J-dog's Winterberg Race! *Now the Blue Horizon Enduro!!

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Morning all,

In exactly 2 week's time, I am doing my first enduro race - the Winterberg Enduro. I am putting this in the ride reports section, as I am going to chronicle my fitness and ride training through to the end of the race. I have never raced before, so this will be a big test of my fitness and skills (or rather the lack thereof)

I will be riding my KTM 300 XCW, and also need to do some bike prep beforehand.

Today I will start my first fitness session and I have had three oranges for brekkie instead of two pieces of toast dripping with extra-mature cheddar cheese  :p

Tomorrow I'll do a 3-4 hour ride at Rover, which is mainly sand dunes, and then on Tuesday I'll do some rock riding at the old Ford test track area.

I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I (hope to) do!

First pics and stories to follw soon...
You really are a piece of work. Good luck on the endeavour. Will take a ride and come and check you out.

Just aim to finish safely.
So if I am understanding correctly the first race you have EVER entered is the Winterberg............a national event :eek: :eek: :eek: That is so loaded with awesomness :3some:

Best of luck Dude it really is going to be fun :ricky:
Clockwork Orange said:
So if I am understanding correctly the first race you have EVER entered is the Winterberg............a national event :eek: :eek: :eek: That is so loaded with awesomness :3some:

Best of luck Dude it really is going to be fun :ricky:

yep the first  :laughing4:
Eish boet I think I will need to take you for some training rides! work on your cardio fitness, cycling and rowing will help! O an i have a tyre that will push you through ANYTHING  :mwink:
KTMjedi said:
Eish boet I think I will need to take you for some training rides! work on your cardio fitness, cycling and rowing will help! O an i have a tyre that will push you through ANYTHING  :mwink:

A bit of panga'ing tomorrow will help  :mwink:
J-dog™ said:
KTMjedi said:
Eish boet I think I will need to take you for some training rides! work on your cardio fitness, cycling and rowing will help! O an i have a tyre that will push you through ANYTHING  :mwink:

A bit of panga'ing tomorrow will help  :mwink:
Yip that will be a start  :D as long as you don't go and panga your foot or something  :eek:
I have actually been planning to do this race for a year, but only really made the decision yesterday. After all, why would a fat, unfit 45 year old man want to do this? I have no race experience, a predilection for whiskey and cigarettes, and a habit of falling off my bike which I have found hard to kick.

I guess the answer is “why not?”

It will be good for me. Apart from getting fitter, it will be fun, challenging and I’ll be able to (hopefully) prove to myself that middle aged men can still do stuff. Middle aged? Oh, how I hate to be in the category which conjures up images of balding, pot bellies and small talk about holiday homes. But that's the truth of it.

When I announced my decision to my family, my wife said “Are you mad? What about your stiff knee” and my son giggled and immediately shot off a BBM to all his friends. From the rapid flurry of replies, I can imagine the words

“Hey bru, my dad’s going to do the Winterberg LOL LOL”

Anyway, I shall not waver. I will not be swayed. This is the moment in time when I take back what is mine. Dignity.

One of my biggest worries is holding up twenty seven riders trying to pass me. But I have a plan to avoid holding up the entire race. As soon as I hear the sound of a bike behind me (or perhaps the words “Hey f*ck off out of the way you fat slob”) I am going to look for the nearest safe spot to crash. That’s right – crash. Nothing dangerous of course, I’ll just ride into the shrub and fall over. The indignity of leading a enduro bike peloton for five kilometres is far worse than a little “whoopsie” into the bush, caused by a hidden tree root.

I’ll be practising this fake crash technique in the dues this weekend. It should work.
As a "45-year old man" (Seniors class) you can use this year to prep for the "Masters Class" next year.  It is my strategy in any case...

Go for it, you'll get a real test and enjoy it in the process!!!

J-Dog...I am willing to take you on a prep/training ride if you like anyone else if they like....but it will be tough so let me know!
OK first step underway. Just picked up the Steering damper and triple clamp I bought from Stoebul (thanks boet!)

Will get it fitted on Monday to the 300 beast  :laughing4:



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KTMjedi said:
J-Dog...I am willing to take you on a prep/training ride if you like anyone else if they like....but it will be tough so let me know!

yes please!!! When?
You might want to pick up a box of tampons while you're at it because you're gonna bleed  :D But it's bleeding in a fun kinda way  ;)
You're gonna love it, just pace yourself and when you're totally broken, over heating and can't see out your eyes because of the sweat running into them... just remember... you're doing it for fun  :thumleft:  ;D
Buff said:
You might want to pick up a box of tampons while you're at it because you're gonna bleed  :D But it's bleeding in a fun kinda way  ;)
You're gonna love it, just pace yourself and when you're totally broken, over heating and can't see out your eyes because of the sweat running into them... just remember... you're doing it for fun  :thumleft:  ;D

ya i know  :mwink:

You are aware of the various classes I take it.

Suggest riding the Club Class seeing as this is your first race. This should not prove too arduous as in the regs it is described as "Club /Novice/ Social/Ladies"

Whatever you do, do not enter the National/Seniors or silver classes.

Good luck. I will see you down there !
J-dog™ said:
OK first step underway. Just picked up the Steering damper and triple clamp I bought from Stoebul (thanks boet!)

Will get it fitted on Monday to the 300 beast  :laughing4:
your first mistake...don't go underbar go top bar !
Good luck boet. :dousing: I did The Winterberg about 27 years ago when it was still behind the old Pick n Pay Hyper. This I did, believe it or not, on a Yamaha YZ 125. Faaarkken kak up those steep hills, but what a blast. Have a lekker time. :thumleft:
To late to start trying to get fit  :eek:

You can however try improve skills and do some technical rides

Good Luck  :thumleft:

I will be there and if we have to help you over obstacles you will have to pay in Beer  :biggrin:

fark the people behind you if they are so good they should be way ahead  8)  if they are in your class they can wait fuck them if it is a faster class let him through