Simplest, most Reliable Phone Map App Thing??

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petri oosthuizen

Grumpy Mutt
WD Vendor
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 600 Z
As Above.
And apologies, this must have been discussed ad nauseam.
Bought a cheapie iPhone from a Member yesterday, that I would like to use exclusively for ONLY a GPS on the handlebars.
As ek val, of my ou Samsung verloor en breek, is ek so moertoe soos laasmaand se Salaris. AL my goete is op daai ding.
Its an iPhone 6 "S", if that matters.

I'd like something :

1) EASY to operate and read. Not really necessary to "plot/plan", ek kan dit anyway nie doen nie, en ek weet mos waantoe ek gaan.
2) If the Phone kan be used as a GPS without a signal (dunno if this is even possible).......??
3) GRAVEL orientated Map
4) I'm not worried about Places to Eat/Sleep/Stay Awake/Visit/Shops and all that Kak - JUST the (preferably) Gravel route to the next Town
5) For Free is nice, but if I must pay some subs, and its worth it - Piele.
6) MUST obviously show GRAVEL routes clearly, say, in a different colour or similar
