Tue 16 Dec - Loskop and north

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Pack Dog
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
I am thinking of doing a ride on Tuesday 16 December, from Pretoria to Loskop, and a bit north from there.  My normal modus operandi is to pick a geocache or three and then see what happens, making it up as I go along. 

BUT, I have these structured friends who ask, "Where are we going, what time, how long, what route!?"

So, to make sure I have at least 1 friend going along, does anyone have some nice tracks for the area?  gdb or gpx will be great.   And of course anyone is welcome who doesn't get irritated with geocaching... (I've lost a couple of buddies because I normally don't know when to stop...)
Details (I'll update as I get a track or two. Or not.)

Date: Tuesday (Holiday), 16 December 2008
Time: 06h45 until 14h00-16h00
Meeting place:  Cullinan (Caltex - S25 40.655  E028.31 135)
Difficulty:  Gravel roads, will adapt to whoever comes along.  First longish off-road ride with Percy (800GS) - might or might not have knobblies by then.  Disclaimer:  Geocaching is unpredictable, so route might vary, but doubt on this one.  However, my skills are fairly average, but 'fools foeter in waar engeltjies stout is'
Route:  At this stage, to Cullinan, then off-road to Loskopdam and then somewhere northish and back.  With breakfast or brunch at Wimpy in Groblersdal.



  • Loskop outride.gdb
    143.8 KB
  • Grob to Bronk.gdb
    125.7 KB