Going nowhere slowly: a mini solo ride report.

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Grey Hound
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
Ok, soâ?¦ This is my first real Ride Report.

There are a couple of things you need to know first. Iâ??ve been riding a little less than a year now. And wow what a year itâ??s been.
Iâ??ve ridden with some of the Wild Dogs, did the BMW intro to off-road riding, did the Nelsonâ??s Creek Event, Iâ??ve been to places like Anysberg, Touwsrivier, Elim and Sutherland.
Iâ??ve crammed a lot of adventure riding into the last 10 months. But Iâ??ve never done it on my own. Never been solo.
There are a number of reasons for this; I lacked the experience, confidence and skill to safely ride on gravel. I didnâ??t have a clue how to change a tyre. The last tyre I changed was on my BMX as a kid!
So, I know how to do it, just not entirely sure if Iâ??m actually capable of doing it. Anyway, up until recently I didnâ??t have the tools to do so. But in the last couple of months Iâ??ve slowly been building up my tool kit.
So armed with the tools, a tiny bit of experience, and probably even less skill, I figured its time to go solo.

This Ride Report is not about an â??epicâ?? adventure or about cool technical routes. In fact, I didnâ??t go far. In 3 days I covered little over 600kms, less than 100 of that on good gravel roads.  I donâ??t think I was ever more than 150kms from Cape Town. 
But it was an adventure in the sense I looked at a map, plotted a route, and went to places Iâ??ve never been to before.
However this little trip was not all about riding. I also just wanted some peace and quiet. Which is specifically why I did this during the week. Itâ??s still not quite summer yet, everywhere is sure to be deserted. I wanted time to chill, let my thoughts maneuver without crashing into walls. Anyway, blah blah blah.

I originally wanted to spend the first night at Tweede Tol, but it only opens at the end of the month. So someone suggested Trout Haven in Louwshoek near Rawsonville. I called ahead to see if they were open. They were, so I booked and paid in advance.

My route from Cape Town went via Durbanville onto the Occultdale road, which comes out on the M302 just before the giant wind turbines.

These gravel roads actually seemed familiar, and we might have ridden them on Wesâ??s shakedown run of his x-challenge.
From there I went into Wellington and up Bainâ??s Kloof. Iâ??ve ridden this road a couple of times before and never enjoyed it!
Iâ??ve always been with a group and found that I could not keep up with the pack, and always concerned I was holding up the guys behinds me, which made me ride faster than I felt safe. Stupid, I know.
This time, I rode it at my pace with no pressure whatsoever. I didnâ??t have to follow anyone, no one was behind me, and I basically had all day to get to Rawsonville.
I enjoyed the ride up, but coming down to Tweede Tol still scared the crap out of me on occasion, I really think those tight corners are very difficult to ride smoothly.
They are doing some renovations at the campsite. Revamping some of the buildings it looks like.
I took the route to Rawsonville via Slanghoek, thereâ??s  nice gravel road that goes past a campsite, but I didnâ??t bother to stop and look at.
I stopped in Rawsonville to figure out how to get to Trout Haven, but realized Iâ??d left the specific turn-offs and phone numbers on a piece of paper at home.

Rawsonville: My god, what a little shit hole.
Iâ??ve lived only 100kms away for more than 13 years and Iâ??ve never been there before. Now I know why!
However, there is a nice Farm Stall/Bar just outside the town. Nicely painted walls. Canâ??t fucking remember the name though. But they do have Metal Cows and Barrel Pigs out next the road, so you canâ??t miss it.
I stopped there for a burger and a beer and to get directions to Trout Haven. The bar lady guided me in the right direction. Iâ??d just missed the turnoff to Louwshoek.


There is a nice gravel road leading to Trout Haven, but it does have a worrying drop on one side, no bushes, no curb, nothing.
Trout Haven is â??niceâ??, its very beautiful. But I wasnâ??t mad about the campsite. I was told to pitch my tent under the trees and not on the grass.
Which is a pity, because the campsite is in a cove of trees, the ground is hard and uneven. There is a place to make a fire and a braai. But no fucking place to sit. No rocks, no tree stumps. Nothing. It was also quite windy at night at and the trees completely drowned out the sound of the river.

Not more than 10 meters away was a patch of well manicured golf-course worthy lush grass, and the river burbling calmly and loudly. I spent the afternoon there reading, and freezing my balls off in the water.

Also, during the day, the miggies (little flying fuckers that buzz around your head) were intolerable under the trees, out on the grass there were hardly any. The following morning when rolling up my tent I almost inhaled one of them. I felt like vomiting for about five minutes.
Anyway, the point is, despite itâ??s beauty Trout Haven was a bit of a disappointment.
Canâ??t say Iâ??ll be rushing back for another visit.

It dawned a little overcast. In fact, it looked like it was getting ready to piss down today. Shit.
Breakfast was a quadruple espresso, buttered croissants, and left over wors.

The dayâ??s only concrete plan was to go fill up the bike in Worcester.
Riding past the prison I was amazed at how many inmates are KTM riders. They sure do love their orange.
The sense of irony was not lost on me. Here are these poor guys locked behind a fence and Iâ??m cruising by feeling as free as a bird. Not a care in the world.
Not a bad way to start a Tuesday eh?
Anyway, as Iâ??m getting onto my bike after 2nd breakfast, some one calls out, â??Hey Cloudgazer.â?
It was Woestersous! Not that weâ??d actually ever met before, but he recognized my Dakar.

