Zone 7 struggling, let's support them!!

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Andy 950

Race Dog
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
I just got this newsletter (moan session)

LET'S SUPPORT ZONE 7. It would be really sad if we loose it.


Zone 7 - Adrenalin Junkie Members.

It’s been a while since any updates regarding Zone 7 have gone out, so I thought I would do a re-cap just to settle all the confusion.

First off...
NO, Zone 7 is not closing down as the rumours would have you believe.
Yes, I did resign but have since withdrawn my resignation.
Yes, we are struggling financially, but only due to non payment or under costing on events held.

In January 2010, we had our first 2 wheeler event for CTMX, February the EWXC, March the PRO-X series, April a regional event for CTMX, and then the National at the end of April. With exception to the EWXC, (Richard Andrews) all the events ran at huge losses to Zone 7.
Truth be told, if these events weren’t held at all, Zone 7 would be a lot better off. (my 5 cents)
This being in the past, we will try and leave it there, learn from our mistakes, and move on.

The future of Zone 7 Non-Profit Voluntary Association?

The new lease application was handed in last year, and thanks to the Chairman (Gayo Primic) who has been relentless with it it is only 2 signatures away from being approved by the City of Cape Town. This will hopefully give us a 10 year lease, and will enable us to secure some major sponsors for the club.

What needs to be explained, is that this is a newly formed association. There are no cash reserves that have been built up as yet. The machinery, equipment, tools, diesel etc. are maintained/purchased at the expense of Zone 7 which cost in excess of R25,00.00 per month. On top of that, there are still salaries, utilities, rental etc. which need to be paid every month.

Now, I suppose a lot of you are thinking......hey bud, we just want to ride what’s with the essay, but this is where you the riders come in to it.

Without the riders, Zone 7 would not be. It is your riding and membership fees that enable us to prep the tracks, maintain the grounds etc. Contrary to popular belief, there is no private person(s) funding Zone 7 anymore.
There are a number of riders and non riders that already assist Zone7, - web hosting, machinery, maintenance, finance etc. If you are able to assist in ANY way, give me a call and lets work something out......Remember, this is your club
PS! There is some form of compensation. You have a service we need, we have a facility you hand washes the other.

CTMX have resigned as a member of the Zone 7 Non-Profit Voluntary Association, this means that CTMX members will no longer get a discount when riding, unless they are Adrenalin Junkies members.


For the duration of the winter months ahead, Zone 7 will only be open from THURSDAY to SUNDAY.
This does not include School and public holidays, but does depend on the weather. The track will be prepped on Thursday and Friday (mornings only 9-12) weather and finance permitting.

As always, should you need additional information, please contact me via cell or e-mail

Hope to see you all soon


Park Manager
Zone 7 Voluntary Non-Profit Association