… to work this morning, the last stint along the railroad is very wet after the last two weeks rain … nothing like starting your work day smelling the veld and feeling the cool air …

Chris waars dit, watter area?
Damn - I was about to ride this on Saturday as well - at the last minute I loaded a mapset for North & Further south - which in the end was a mistake do to an Enduro at Bapsfontein - I would have been on that road, and from Benoni..... Should have done that!!Saturday ride out to Loskop dam, lekker roads, not too muddy, but quite a bit of water about, and some bone shaking washouts! The DRZ's first long (390km) tar/gravel trip - all good!
Kan mens met 'n bike in by Dinokeng??Lekker morning trip via Dinokeng, Pankop and Settlers, to Toeka for brekkie.
Jip.Kan mens met 'n bike in by Dinokeng??
Maar net op die deurgangs roetes.
Die R628 ( Kloof Pad) en die De Wagensdrift pad.
Sommige van die lodges, pubs en restaurante sal jou ook toelaat, maar bevestig maar vooruit.
Where exaccetly was that - Road Number etc??Saturday ride out to Loskop dam, lekker roads, not too muddy, but quite a bit of water about, and some bone shaking washouts! The DRZ's first long (390km) tar/gravel trip - all good!