to settle the nerves. We were all soon relaxed and enjoying the fires that had already been lit. It wasn’t long and Thorton ( Zacappa) finally arrived to join us from Durban, on his road bike - a Honda NC 700 (talk about taking inappropriate machinery to out of the way places). As the evening progressed so more and more folk arrived, beers and laughter started flowing, recognitions, introductions and greetings were made, swopping of stories and braaing of meat continued late into the cold night accompanied by some loud festive music. 

Saw the bike at the bash and wondered the whole weekend whose it was. I was on the one with the black Acerbis tank. We passed each other, I think, on the hill coming up from Hole in the Wall on monday morning..

We slept surprisingly well despite the cold weather, one inch thick mattress and the beat of music in the distance.  Having a hot shower proved to be a bit difficult but we found two available showers sporting hot water at the back of the camping area….so all was ok.

After breakfast Kingsley managed to convince me to brave the driveway once again and ride to the bike museum. There was also an outride to Mazeppa Bay which we didn’t want to do as we were heading off in that direction the following day. He removed the boxes to lighten the load and sent me on my way. I couldn’t believe it but somehow I coped once again, using momentum and choosing a good line.

The museum wasn’t quite my scene but it was fascinating viewing such a vast selection of motorbikes that must have taken years to collect and become someone’s pride and joy.  So we were very fortunate to be able to check it out.

I never could resist a handsome face.

Morgans Bay was our next stop. Sitting on ‘the deck’ with a stunning view of the sea was a treat. We enjoyed a lovely lunch and before too many beers were consumed we purchased bottles of water, as no fresh drinking water was available back at the Bash, and headed off back to camp.

Hey - I know that XT :ricky:

Nice write-up as usual :thumleft:

We are off to Zambia on our annual 2-week audit trip again tomorrow - I wonder if we will meet good people like last time?
Once again I surprised myself in getting down the ‘drive from hell’ without any offs.

We relaxed the rest of the day around the camp. Below are a few photies of a laid back campsite.

The boys relaxing.

After an afternoon of skills and testosterone challenges the evening was once again filled with lots of laughter and loud banter. Sitting back and observing all the sideline entertainment made for an amusing evening. Braaing started early and the drinking continued till late.

Offside, Mr.G and Zacappa finished off their evening quaffing back whiskey around the fire back at camp before retiring to the cold tents. Tomorrow was to be a long day of riding…only Zacappa had done this 220 km route before and we were looking forward to travelling on the back roads of the Wildcoast to Hole-in-the-wall.

A lot of bikes were making early departures on Sunday morning and heading off in various directions but not before having to tackle the dreaded driveway again. By now I was a bit more confident and was hoping that I could ride up with no hassles…….until I came around one corner and there spread out across the width of the road was a huge BMW and its rider. Kingsley managed to make it passed him and stopped on the side of the road to assist. I came putting up to the scene and realized I couldn’t make it past him so stopped my bike on the incline and promptly fell over. Kingsley came to my rescue and helped me pick up the bike. We then proceeded to help the guy on the ground who must have realized he was in dire trouble when the only help came from a chronic asthmatic and an ‘old aunty’ with her own issues.
By now more bikes had ridden up to the scene, hesitated and tried to get through the narrow available gap, but due to lack of momentum and the heavy loads, also found themselves on their sides. Once again we were rushing down the drive to pick up bikes. I eventually decided to get back on my XT to clear the road and would meet Kingsley at the tar.

It was here that I met up with Shane (SBDurbs), a newbi, who was heading back to KZN on his own. I invited him to join us on this trip up to the Hole and offered him accommodation.

Hey Karen

Lekker pics, so sorry I wasn't able to make the bash this year, glad to hear that you and Kingsley had a jol.

Looking forward to reading about your trip back up the Wild Coast  :ricky:
Brink said:
Hey - I know that XT :ricky:

Nice write-up as usual :thumleft:

We are off to Zambia on our annual 2-week audit trip again tomorrow - I wonder if we will meet good people like last time?

Hi Brink,  Good to hear from you again.  Glad you are enjoying the RR....would have been nice to see you there though. I hope you and Duncan have a safe trip....wish we could spend some time up there as well....good memories hey!
Take care.
jupiter said:
Saw the bike at the bash and wondered the whole weekend whose it was. I was on the one with the black Acerbis tank. We passed each other, I think, on the hill coming up from Hole in the Wall on monday morning..

Yes ...I do recall that. I hope you also enjoyed your trip up the Wildcoast.
The five of us then proceeded to find some breakfast at The Green Lantern.

It was 10 o’clock when we finally drove onto the ferry and crossed over to the Wildcoast.

SBDurbs - Shane


Mr. G - Dave

The going was good until half a km before Centane Kingsley’s chain fell off and got jammed. Fortunately he had the tools, the manpower and the know-how and managed to repair it.

As we turned off the Mazeppa Bay road to head for Willowvale, Dave (Mr.G) had to stop and replace some nuts and bolts that had fallen off.

