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  1. M

    KZN - Sat 8th - laid back ride anyone ?

    Deal, see you there :)
  2. M

    KZN - Sat 8th - laid back ride anyone ?

    Must have missed that one, may have been before my WD Time :) Looks like a great ride, then again even my morning commute is a great ride to me, all 5kms of it :) Will you post some tracks for us before the time ? Maybe we can meet up at fairway motors again and do the ride up to PTN together ?
  3. M

    KZN - Sat 8th - laid back ride anyone ?

    I have no problem with where the ride goes, as long as I'm riding I'm happy :) Detours are more than welcome ...
  4. M

    KZN - Sat 8th - laid back ride anyone ?

    Count me in :) How about somewhere more South ? Maybe the mountain top we 1st visited with The Badger, Lamo and co. Last year ?
  5. M

    Zumo 600 question...

    if the uk maps are on the device they will be inthe Garmin\maps folder, probably as GMAPBMAP.IMG or as GMAPSUPP.IMG. if you install the sa topo maps on the device and T4a maps on a memory card then you should not need to go through all the hassle described above and they will still be...
  6. M

    Zumo 600 question...

    The map export / upload process in mapsource will merge your maps into 1 file on the device, namely GMAPSUP.IMG. The way I do it is to export only 1 set 1st, namely T4A, then browse the device in windows explorer and rename the GMAPSUP.IMG to T4A.IMG. you can then go back to mapsource and...
  7. M

    KZN - Mqeku Gorge visit. <<+ 2nd visit pics>>

    Always lurking. been struggling to find time to ride on Sundays, life keeps getting in the way, but my Saturdays are all free :) (The wife works on Saturdays  :peepwall:)
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    KZN - Mqeku Gorge visit. <<+ 2nd visit pics>>

    I'd be happy to lead a ride on a Gunda route :)
  9. M

    XT660 Z - Owners group

    Congrats imo, now the cops will just ignore you despite your best efforts to rub the license in their faces  ;D
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    KZN Valley of 1000 hills dawdle - 20110903.

    Im in for sure, will see if i can persuade the wife to pillion :)
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    KZN Valley of 1000 hills dawdle - 20110903.

    Thanks again to GG for another fantastic ride and the all important coffee :) Here's a few pics so long while i'm still going through all the video captured with the helmet cam. Peter, I think your demons are slain, you rode well and led the group at a great pace :) Please excuse the low...
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    KZN - Valley dawdle Sat 3rd Sep 2011 **Is On**

    Of course, I'm just along for the ride, thought it was closer than that, but its no problem at all. I'm gonna check for some rice roads on route for a ride on Sunday on the Plastic too ;) See you guys in the morning at the garage. GG what time are you leaving DBN? I need to put some gas in 1st...
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    KZN - Valley dawdle Sat 3rd Sep 2011 **Is On**

    I see we pass a geocache along the route, maybe take a few mins to find it ? Quote "The cache should be easy to find. It is located at one of the view sites overlooking the magnificent Kloof Gorge, below the Kloof Falls. Just be careful to stay away from the edges of the cliff! The cache...
  14. M

    KZN - Valley dawdle Sat 3rd Sep 2011 **Is On**

    Sounds interesting, let me see if I can shuffle some things around on Saturday so I can join too :)
  15. M

    Some KDX Hooning between Umhlanga & Sibaya

    Thanks, had an absolute blast. I ride the route often on the 660Z, its well suited for any middleweight bike but gets trickier from Sibaya onwards for the big 1200's, although in the hands of some it would be an easy ride on any bike :)
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    Some KDX Hooning between Umhlanga & Sibaya

    No report, just a visual aid ;)
  17. M

    *ping* pilots - are there roads in the sky?

    the simple answer is Yes, commercial planes use nav beacons etc to fly from point to point and these vary by altitude as well, the more detailed answer is that the rules vary for instrument and visual rules. so, yes, there are highways in the sky but just like bikes, planes are not bound to...
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    KDX 200 Strange Noise

    Good Morning I recently aquired myself a very good condition 2006 KDX 200. The bike is stock standard and runs like a dream. Its been meticulously maintained and is as clean as the day it left the dealership in 2008. Yesterday I took it for its 1st proper ride, performance is great...
  19. M

    Ram mount-Garmin 60cx

    I got mine from Gear Up in Umhlanga. Last I checked they still had stock too :)