My route down to Caledon was simple. I basically followed the R43, but turned off to ride the gravel and minor tar roads. Thereâ??s one short stretch that goes past Doornrivier that took my breath away. My god that little valley is so beautiful. Itâ??s pretty near to Kilbokkop. Country Trax couldnâ??t have picked a more beautiful spot for their off-road riding courses. Iâ??ll definitely be back there when I do the intermediate course.


I enjoyed riding that gravel road so much I decided it was time to alter my route a bit. No sense in heading directly for Caledon. Iâ??d be there before lunch at this rate.
So I turned off for Greyton, there were more gravel roads there. It started raining a bit more now, so I had to don my lime green raingear.
Holy fuck, what a cute little town! Never been there before either. You could say, until recently, I didnâ??t get out much.
I had a coffee at one little place, then a bite to eat at another, and looked around a bit. Itâ??s so pretty and serene its like straight out of a Stephen King novel. You just know thereâ??s gotta be evil lurking somewhere behind the cute facades. But I couldnâ??t find it and so pushed off.

About 5kms before you get into Caledon is Voorhoede. Also recommended to me by another WD. But cruising past at 120 I didnâ??t like the look of it so near to the N2. So, I figured Iâ??d find a tourism info centre and ask there. The lady working there also recommended Voorhoede. It was still early so I figured Iâ??d go check it out and if I didnâ??t like it I would head on down toward Hermanus.
Anyway Voorhoede is awesome. I was the only person there, and the campsite is set in a huge forest of oak trees. I half expected them to start walking like Ents or to see Cate Blanchet and some elves frolicking between the barks.
This place even has tree stumps set around the campfire. And a wooden bench!


The obligatory self portrait:

I would definitely recommend this place, the owners (Bronwyn and Anton I think) are friendly, the ablutions are clean, concrete, and functional. Very nice shower actually.
However I dunno what it would be like with other people there. It looks as if there are five or six camping spots spaced well enough apart in the forest. I suppose it depends on your neighbors and how many of them are wanting to share your nice clean shower.
Oh yeah, another thing is the N2, its close, you canâ??t see it, but you can hear those cars and trucks, a constant reminder that youâ??re not actually in an enchanted forest.
This little magic spot cost me R50!
I was being nice earlier in my review of Trout Havenâ?¦ it was a rip-off. The standard rate for a campsite is minimum R300, but since I was by myself and it was mid-week they only charged me R200. I definitely wont go back there.

Day 3 started off as miserable as the previous day. I was already in my rain gear as I packed away the tent. I took the Shawâ??s mountain route to Hermanus. A bit of gravel to wake me up before breakfast.
From Hermanus to Cape Town the weather got considerably better, and the ride back along the coastal road past Bettyâ??s and Pringle Bay was glorious. Unbelievably beautiful! I enjoyed it so much I didnâ??t bother taking any pics. And besides there is no way you can capture the grandeur on a cellphone.
Aah, what a great Sunday rideâ?¦ noâ?¦ wait.. my badâ?¦ itâ??s only Wednesday.

Two more days till the weekend.
Two more days before I go on another ride.

Good one CG! :thumleft: I hope to do a solo before Christmas....Riemvasmaak area :)
Well done Steve  :thumleft:

Pink farcking pigs !  :imaposer:

How do you like the Wild@Heart sceen?
pantsula said:
Well done Steve  :thumleft:

Pink farcking pigs !  :imaposer:

How do you like the Wild@Heart sceen?

I'm in two minds about the screen... wait... maybe three minds.

1. it looks good, so I like it
2. It definitely shields your head from the wind, so less neck strain.
3. But my god, does it make my helmet noisy. I don't know if it's my height, or the type of helmet, but suddenly its very noisy. The original screen didn't make my helmet whistle like this. (so, I've taken to wearing ear plugs)
cloudgazer said:
3. But my god, does it make my helmet noisy. I don't know if it's my height, or the type of helmet, but suddenly its very noisy. The original screen didn't make my helmet whistle like this. (so, I've taken to wearing ear plugs)

Earplugs are good!

I had the same issue with the Wild@Heart screen... The noise is generated by the turbulence above your head. The Wild@Heart screen design makes for very poor air flow in my view. I've now fitted a Kappa screen... The Kappa screen is almost like the standard Dakar screen without the dip in the middle...


my 2c  ;)
Good one Steve, thanks.

And I have the same problem with my screen, but still prefer it to the original.  I had the Aerotrim which did the same thing.  R200 gets you a set of soft headphones which act as earplugs and you can play music if you want.  Phillips at Incredible Connection.
Nice one CG. The place outside Rawsonville is called De Kraal - we had breakfeast there on our way to the Robertson child home back in May. Better not let Ektoknbike find out you rode around in his neck of the woods without greeting - his string you up by the short and curlies. ;D

Solo is good to clear the mind - I plan a little ride in the morning (if I can get out of bed - first cricket match of the season ouch :eek:)) either north or south. Time will tell...
Awesome stuff!!! :) Like the RR very much - solo sounds good!
"Riding past the prison I was amazed at how many inmates are KTM riders. They sure do love their orange."

Ha,ha, gotta laugh at your observation!!!

Nice trip to just get away on your own.