Journey to GS Trophy 2024 - Namibia

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The rock section is from Aberdeen country trax and is called the doodsakker. The section is about 400m long but is is a combination of thick sand and rockgardens.

The boys are doing us proud so far

They started so well, lets just hope its the 1300's that they are still getting used to and things will turn around
So I had a chat with Morne's dad. Yesterday was gruelling on the big bikes in the riverbed. The guys had a few dabs and drops. Germany had a clean run as I understand.
Post from JP on FB: The team had a awesome day. We are camping in swakopmunt. First time we really have signal again. So here is the update for 4 day. We started with a towing exercise we completed it quickly with no major issues. Finnished 5th. 2nd special stage was a section of sharp turn between very sand sections. The team did extremely well. We won the 2nd event and then won overall day 4. Closed the gap to Germany to 5 points. Off to a good night sleep then heading back to midgard where we started. Thank you to everyone for the support we appreciate it more than you know.

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