NEWBIE Ride - Gauteng 6th Feb 2011

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Race Dog
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
Centurion - South Africa
Thanks GRUNT, for convening this ride, and all the effort put into it. :thumleft: Being minus my big trailie (Due to rebuild - we wont go there now) I took the little Yammi 400XT, which my daughter & I run around with. So, OK, I had the smallest bike on the run, but jirre, it had a BIG heart. The run from Centurion to Hiedelberg Wimpy was straight down the slab, and uneventful.

Then I meet Laurika at the petrol pump,(With her RED booties) and she Karks, me out before even saying good morning, because I’m wearing my BMW Rally Pro II jacket, and riding the Yammi. WTF!! For a moment I thought, sh*t, this is a bad, bad start to our relationship for the day.

We start at the Wimpy, and its all smiles once she is undressed ( all the riding gear off!!)
Now what did you owes think ??  :ricky: Huh !!

Then she gets around to shaking every paw. Here its OROS, and CARROTS (F*KK&N Stout – There is just no other description)

All in All 34 bikes pitch. GREAT !!

For the KLR fans on this forum, EAT YOUR HEART OUT.





And the GURU, himself, DR KLR

I must say, this is a real neat KLR, and runs like a rocket. DEFINITELY NOT standard !

Then we did a bit of tar, until just outside town, before turning south onto the nice stuff. There after, very interesting, varied road conditions to challenge us all.



Cyclops  (Green KLR) and Son on his left, on his KLE


Young student couple. This mannetjie rides that 800GS like hell, even with his mooi pillion on the back ( RESPECT)

Cyclops again, pulling in at a stop, on the Vereeniging – Balfour road.


Then the SANDMONSTER reared his head. This young dog, fell just as he stopped. Sorry pel, this happens in the very best of families, not to mention THE PACK

Others taking it real careful here.






Even GRUNT, walked back to help the real newbie’s. Here he is seen watching Laurika, whilst walking back to his bike.

GRUNT the convener of this occasion.

He is seen here, “wondering where the moer all this sand came from”. He rode this last Wednesday and cannot remember it.
So we all got clear of this bad section of sand. Here, I must seriously suggest these dawgs, who were intimidated by the sandmonster, must arrange with MILKYBAR, for another weekend in Hoopstad to tame this “monster”
Another rest, waiting for the guys to catch up.

We reach Villiers, and all bunch up again, at the narrow bridge crossing before town.


Dirt Mad couple

Laurika doing her thing. (She is supposed to be the official run photographer)

So we get through town and head east , across the N3 toward Balfour. And somehow, we ALL miss this sign.

Eventually a dog or two, chase everyone down, and get them to turn back. Now I get the best shots of the day, as they all come back, and turn nice and slowly in front of me.
Everyone coming back.




This guy passes me, even when I show him he must turn, He He.


The couple again. (Jirre Lekker om jonk to wees!) en grond to ry











Last of all, OROS

Th e venue has this neat chapel.


The bikes parked at the venue


And here the dogs start to KUIR.

The bar, lounge, dining room and pool are all in one huge room. GREAT

A picture of the chalets

Outdoor Pool

So we all enjoyed drinks, and lunch. An “Honesty Bucket”, was organised for the payment of the lunch.  Lunch was lekker and real cheap. So I decided to EXTORT more money from these dogs to give to the lodge for entertaining this “pack”. You know, use and abuse of all the amenities. Nice cut lawns to sit on etc, etc. Real metal knife and forks,  (Not plastic thingies) etc. This all has to get washed up etc. The EXTORTION exercise netted R 270.00 + a couple of cents. THANKS guys. :thumleft: I’m sure this lodge will not hesitate allowing us to visit again. (hint, hint Grunt!)

