HSK tows Gerrit (the radiator broke on the 990) up to a point where he'd be able to free his bike downhill and get his wife with the bakkie further up on the main road. Gerrit Junior would take us to the summit of the Iron Crown.
Just before we turn off to go to the summit.
The road is fairly rough and rocky, up to a point where we reach the concrete strips. We ride past a forestry lookout point. I nearly think we are at the top. No, it's still higher up, says Gerrit Junior.
The last stretch to the summit of the Iron Crown is very steep, off camber and hugely intimidating. We stop at the bottom, HSK's ribs still hurt from his fall in the clay/mud on top of OB pass the previous day, he's a bit short of breath but says he'll go first. HSK gets halfway before he gets a terrible stabbing pain in his side. His ribs! I don't think doing this type of technical riding is helping for the pain

Gerrit Junior rides up on his 300, hops off and assists. HSK gets to the top and catches a breather. HSK doesn't let his sore ribs get in the way though and is ready to continue.
Meanwhile I am still looking at how to approach this last climb. Gerrit Junior rides down and tells me it's ok, it's not far to the top, I can walk up if I don't want to risk it. "No, I have to do this." I take a deep breath, I commit, I pick a line, I go, I make it, I am on top of the world!
We rise and conquer the Iron Crown.
Our reward? The most beautiful view from a place in the clouds. The Iron Crown is the highest point in Limpopo at around 2000m.
HSK goes first, I follow.
When we get lower down, Gerrit Junior's 300 starts to sputter. He's had problems with the sparkplug before and brought a spare, he's convinced it must be playing up again. A little something about Gerrit Junior, he's a fantastic rider and knows how to work on his bike. He quickly changes the sparkplug and we can continue again.
We reach the main road and get Gerrit and Alta with the bakkie. Junior agrees with dad to take us the rest of the way, there's still a bit of the route left that they'd love us to see. Unfortunately the 300 starts sputtering again further down

Before we know it 50% of the KTM's are on the back of the bakkie

We make a new plan. Junior will ride pillion with me and show us how to get to the lunch stop, it's not far. Alta and Gerrit will go back home and Gerrit will fetch his GS1200 to show us the rest of the route. The plan works like a charm, I lift Junior (who immediately grabs hold of my chest as we pull away :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: ) I have my armour on so it doesn't really matter lol, but I push his hands down and remind him he's riding with a lady :

I think he was very, very embarrassed hahahahahah!!! We had such a good chuckle! :imaposer:
At lunch Gerrit shows up with his BMW and shows us the rest of the route. It is mostly easy going from here, riding all along the Ebenezer dam and taking some scenic back roads to Tzaneen.
Words cannot describe the natural beauty of this area. These are some of the biggest trees I've ever seen. Just look at HSK in the photo for scale!
We return to Oppie Oewer, take a shower and get changed. It has been another long day, with some hard, albeit awesome riding!
Gerrit tells us to come, we're in for another treat. Who could have fathomed!? A romantic sunset cruise on the river :love3:
Ai ai captain!!!
After having some delicious home cooked dinner with our hosts, we start packing our bags and preparing for the next leg of our trip. Tzaneen to Ellisras, via Polokwane and the trust lands.