It was a good gravel road and we made good time to Willowvale where we stopped for something to drink. Heading north we travelled in and out of the valleys and crossed over a few rivers, one of them being the Mbhashe River.

Zacappa and SBDurbs

It was somewhere on this stretch of road that we encountered a bit of drama. As we rounded a corner we saw a vehicle with its right front fender and windscreen smashed in. On the left hand side was obviously a support vehicle and loaded on the trailer was a smashed up Tenere with front forks broken. Despite having a head on collision with the vehicle the youngster was fortunate enough to walk away a bit shook up but uninjured.  Cautiously we continued on our way. At the Zithulele Hospital tar road we crossed over and rode into yet another valley just in-land from the Hole.

A quick stop and rest at the Mpako River

Finally we were back on our old stomping grounds and headed for the Hole- in- the- wall view point where we promptly took a few photos before heading off for the much needed Hotel pub.


Riding up to the Wildside cottage, with its amazing views, was a wonderful feeling after an awesome day of riding with great friends. I just have to mention that Zacappa , on his road bike, did a wonderful job of travelling on gravel roads and getting us to the cottage.

Off loaded and resting.

After enjoying a braai, using leftover meat from the Bash, and home baked beer bread a wonderful relaxing evening was had by all.

Widldogs with the rising moon.

Before rushing off Monday morning we all enjoyed some holiday appreciation by relaxing on the ‘stoep’ and enjoying the view.

It was soon time to pack up and head off to Port St.Johns via the 4x4 coastal route which Offside and I had done a few times before. I have already written a more detail RR called “Welcome to the Wildcoast” if anyone is interested in reading more about it.
I was also silently hoping that some road maintenance had taken place on certain sections …..but this was not to be.

The 8 km gravel road to Coffee Bay offers some beautiful views.

At Coffee Bay we all said our goodbyes to SBDurbs as he was taking the quick route home via Umthatha. After refueling near the Ocean View Hotel we set off for the next 122 km trip to Port St.Johns.
We got as far as Anchorage and stopped for breakfast. I was sad to see how neglected it had become. The beach sand had been allowed to encroach over the walls and into the hotel area. The tables and chairs were dirty and dusty and there was generally a grubby feeling about the place.

With full tummys we continued on our way passing the Presley Bay turn off and descended down into the valley and crossing over the Mtakatye River. Riding up out of the valleys offered us some stunning views across the many mountain ranges. The bridge over the Mnenu River has long since been washed away and due to the lack of rain, crossing it was easy. We all had a lot of support from the happy locals doing their weekly washing.




The next washed away bridge was over the weak flowing Mthonga River. Approaching it down the steep hill offered us lovely views of the mouth.



Coming up out of the valley ends on a steep incline of badly rutted road. But I kept reassuring myself by thinking  ‘ if I can manage the um Thombe Lodge drive, then I can manage this.’

The rest of the ride went off well and we managed to catch the occasional glimpse of the shoreline while weaving in and out of the villages and forests and greeting the pleasant locals.
We were soon back on the tar and Zacappa was in his element opening up on the last 20 km of windy roads. It had just gone 2 o’clock when we checked into Cremorne on the banks of the Uzimvubu River. After satisfying our thirst we settled into our fisherman’s cottages and prepared to head up to the air strip on Mount Thesiger.

Zacappas and Mr.G's accommodation

Offside chilling.

Great fun was had up on the mountain. We enjoyed the view, checked out the plane and raced up and done the runway. Some even tried a bit of ‘bike ballet’ while others did more challenging things. >:D

Cremorne below.


Our last evening was great as we sat around the pub enjoying drinks and dinner and feeling very mellow after 5 days of fun, riding and friends.
Zacappa made an early start and set off on his own. We followed shortly and said goodbye to Mr. G in Kokstad. As we were passing through Kokstad Offside’s bike starting giving trouble. We stopped to check it out and changed the sparkplug. This didn’t help but we finally managed to get to Swartberg were Kingsley removed the air filter, washed it, dried it by using my exhaust, replaced it and we were off once again…..but…this didn’t help either.

It wasn’t long and my bike started the same problem. We can only assume that the fuel from Port St.Johns was dirty and it caused the problem.
About a km from home Kingsley’s chain jumped off once again but fortunately it didn’t get stuck. It was late afternoon when we finally arrived safely back at home after 6 days of great riding with awesome Wilddogs !!

WELL DONE !! :thumleft:

Hi Karen and Kingsley, I would have loved to have chatted to you guys at the bash but My leg was fractured 27 km before the bash on the Friday night by a wild buck while riding with 4 other Wilddog members to the bash. Will do an RR on the story soon. I came out of hospital on Saturday after 8 days and arrived back home Sunday (yesterday). Glad you all enjoyed the bash Schalk.
Lovely RR Wildside....I gotta get myself to that part of the world! Thanks for sharing.
Saw you guys at the bash and kept asking myself where i knew you from???????

Has now dawned on me. Have read your Port St. John's RR a few times as i want to do it in December if possible or asap thereafter time permitting.