Once again, Thanks GRUNT for organising, and providing us all with a wonderful day out riding, with good company, and so on. Then FINALLY, thank heavens there were no serious ‘OFFS” or anyone hurt. (That I know of)

I suppose most of us will see each other at the FS Bash. Drive safely all. :thumleft:

jinne sorry, i saw you before i had my first coffee...sweetspot chased me out of the farmhouse at sparros's fart ...and seeing such an outfit was just too much for my fragile state ...after that coffee i thought you made a fantastic choice in the outfit....

all in all, about 12 bikes fell in that was like stranded fish...flopping about in front of us...actually so funny, i have never seen people pick their bikes up so fast....incase you caught it on camera.... :thumleft: :mwink:

one injury....rider misjudged a bend in the road and decided to take the road less travelled...through barbed wire? no naming or shaming there , it was his first ride with his brand new bike....?

nice ride report...i will post my pics ..please help me? x
DoDo, Oros, Carrots  and myself saw the marks on the road / bend just above the lodge there, and were wondering "NOW WHAT HAPPENED HERE !, hoping nothing serious took place.  I met that guy, it is his first bike in his life, ad he bought / received it last Wednesday. Shit now thats a bummer, for your first dirt trip :-[ But I'm sure he will now respect that big trailie from now on.  ;)

To that guy I say, "Sterrkte Maat. Moenie te angstag kole gooi," as jy spares noodig het, gaan ACME to. :pot:
Thanks Grunt for the outride and thanks Tweets for the Great Pictures.The KLR Pathfinders had FUN playing with the BIG BMWs.Can we please come and play again?
hi guys and girls - merrick here (real newbie). Just want to thank grunt (dion), after the lodge, we were a bit behind - i went into a cornerr too hot and lost it. In Olivdale with 3 broken ribs, contusion in the lungs, bleeding in the pelves. 7 stiches to the elbow and fu....g sore. They want me here for 3 days. Thought i was doing so well, but that abs disengaging problem persisted. Safe riding, Merrick
Merrick said:
hi guys and girls - merrick here (real newbie). Just want to thank grunt (dion), after the lodge, we were a bit behind - i went into a cornerr too hot and lost it. In Olivdale with 3 broken ribs, contusion in the lungs, bleeding in the pelves. 7 stiches to the elbow and fu....g sore. They want me here for 3 days. Thought i was doing so well, but that abs disengaging problem persisted. Safe riding, Merrick
AND YOU RODE YOURSELF HOME?? good of luck and heal fast!
Lyk my julle het darem 'n lekker tyd gehad, jammer ek het die een gemis.

Bly om te sien julle kan darem sonder my klaarkom  ;D   

Dewie said:
Lyk my julle het darem 'n lekker tyd gehad, jammer ek het die een gemis.

Bly om te sien julle kan darem sonder my klaarkom  ;D   
die tjoklit sous was daar.....  ::)
laurika said:
Dewie said:
Lyk my julle het darem 'n lekker tyd gehad, jammer ek het die een gemis.

Bly om te sien julle kan darem sonder my klaarkom  ;D   
die tjoklit sous was daar.....  ::)

Merrick said:
hi guys and girls - merrick here (real newbie). Just want to thank grunt (dion), after the lodge, we were a bit behind - i went into a cornerr too hot and lost it. In Olivdale with 3 broken ribs, contusion in the lungs, bleeding in the pelves. 7 stiches to the elbow and fu....g sore. They want me here for 3 days. Thought i was doing so well, but that abs disengaging problem persisted. Safe riding, Merrick

Sorry to hear about your einha. I know the feeling. I broke 4 and cracked 1, on the way down to Vanderkloof Dam last  year 29thOCt. The last rib "grew" together about 3 weeks ago, but the entire rib cage is still "tender", when you breath deeply. Now you suck pain pills and PANAMOR's to help with the breathing for the next 6-weeks, then slowly wean yourself off. NO riding for quite while now. Now its time to heal  :lol:

If you have hassles with your bike, need spares etc, or even to talk about insurance, I can write a book about this already.Just Shout
More more mense.....ja nee dit was nogal vet pret gewees. Toe ek sien hoe baie fietse daar was in die oggend was ek bietjie bekommerd maar alles het toe mooi uitgedraai....behalwe Merrick wat so geval het dat hy 'n ginekeloog moes gaan sien. Sterkte ou...soos Tweets se toe ons daai merke sien van 'n fiets wat gaan boer het...het ons gewonder wat gebeur het. Hoop jy word gou beter Merrick.

Vir die Kawa boys.....ek sal julle nog kry julle blikems....dankie vir die jaag....dit was bobaas.  :pot: :peepwall: :3some:

Dankie aan Maruis en Grunt....en Tweets vir die foties!!!

Thanks Dodo ook vir die lekker terug sleep of eerder laag vlieg huis toe...ons het vir Cocky en SuperDave by Ridgebacks gekry vir nog 'n paar koues na die tyd.

