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  1. D

    Travel memories - "padkos"

    Ah, the memories. In the 70's our annual pilgrimage from Jhb to Natal South Coast and then later to the Cape. I can still hear that roadside silence in the Karoo heat. It seemed customary to have the dripping canvas waterbag and whenever we stopped dad would raise the bonnet to let the engine on...
  2. D

    Sending a bike overseas - permanently

    Cracker - I dont think you can expect much less. I have just checked my quote. Collect from Durban (I think it goes to Cape Town), ship to UK, Deliver to my home in the Midlands (160km from London)  Moto freight is a UK company so paying in £s. Using a rate of 19:1 it comes out at R31 730 ! so...
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    Sending a bike overseas - permanently

    Hi Cracker, I can maybe enlighten you a bit. I live in the UK now and busy sending my 1150GSA from ZA to join me. Why, people will ask. My 1150GSa is in great condition, has about 65k km and I have owned it for about 5 years, so I kinda know what good and what's going to need attention next...
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    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Sorry to hear boet. These little furry friends get into your heart and we all know how big your heart is.
  5. D

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Hey boet. Going back to ZA on Friday. If your cousin can get them made and Postneted to Durban by 4Jan, I can bring them back with me.
  6. D

    Getting Nr 1229 back on dirt ** BIKE SOLD**

    Great photo Canzius I gather you might be exceeding the speed limit or just worried that you number plate would work loose and get lost ?
  7. D

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    BOZO I think you can stop worrying about the LHC because I found a few mistakes in your manuscript. 1. I think you got your bagels mixed up with croissants. Bagels are an Israeli pasty I think. 2. Switzerland don't make cars, they hate cars 3. Volvo's are from Sweden
  8. D

    Chasing the light

    Sorry briv, I already got the call  :thumleft:  Riding God, Good looks, personality, charm, youth and skill.    Ok, so I lied on my CV
  9. D

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    Oh this is funny. Ive been on Mud Island for 20 months now and still laugh at things 'that just wouldn't work in ZA' like the self help counters. The Supermarkets have stands with fresh fruit, free for kids to eat whilst trawling around with their parents. Then there is the ironing that I have...
  10. D

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    Thank you BOZO. Im having a crap day at work but snatching a few minutes during lunch to read this made me smile. Keep going.
  11. D

    Costs involved with shipping a motorbike out of ZA - not to return- Anybody ?

    Im very much a fair weather rider so it will only see summer riding. First trip will be to Welshpool for a photoshoot to make you jealous.  :biggrin:
  12. D

    Costs involved with shipping a motorbike out of ZA - not to return- Anybody ?

    Thank David, I have complete the online quote request. Let see where this goes.
  13. D

    Costs involved with shipping a motorbike out of ZA - not to return- Anybody ?

    Spares are probably more readily available Mmmm, I was hoping that that the speedo also had Mph on it but I see it doesnt. Will have to make a plan with that.
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    Costs involved with shipping a motorbike out of ZA - not to return- Anybody ?

    So I am toying with the idea of shipping my 1150GSA over to the UK where I now live. It seems there are relatively few here in the UK and they are expensive when they pop up on Autotrader. I have owned my for quite a few years, love it and know the bike so would love to keep it. Apart from the...
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    My garage projects - Current: 1981 Kawasaki (K) Z1000 J-1

    What he said. So Kobus please keep at it, you do a great job.
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    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    Like your style of writing and the humor, keep going. Having moved back to the UK again, been here 18 months, I can totally relate to what you are experiencing. You are now earning and spending OZ $ so don't bother doing the converting to Ront thing, it just does your head in. Good luck.
  17. D

    Getting Nr 1229 back on dirt ** BIKE SOLD**

    Aah, thank you. I thought it was from Richmond/Lion River KZN as in the number plate.
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    Getting Nr 1229 back on dirt ** BIKE SOLD**

    Im confused. Why do you refer to NR1229 when it has a NPS number plate ? By the way, the screen got stolen off the other bike overnight.  ;)
  19. D

    Sold - For sale: Honda XR650L 2012

    Oh boy, I dont know what the collective term is for a bunch of good looking bikes but I now need a cold shower.    :drif:
  20. D

    Sorted:Handlebar mirror mount

    They are in New Germany, just off Otto Volek Rd. Google will be your friend.