Mountain Passes for happiness

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In Rouxville I stop for a cooldrink, 1869 it’s an old town. Plastic flies everywhere, why cant we keep our towns clean ! At the garage a dad and his son is taking a Mcormick on a ride to who knows where


Like many small towns Rouxville has a beautiful sandstone Church



An hour and a half to go to my camp site
Late afternoon I arrive at camp, drops are falling and it looks omninous

It ends up raining for about the whole night luckily my tent stays dry, and when rain finally stops the wind howls through the valley you can hear it coming from a distance. Three couples are camping woth their offroad caravan setups and we have to share a grid as one can only braai under cover. My wors ends up tasting like their vatk tjops ag nee man. Bit dejected I head to my tent certainly not singing in the rain ! But there is always a silver lining and the morning is beautifull


There is no mud or dust, perfect riding weather. Lots of trout streams as I leave camp
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First dirt roads and I’m already smiling

The rail line is the much written over one heading to Barkley East, it was by all accounts quite an engineering feet through the mountains and a dangerous journey

The track is making its way towarda the mountains, lekker easy riding


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Baie opgewonde om te sien watter pad jy toe uiteindelik gekies het, maar ek vermoed jy ry reg. ;)
Geniet dit en ry veilig. 💪
… baie mooi fotos … kamp jy by Karnmelkspruit ? … die spoorlyn storie waarna jy verwys is die een na Barkley Oos ?… wil bietjie meer lees oor dit … ongelooflik wat die oumense reg gekry het … lekker ry …
… baie mooi fotos … kamp jy by Karnmelkspruit ? … die spoorlyn storie waarna jy verwys is die een na Barkley Oos ?… wil bietjie meer lees oor dit … ongelooflik wat die oumense reg gekry het … lekker ry …
Jy kan hier begin, baie interessant.

Ps. Sorry vir die hi-jack @sidetrack.


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… baie mooi fotos … kamp jy by Karnmelkspruit ? … die spoorlyn storie waarna jy verwys is die een na Barkley Oos ?… wil bietjie meer lees oor dit … ongelooflik wat die oumense reg gekry het … lekker ry …
Barkley Oos ja, dit was Karnmelkspruit. Lekker rustig en naby Lady Grey
I cross the Vlooikraalspruit

At the top of Brunbrae climb gives one a beautiful view of the valley below. I’m riding around 2200 meters but the carburetor has had no issues at all, years of Fi bikes and one starts thinking of those issues again

Camouflaged lots of sheep are chased down the mountain by a herder with two Border Collies right on his heels

Lundeans is now just ahead
Ek het my nou amper boeglam geskrik, vir 'n oomblik dag ek jy ry op empty, en dit net voor Lundean's Nek, toe sien ek dis die heat gauge. :oops: :ROFLMAO:

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Wel min wetend trek ek die oggend weg by kamp met die kraantjie op reserve en nie ON soos ek gedink het nie ! Baie gelukkig het dit nie drama veroorsaak nie, gelukkig besluit om in te gooi by a vulstasie toe kom ek dit agter.
Up and up we go, at the top I guess one has to take this picture as proof “I was there !”

Just as the decent begins I see this lookout, it time for elenvensies and I get out the old staatmaker Sardines that travels with me often


The engine braking is lekker and the descent is pretty steep but I just leave the bike in 2nd clutch out and very little braking needed

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