Ons maak gou weer so!!
Merrick said:
hi guys and girls - merrick here (real newbie). Just want to thank grunt (dion), after the lodge, we were a bit behind - i went into a cornerr too hot and lost it. In Olivdale with 3 broken ribs, contusion in the lungs, bleeding in the pelves. 7 stiches to the elbow and fu....g sore. They want me here for 3 days. Thought i was doing so well, but that abs disengaging problem persisted. Safe riding, Merrick

Sorry to hear about your mishap, heal up soon and hope you get the ride sorted chop-chop!
Thanks Grunt for the outride and thanks Tweets for the Great Pictures.The KLR Pathfinders had FUN playing with the BIG BMWs.Can we please come and play again?

NO  you guys may NOT come play  again .............  youre all fooking  nuts 
Tx, Grunt, was a good day out. Gave the KLR a good shakedown, not too many bolts fell off. Popped my shock before we left Heidelberg but still managed, my butt's a bit bit sore today..... ::)

Merrick, get well soon and stay away from anyone with the flu

Great idea to put the signs out on the turns. Made for a lot better ride with everyone able to ride at their own pace. Forward booking for a lunch also a big plus, no hassle with orders and paying, etc.

It really is the way to do it with a big, informal group. Hats off to you.... :thumleft:

You should join on of docs rides someday, on the KLR though......... :ricky:

Cracker said:
Tx, Grunt, was a good day out. Gave the KLR a good shakedown, not too many bolts fell off. Popped my shock before we left Heidelberg but still managed, my butt's a bit bit sore today..... ::)

Merrick, get well soon and stay away from anyone with the flu

Great idea to put the signs out on the turns. Made for a lot better ride with everyone able to ride at their own pace. Forward booking for a lunch also a big plus, no hassle with orders and paying, etc.

It really is the way to do it with a big, informal group. Hats off to you.... :thumleft:

You should join on of docs rides someday, on the KLR though......... :ricky:
the support vehicle...the two point riders from BMW Alpina, and the dominee with the prayer at the beginning...
Merrick said:
hi guys and girls - merrick here (real newbie). Just want to thank grunt (dion), after the lodge, we were a bit behind - i went into a cornerr too hot and lost it. In Olivdale with 3 broken ribs, contusion in the lungs, bleeding in the pelves. 7 stiches to the elbow and fu....g sore. They want me here for 3 days. Thought i was doing so well, but that abs disengaging problem persisted. Safe riding, Merrick

Merrick , good luck and get well soon , mate ! Hope to see you back on the road soon !  ;D

Thanks Grunt for organizing the trip was good varied terrain to keep one's skills honed !!
laurika said:
Cracker said:
Tx, Grunt, was a good day out. Gave the KLR a good shakedown, not too many bolts fell off. Popped my shock before we left Heidelberg but still managed, my butt's a bit bit sore today..... ::)

Merrick, get well soon and stay away from anyone with the flu

Great idea to put the signs out on the turns. Made for a lot better ride with everyone able to ride at their own pace. Forward booking for a lunch also a big plus, no hassle with orders and paying, etc.

It really is the way to do it with a big, informal group. Hats off to you.... :thumleft:

You should join on of docs rides someday, on the KLR though......... :ricky:
the support vehicle...the two point riders from BMW Alpina, and the dominee with the prayer at the beginning...

This was such a great ride!! the sandy section  literaly looked as if we rode straight into an enemy ambush posistion and were being mowed down by machine gun fire! the carnage I witnessed looked like a battlefield with bikes and bodies all over the place,except for the fact that I ran out of talent in a big way, I was pissing myself so much that I would have fallen anyway! ;D To all that were there, what a great bunch of people and respect to the newbies for handling sections that took us all by surprise( that sand wasn't there, I swear) To all the "werfetters" like carrots, Doc, dodo, cracker etc. etc you know who you are thanks for the entertainement! Tweets and Laurica thanks for the pics and the company.  Merrick, RESPECT Bro you sound pretty banged up!!!! hualing that bike out of the ditch and riding it home without a whimper? tough man :thumleft  I feel privelaged to have been able to ride with all of you THANKS
What a greawt idea, an outing for newbies. Well done to all, and Tweets, its time you came back to your second home. We visiting with Nemo and Sweetness this weekend and going over the mountain to meet with Rynet, you joining us?