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  1. D

    Buzuidenhout's Pass KNZ

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    Buzuidenhout's Pass KNZ

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    Buzuidenhout's Pass KNZ

    Look a rock. Ya there is another one.
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    Buzuidenhout's Pass KNZ

    Some pics from today. Top end is still hectic but the lower parts have been fixed up a lot. 3 new gates but all were un-locked.
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    What's wrong with the DR650's?

    Yep that is the Genuine Suzuki Bash Plate. The photo does deceive, it is quite strong. Smacked many a decent sized rock with it and it's still okay. The SW-Motech one I had on my V-Strom was really soft. I used to take it off at every oil change and panel beat it flat again.
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    What's wrong with the DR650's?

    Here is mine' Mods: Gen-u-iron Suzuki Bash plate R2k (ouch!) Pat Walsh (USA) carry rack with Rotpax adaptor. I have a Rotopax 4l petrol can and an 8l tool box featured in pic (Interchangeable) 18.5l Tank Extended screen all the way from Aus Bark Busters Standard pipe with baffle plate knocked...
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    Knobbly tyres for DR650SE - recommendations?

    I run Mitas E-07 front and back. 130 on the back, a 140 does not clear the swing-arm on my bike I get 8-9k from the back and the front 15k. They work really well on tar you can confidently crank it over in corners. Went to Kozi bay last week and they did okay in the sand as well. Whoops forgot...
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    My DR650SE nearly ready to hit the road

    I have done 26K Airhawk makes a big difference to how long you can sit in the saddle. I would say it doubles the time. I did Durban to Barbaton via Diepzicht around 700km in one ride. Also been up to Vic Falls through Bots. Non of which I would have enjoyed with the stock seat (plank). One draw...
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    My DR650SE nearly ready to hit the road

    Very nice. :thumleft: I like the mini Spots. How easy is the Vapour to install? Did you have to make a mounting brackets. Here is my one.
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    Mount Fletcher - Rhodes

    Has anyone been on the Mount Fletcher - Rhodes dirt road recently? I haven't been on it in four years and heard reports it is not so good. I would like to travel it tomorrow, saves a few k's if you are coming from Kokstad side.
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    2012 KZN Renegade ride....

    Chico count me in as well 1 XL Shirt and Chalets at both places. Thanks Stuart.
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    Links to ride reports

    Here are links to all my ride reports that I sent to the Africa Twin email group over the last couple of years.  I am based in Durban so most are of KZN. Had band-width to burn. ;)
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    North Coast ride 9 January 2011

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    North Coast ride 9 January 2011

    Some of my pics. Not sure what Eddie & Randal are up to in the bush.
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    Lesotho: Delivering the Disc

    Great year you had there Blazes. I see Fire Cracker is quite handy with a spade. :mwink: I just got back from Richard Bay , been riding and falling in the Sand with Chico and thoes other hooligans up ther.
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    Middle ground Ride ---- Harrismith-----

    Another of Winston on Buzzy's pass.
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    Middle ground Ride ---- Harrismith-----

    Winston in the Mondi plantions (Karlkloof) on the way up to Harrysmiff.
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    Middle ground Ride ---- Harrismith-----

    Pleasure Wendy. I think the place was called Waaidam, plenty of sheep and Peacocks. I will see U lot up in RB,  I will come up for the next recce.