XR650L battery mod

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Dec 8, 2011
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AJS (all models)
Hi guys, while supposed to be doing some work I have been searching the internet for XRL modifications as you do.

I found this site for repositioning the battery and saving weight. I am aware of the filter box mod, but I'm not keen to cut up my filter box.


What are the thoughts? Has anyone done this? Where would I source a battery like this?
It looks like it will cost over a grand, but for saving 4 kgs, it will be well worth the money. It looks like it is also completely reversible.
The other question is how reliable is the battery, it is a Lithium Iron (gel type) battery that can be positioned in any orientation and charged by a standard battery charger. But I have an image of battery failure in some sandy spot in Bots.

Any thoughts?